IBPS PO Prelims Subject Wise Syllabus 2019


IBPS PO Exam 2019

IBPS finally released the recruitment notification for the post of IBPS PO 2019. A large fraction of job aspirants eagerly wait for the IBPS notification as it gives them a chance to appear in the online examination through which they are able to make their way into one of the participating banks. Banking sector has gained a lot of popularity among the job aspirants recently owing to the perks, benefits and a reasonable salary package which lets them lead a stable and dignified life. Though the exam calendar was released long back by IBPS but this notification was long awaited. IBPS notification gives a new hope to all those candidates who might have appeared for SBI or other bigger exams and failed to get through. Towards the end of the year, IBPS comes with a new hope for all such candidates who are preparing hard to get into the banking sector. Due to the large number of banks participating in the IBPS Common Recruitment Process (CRP), this is a larger than life opportunity for all the candidates as there are a large number of vacancies in the IBPS CRP notification. This year IBPS has released more than 4000 vacancies for the post of PO. IBPS PO is one of the most important and sought-after jobs as it provides a certain status along with stability in life. Being one of the most competed job examinations, IBPS PO 2019 is not going to be an easy task. 

IBPS PO Prelims 2019 

IBPS PO recruitment examination is conducted in three phases: Prelims, Mains & Interview. All the candidates who have applied for the post need to first qualify the first phase of IBPS PO Preliminary Examination 2019 after which they will be called for Mains. The IBPS PO Prelims 2019 will be qualifying in nature and these marks obtained by a candidate in this stage will not be considered in the final process. There will be 3 sections here: English Language, Reasoning Ability & Quantitative Aptitude which will consist of objective type questions that can be answered in both English & Hindi except in the test of English Language. The IBPS PO Prelims 2019 is scheduled to take place on 12th,13th,19th & 20th October 2019. The examination usually takes place in various shifts throughout Saturday & Sunday of the month.

As IBPS PO Prelims is the gateway to success and the means to achieve your desired goal, all applicants need to be well prepared for the challenge ahead. 

2019 IBPS PO Prelims Subject-wise Syllabus

IBPS PO Prelims being an important stage that brings you one step closer to achieving your goal of becoming a bank officer, you should be on your toes when it comes to exam preparation. To ensure that you fare well in the first stage of the IBPS PO 2019 Examination, you should first take note of all the important exam related information. For the first, the important thing that you need to know is the exam syllabus. Note down the IBPS PO Prelims 2019 subject-wise syllabus and then plan your preparation accordingly.

English Language Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning


Percentages Analogy




Ratio and proportion Classification




Averages Word formation




Mixture and alligation Statement and conclusions
Word formation


Time and work Syllogism


Idioms and phrases


Speed, distance and time Statement and assumptions



Fill in the suitable words Stocks and shares  Statement and arguments


Grammar Partnership Coding decoding


Spotting errors Clocks Blood relations


Sentence correction Volume and surface Area Passage and conclusions


Active/ passive voice Height and Distances Alphabet test


Phrases and idioms Logarithms Series test


Direct and indirect speech


Permutation and combinations


Number, ranking and time sequence


Reading Comprehension Simple and compound interest Direction sense test


Passage completion Equations Decision-making test
Theme detection Probability Figure series


Deriving conclusion


Trigonometry Input/output,


Rearrangement of passage  Profit, loss and discount Assertion and reasoning


Mensuration Sitting arrangement


Elements of algebra Odd figure out


Data Interpretation Analogy


Series test


Miscellaneous test

 To make the most of this available time, you should keep few points in mind:

Also Read:

IBPS PO Prelims 2019 Detailed Exam Pattern

IBPS PO 2018: All Shift Analysis

Best Books for IBPS PO 2019

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Prepare for IBPS PO 2019 exam under expert Guidance. Check out free demo of IBPS PO 2019 Online Course.

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