All Government Exams for Law Officers


There are several exams conducted throughout the year for the recruitment of Law/Legal Officers at various institutions. In this article, we discuss all the exams conducted for Law Officers, their age and eligibility criteria and the exam patterns for each. 

All Government Law Officer Exams Overview

Exam NameAge CriteriaEducation CriteriaExam Pattern
SEBI Grade A Legal OfficerMaximum Age- 30 yearsBachelor’s Degree in LawPhase 1
Phase 2
IBPS SO Law Officer (Scale 1)21-30 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Law Enrolled as an advocatePhase 1
Phase 2
NABARD Grade A Legal Officer20-30 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Law with 50% or LLM with 45%Phase 1
Phase 2
RBI Grade B Legal Officer21-32 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Law with 50%Phase 1
IBPS RRB Law Officer (Scale 2)21-32 yearsBachelor’s Degree in Law with 50%Phase 1
FCI AGM LawMaximum Age- 33 yearsBachelor’s Degree in LawPhase 1

All Government Law Officer Exam Pattern(s)

Let us now take up each exam one by one and study the exam pattern for each in detail. This will help us understand how similar the syllabi for each of these exams are and how you can prepare to appear for more than one of these exams at a time. 

SEBI Grade A Legal Officer

The written exam is conducted in two phases. Each phase has two papers each. 

Phase 1

Paper 1: 

  • English 
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning 
  • General Awareness

Paper 2: 

  • Legal Knowledge

Phase 2

Paper 1: Descriptive English

Paper 2: Legal Knowledge 

IBPS SO Law Officer (Scale 1)

The written section of the exam is conducted over two phases. Each phase has one paper each. 

Phase 1: Paper 1

  • English 
  • Reasoning
  • General Awareness 

Phase 2: Paper 1

  • Legal Knowledge 

NABARD Grade A Legal Officer

Phase 1: Paper 1

  • English 
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning 
  • General Awareness
  • Computer Knowledge
  • Economic and Social Issues
  • Agriculture and Rural Development

Phase 2: 

Paper 1: Descriptive English

Paper 2: Legal Knowledge 

RBI Grade B Legal Officer

Phase 1

Paper 1: Legal Knowledge 

  • Objective- 30 marks
  • Descriptive- 120 marks

Paper 2: Descriptive English 

IBPS RRB Law Officer (Scale 2)

Phase 1: There is only 1 paper

  • Quantitative Aptitude 
  • Reasoning 
  • Financial Awareness
  • Computer Knowledge
  • Professional Knowledge (Law)
  • English/Hindi


Phase 1: Paper 1

  • Professional Knowledge (Law)
  • Reasoning 
  • Data Analysis
  • Numerical Ability
  • General Awareness/ Current Affairs
  • Management and Ethics
  • Agriculture & Agriculture Economy
  • Computer Awareness

Government Exams for Law Officers: Comparative Syllabi 

Provided below is a comparison of the syllabi for all the Law Officers exam in tabular form. This will help you easily compare and cross-check the syllabus for all the exams. If you are preparing to appear for more than one of these exams, this table will be particularly beneficial for you. 

Quantitative AptitudeYesNoYesNoYesYes
General/Financial AwarenessYesYesYesNoYes(FA)Yes
ARDNoNo YesNoNoYes
Computer KnowledgeNoNo YesNoYesYes
Management & EthicsNo No NoNoNo Yes
Legal KnowledgeYesYesYesYesYesYes
Legal DescriptiveNo No NoYesNoNo
Descriptive EnglishYesNo YesYesNoNo

As you can see from the table above, Legal Knowledge is tested in every examination. There is no English test at all in the FCI AGM Law exam. Legal Descriptive is tested only in the RBI Grade B exam. Reasoning and General Awareness is tested in every exam except RBI Grade B. 

Once you are aware of the similarities (or, lack thereof) in the syllabi for all the exams, you can begin your preparation accordingly. It would be prudent to prepare for more than one of these exams at a time because the competition is tough and you should not lay all your eggs in one basket. 

At ixamBee, we provide a range of online courses to help you prepare for the government exam of your choice. Our comprehensive online courses offer specially designed courses with a range of study material available at your disposal. You can also attempt free mock tests for one or more of these exams as well. 

At ixamBee you can find free Mock Test Series, GK updates in the form of BeePedia, as well as latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI  NABARD and Other Government Jobs.

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IBPS SO Law Officer: How to prepare in 8 months??

How to Prepare Quant for NABARD Grade A

IBPS SO, NABARD Grade A: Law Officer Details

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