RBI Grade B Phase 2: Last Minute Tips


RBI Grade B exam aspires to be one of the toughest exams in the country. Immense hard work, dedication, and constant practice are the essentialities required to crack this exam. RBI Grade B Phase 2 DEPR/ DSIM will be held on March 31 and RBI Grade B Phase 2 DR (General) exam is scheduled for April 1, 2021. Just one day left for your second battle and the importance of this time cannot be undermined. 

Before Exam

Review your short cut tricks and data points

If you have noted down any short-cut tips or methods for your objective paper of ESI and FM and also any key points for the descriptive ESI, FM, and English paper review that and learn it well.  

Analyze your requirements

Keep all your logistics ready in one place before going to sleep. Your admit card, necessary documents, your wallet, and any other required materials should be kept along with you. Don’t leave these things for the morning.

Take good sleep

The night before the exam you must take proper sleep to keep your mind fully active in the exam hall. It is advisable to take at least 7-8 hours of sleep the night before the exam. Your brain will only function if you give it a proper rest.

During Exam

Keep yourself calm and focus only on the goal

It helps you devise a better strategy. The game is of nerves, to perform your best you have to keep your nerves in complete control. Take it like any other exam and just focus on solving the questions. To reach your question in a proper way follow the tree given below:

There is no surprise if you are prepared for the unexpected

Just like RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam was full of surprises so be prepared for the unexpected. The exam may bring you any surprise in the descriptive papers of ESI and FM. Do not panic, the change (if any) in the exam is there for all. Take a deep breath and frame everything in mind and then begin to attempt. Welcome the change and accordingly change your strategy depending on what questions you are able to solve correctly and fast.

Don’t lose good money after bad money

We all are slaves to commitment bias. You have limited time to write your paper. If you are stuck on a question and you are not able to figure out what to write then leave the question immediately. The moment you realize that you are not confident to solve or it is taking more time, immediately exit from there. Do not waste more time (your most precious resource).

Be confident and best wishes for the exam.

Also Read:

RBI Grade B Phase 2: Strategy to write 2000 words in 90 minutes!

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Information Handout 2021: All You Need to Know

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