Best Motivational Books for Students


Best Motivational Books of All Times For Students

Books are Man’s Best friends; 

You may have heard this many times in your life and it holds true in many ways. Books gives you perspective in life. It fills you with knowledge and wisdom. 

Many of you are preparing for competitive examinations for a long time now and while doing that, feeling to quit comes very naturally to us. This is the time when motivational books come to the rescue. Although motivation comes from within but there are times when we need some validation from outside to keep us going. 

While some prefer reading motivational quotes or success stories, some like reading motivational books which gives them a boost and energy to start it all over again with full zeal and compassion.

Although this depends on person to person that what kind of books gives them motivation like some like reading autobiographies of great leaders while some like reading stories which include a spirit of fearlessness, leadership and passion etc. In this article, we are listing some of the favourite and best-selling books of all times which will help in boosting your confidence, guide you and let you think about your goal with different perspective.

  1. The Alchemist (by Paulo Coelho):  With over 65 million copies sold worldwide, this book is like an obsession, you cannot put it down once you start reading it. With extremely engaging story, this book tells you to follow your passion no matter what. The whole story revolves around a boy named Santiago who amidst all odds followed his dreams. Beautiful storyline with impressive writing makes this book a must read for all the students who want to follow their passion or looking for motivation to do it.

2. THE 5 A.M. CLUB (by Robin Sharma):  With more than 13 books under his name, this book stands tall because of its relevance in the world. Every second person is concerned about waking up early nowadays and they want to find a way out. As the name suggests this book tells you the reason why you should wake up early to chase your dreams. This is a perfect motivation for those who are struggling in waking up early. THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI is also one of his highly acclaimed work till date. 

3. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF (by Dr Joseph Murphy): More than a book, this is a self-help guide which tells how to make your dreams come true and to achieve success in life. This book of mere 73 pages tells you how to cut straight about your potential and how with a right mental attitude and by stimulating conscious mind you can achieve whatever you want in life. This (THE POWER OF CONSCIOUS MIND) author wrote over 30 books on the same topic, being the latter one his best-selling book till date.

4. COMPLETE WORK OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA: Swami Vivekananda is among such strong personalities which every Indian admires. He represented India and Hinduism at a global platform.  All his life he worked for betterment of our society. His speech in Chicago which he delivered in 1893 is still one of the best speeches. This book which is an autobiography of him is proven as a boost for any individual who is looking for a motivation. Other than this book Karma yoga, Jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga and Meditation are few other books that you can get your eyes on.  

5. STEVE JOBS (by Walter Isaacson): This book of more than 600 pages is written by a former executive of CNN and TIME Mr. Walter Isaacson on the request of Steve jobs. This book includes every minute detail of Mr jobs life starting from his early childhood to his success as an owner of globally acclaimed company (Apple). The book left no stone unturned about his life, let it be his struggles, his success or his personal life etc. This book will give readers an urge to become like him and give them an understanding of where passion and love for your work can take you. 

6. IGNITED MINDS (by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam): Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is one of the modest and humble personalities our country has ever seen. Dr Kalam wrote this book after he met school students and found out immense potential in our country to become a developed nation. He urges us to dream and explain how a dream can change lives and future of a nation. This book motivates you to another level. Other than this, WINGS OF FIRE is another masterpiece by him which got huge applaud, this book is basically an autobiography of him in which a reader will get to see his journey right from his village to becoming a president of India. His struggles will encourage you to keep trying and to believe in your dreams.

7. THINK AND GROW RICH (by Napoleon Hill):  This book is one of the greatest works by Napoleon hill. Having sold 20 million copies, it promises you to give a magic formula for success, wealth and wisdom. He just wants you to follow his guidance and you’ll be there getting success. These are not just the talks, but this book lays down 13 principles and explain to you how you can apply them to get success in life. You may think that it maybe only for business entrepreneurs, but this book is for anyone who wants to succeed in life.

Some honorary mentions:

Other than the books mentioned above, there is a list of some books which are equally good. If you want to read more books than above, you can take the following into consideration:

  1. Life’s Amazing secrets by Gaur Gopal das.
  2. The greatness guide by Robin Sharma.
  3. The kite runner by Khalid Husseini.
  4. You can win by Shiv Khera.
  5. Eat that Frog by Brain Tracy.
  6. Life of Pi by Yann Martel.
  7. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R. covey.
  8. Elon musk by Ashlee Vance. 

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