2019 Bank & SSC Exams Preparation: Tips to Study Effectively


How To Study Effectively?

A majority of you might be here because you must be preparing for one or the other competitive exam. Though preparation is the most significant part of any examination process, how you prepare is the second most important thing. Whatever you study should be able to help you on the final day of the examination. These days most of us are preparing for banking exams like IBPS PO, SBI PO, RBI Grade B or RBI Assistant etc. All these exams test your accuracy, knowledge as well as speed. There are other exasms also like SSC CGL, SSC MTS, SSC CPO etc. A large number of exams are being conducted or are going to be conducted in 2019. Therefore, you should realise that there is a lot of difference between ‘studying’ and studying ‘effectively’. Effective study methods can provide students a path that pushes them to the next grade. Increasing potency is one among the foremost necessary tips to assist people understand the way to learn quicker by developing mastery and focus. To help you with your preparation, the following tips may come in handy while trying to ‘study effectively’.

Tips to Study Effectively

  • Habit of Constructing Notes-
    To study effectively, someone is needed to grasp what he or she is learning. A good method of understanding is by creating notes of the content you’re reading. The key of note creating is that you simply create points on the idea of your understanding. Another way is using summaries. Summaries are a written record of all the important points in a short and concise version. These measures are excellent techniques for using when an exam is approaching.
  • Place of Study-

This decision is up to the individual. You should find the place where you feel comfortable. 

  • The place you have chosen should be well lighted. Places with poor lighting are more likely to make you sleepy and affect your eyes too.
  • If you need background noise, you may like to go with light music, whereas those who prefer absolute silence, a library may be the best option for people.
  • There is not a fixed time where to study. You can study whenever you feel comfortable. If you are comfortable at night, feel free to study at night and if you are comfortable with morning, get up early in the morning.
  • Distractions and Interruptions-

 A distraction is something like your computer or facebook whereas an interruption is something like a phone ringing or tv noise. Keep all distractions away from yourself while you are studying and choose a time  when you are alone or it’s quiet enough for you to study. It takes a lot of concentration to study properly, and once you are distracted or interrupted by this it is difficult to focus again.

  • Goal Setting-

To make progress with your studies, it’s good if you set mini goals or objectives for yourself. Fix an allocated amount of work you want to complete for a day and make sure you do it. Every time you set a mini goal, reward yourself. This will assure that you are properly motivated and also refresh your mind.

  • Stay positive-

Some students keep negative thoughts in their mind even when studying 8 hours a day. And that’s a completely wrong approach. Take some time to read workbooks, do exercises, and make other preparations. But then, take some time to relax, have a good night’s sleep, and build your confidence.

  • Practice –

One important point that should not be neglected in this whole preparation process is ‘practice. Almost all the exams these days are online and therefore you need to develop the skill of attempting and excelling in the online examination. To make that possible you can practice free mock tests as much as you can.

Also Read:

How To Study Smart?

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