IBPS RRB Clerk 2019 Admit Card Out: Download Prelims Admit Card Now


IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Admit Card Out!

IBPS conducts online examination for various commercial banks and rural banks, i.e. RRBs. IBPS had released the official recruitment notification for IBPS RRB Officers (Scale 1,2&3) and IBPS Office Assistant (Group ‘B’)recently. IBPS RRB Recruitment is one of the most awaited among all aspirants looking for a chance to work in the banking sector. IBPS has now released the admit card for IBPS RRB Clerk Preliminary Examination. Candidates can download their admit card from ibps.in. The online preliminary examination for IBPS Clerk has been scheduled to be held on 17th, 18th & 25th August. A good number of vacancies have been released by IBPS RRBs. It is a golden opportunity for all the candidates who have been preparing hard for a banking job since long. Those who will be able to qualify this first stage will be called for the next stage of IBPS RRB Main Examination.

                        Download IBPS RRB Clerk Admit Card Here

IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2019: How To Download Your Admit Card?

Candidates can download the admit card for IBPS Clerk Prelims by following some simple instructions:

  • Once you click on the link given above, you will be directed to the login page on the official website of IBPS: www.ibps.in where you can download the admit card by entering the information required.
  • Once you reach the login page, you need to enter the Registration No. / Roll No. and Password / DOB (dd-mm-yy) at the required places to download the SBI Clerk Mains call letter/admit card.
  • You will have to download the admit card from the regional website.
  • You need to make sure that the date of birth is the same as the one entered at the time of registration.
  • The date of birth should be entered in DD-MM-YY format.
  • The admit card should be brought along with a valid identity proof to the exam centre.

As the IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims admit card has been released by IBPS, it is the appropriate time to start your revision and practice. You can practice IBPS Clerk Prelims free mock tests regularly and improve your scores by increasing your speed and accuracy. You should try your best to achieve the desired results.

All The Best!

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