Are you preparing for the RBI Grade B Interview? Are you worried about making a good impression on the interview panel? Do you become nervous at job interviews? If so then you have come to the right place.
In this series of blogs, I will be revealing some very interesting aspects related to interview preparation in a simple and candid style. I have been mentoring aspirants for interviews for several years now and will share with you my insights from years of experience on how you can successfully clear the interview round as well.

This year in 2024, RBI announced 94 vacancies for the Grade B- General officer post. This is a considerably low number of vacancies for this post that has been announced by the RBI in many years. The response, however, has not been less either; lakhs of candidates have applied for the coveted job this year. Candidates have finally made it from the RBI Grade B Prelims conducted in September this year to the RBI Grade B Mains result.
Two daunting months and two phases (of written examination) later, 198 candidates have made it to the final phase of the selection process for RBI Grade B vacancies – the RBI Grade B 2024 Interview.
First of all, many congratulations, if you have made it to the Interview stage. You should be proud of yourself and give yourself a pat on your back for making it this far. However, keep moving towards the finish line; 198 Interview candidates for 94 vacancies effectively means that 1 out of every 2 candidates is finally going to make it all the way. So how to make sure that YOU are the ONE candidate selected out of the 2 candidates for the RBI Grade B 2024 Interview?
In a series of blogs, I will discuss your RBI Grade B Interview preparation strategy and the mistakes to avoid. So let’s get started without further ado with our first topic of discussion. In this blog, I will elaborate on the meaning of an Interview. It is important to know the meaning and purpose of an Interview to prepare for it well.
What is an Interview?
A simple dictionary meaning will tell you that an Interview is a meeting at which somebody is asked questions to find out if he/she is suitable for a job. The keywords here, to focus on, are “questions” and “suitable”. I have been taking Interviews for almost 6-7 years now and have been mentoring for Interview preparation for the last 3 years. Over the years I have noticed that the understanding about an Interview, amongst the prospective candidates, has remained narrow and information-focused. For the majority, Questions = job-related technical information. This is a very narrow understanding and has been the major reason why so many candidates fail at Interviews, despite being very bright academically.
So what is the broader or correct understanding of “questions”? Here comes in the second word I asked you to focus on in the definition of an Interview – “suitable”. The questions not only revolve around the information related to the job profile but also help to understand if the candidate is suitable for the organization. You might have heard about the recruitment concept of “right person for the right job”. Recruitment is a very tedious and costly (and not just in terms of money but also the number of human hours invested) process for any organization; and therefore, it is imperative for the organization to find the right person for the job, who is not just likely to excel in the work/task assigned but is also a right fit with the core values and vision of the organization and would be instrumental in achieving the goals of the organization. The questions asked in the Interview also try to understand the personality of the candidate. So when you prepare for the interview, keep in mind, not just the answer but also how you answer the question.
Do you structure your answer well? Do you try to bluff your way out of an answer you are not sure of? Do you lose focus and confidence if you are unable to answer one question? are you easily confused? Do you tend to give a book definition of a question or are you able to give your own understanding of it? Do you fumble for words while answering? Do you have a negative tone while answering or an apologetic one or a confident one?
So as a first step, when you prepare for the Interview, also prepare for your delivery of the answer and not just the content of the answer.
In my next blog, I will discuss the areas of questions for the RBI Grade B 2024 Interview you should prepare for. For complete guidance and preparation, you may join our RBI Grade B Interview Course which includes 4 classes on general guidance on Interview preparation, 1 formal mock Interview by our expert panel which is followed by personalized feedback, and a 1-o-1 session with Mr.Susheel Ragade.
Meet the Mock Interview Panel
Before you begin reading Ace RBI Grade B Interview with Prachi Agarwal – Part 2, meet our Mock Interview Panel who will be guiding you in your preparation.
In my fourth blog, I will also discuss the importance of Mock Interviews. So stay tuned!

As someone who has closely followed the journey of RBI Grade B aspirants, I know just how significant this opportunity is. The RBI Grade B Exam is one of the most prestigious banking examinations in India, and clearing it is no small feat. With the RBI Grade B notification sparking excitement and anticipation, students prepare rigorously for every stage, from prelims to the interview. However, the RBI Grade B 2024 Interview is where things get truly decisive.
It’s the stage that evaluates not just your knowledge but also your personality, decision-making, and communication skills. Now that the RBI Grade B Mains Result is announced, candidates often wonder how to ace the final hurdle. This blog series is designed to offer you practical RBI Grade B Interview Guidance and strategies, including tips on RBI Grade B Interview Preparation and resources like RBI Grade B Mock Interviews, to help you confidently navigate this crucial phase. Stay tuned for insights that will take you closer to your dream of joining the Reserve Bank of India!
ixamBee specializes in providing expert guidance and resources for banking exams 2024, ensuring that you are well-prepared for the Upcoming Bank Exams like RBI Grade B, NABARD Grade B, IBPS SO, and more. Our courses align with the bank exam calendar 2024, covering all the essential topics. With a focus on the upcoming bank jobs, our Previous Year Papers, BeePedia, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS and other Mock Tests are designed to help you excel in upcoming banking exams.
Also Read
Ace RBI Grade B Interview with Prachi Agarwal – Part 2
Ace RBI Grade B Interview with Prachi Agarwal- Part 3
Ace RBI Grade B Interview with Prachi Agarwal – Part 4
Ace RBI Grade B Interview with Prachi Agarwal – Part 5
RBI Grade B Interview 2021:Dress Code, Questions, Do and Don’ts