FCI AGM 2021: Last Minute Tips


The FCI (Category 1) Exams 2021 are only a few days away now. The FCI Assistant General Manager (Accounts/Law/Technical) and Medical Officer exam is scheduled for Saturday, July 17, 2021. The Assistant General Manager (General Administration) will be held the next day on Sunday, July 18, 2021.

In this article, we will share some sure-fire tips with you that you must use in these last few days that will help you ace your exam. 

FCI AGM 2021 Last-Minute Dos and Don’ts. 

  • Be confident: It is quite normal to feel like you’re under-prepared for the exam even after months of rigorous preparation. However, don’t let your nerves get the better of you. You have studied hard and your hard work will be rewarded. 
  • Rest well: Now is the time to step back and take some rest. You have been working hard for weeks and now, a few days before the exam, it is time for you to rewind and relax. It is important that you are well-rested on the day of the examination. It will revitalize your mind and enhance your overall performance. 
  • Don’t begin new topics: If you feel like you have missed some topics in your preparation, now is not the time to study them. Focus on what you have already prepared and believe that it will help you sail through. 
  • Revise your notes: If you have been making notes during the course of your preparation, use this time to read and revise with their help. 
  • Brush up on your General Awareness: You can brush up on your General Awareness in these last few days. While it makes for a light read, it is a very scoring subject for your exam. Use this time to read updates on BeePedia. These short and germane notes will give you an overview of important events from all areas of Current Affairs. 
  • Prepare yourself for D-Day: Now that you are well-aware of how your overall preparation stands, make a rough plan for your exam-day strategy. Which section(s) will you attempt first? Which section(s) will take you more time than others? Have an idea in your mind about how you will approach the paper. 
  • Pack your bag and sit tight: Make ready the bag you will carry on your exam day a night before the exam. Ensure you are carrying all the things you will need and at the same time ONLY the things you will need. Most importantly, remember to carry your id proof and admit card. If you have still not downloaded your FCI AGM 2021 Admit Card, do that NOW!
  • Re-read the instructions: It would be wise to re-read the general instructions provided in the official notification once again so that you have everything in order. 
  • Maintain safety measures: While you may have a hundred other things on your mind on the day of the exam, do not let your safety measures slip at any point. Make sure you don’t forget to wear a mask to the exam centre in all your hurry. Maintain a distance if you have to stand in a line of any sort while entering or exiting the exam hall. Most importantly, remember to carry a sanitizer and to sanitize your hands frequently.

We know you have been studying hard and practicing diligently for your exam. While it’s okay to be nervous, do not let your worry get the better of you. On the day of the exam, calm your nerves and remain confident. You got this!

ixamBee wishes you all the very best!!

Since there is only one written examination, this is your win it or lose it opportunity. It is time now to give your all. We hope this quote by Bill Murray will inspire you to go seize the day.

“Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless you’re donating blood”

At ixamBee you can find free Online Test Series, GK updates in the form of Beepedia, as well as latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI, NABARD and Other Government Jobs.

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General Awareness for FCI AGM

FCI AGM 2021: Preparation Strategy for Management and Ethics

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