Indian Air Force invites applications from the eligible citizens of the country every year and conducts an online entrance examination all over India which is popularly known as AFCAT  – Air Force Common Admission Test, held twice a year, in the months of February and August. According to the recent notification, the examination is scheduled to be held on 16/17 February 2019.


AFCAT tests your basic knowledge, and therefore you don’t have to fear the exam too much. The exam is in online mode and for a duration of 120 minutes comprising of 100 marks.

It tests you on four aspects –


  • Decimal Fraction
  • Simplification
  • Average
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Simple Interest
  • Profit and Loss
  • Percentage  
  • History
  • Sports
  • Geography
  • Environment
  • Culture
  • Defence
  • Art and Culture
  • International Current Affairs
  • Politics
  • Civics
  • Basic Science
  1. VERBAL ABILITY (English)
  • Comprehension
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Error Detection
  • Sentence Completion
  • Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Testing of Vocabulary
  • Tenses
  • Basic Grammar
  • Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability
  • Data Interpretation
  • Embedded Figure
  • Missing Character
  • Sets Based on Arrangements
  • Rotated Blocks
  • Hidden Figures
  • Analogy

If you aspire to become an ‘Airforce Officer’, you also need loads of energy, enthusiasm, perseverance and most of all- a good preparation strategy which will lead you to your dream job. The stepping stone to success is a good preparation plan and a practical timetable that you need to follow on a regular basis.

Without a plan, you are going to stay exactly where you are.

Before starting your ‘preparation’, you should know what exactly it should be composed of and what should be the end result of it. We have broken down the important components to make it easier to understand –

P – persistence

R – rigour

E – enthusiasm

P – proficiency

A – appropriate

R – reliable

A – arduous

T – tenacious

I – inquisitive

O – obtainable

N – never – ending

All of the above words should well-define your preparation if you are willing to make most out of the time you are left with. To make sure that you come out with flying colours, you will have to give your 100 %. Having just a month available now, you need to make sure you don’t waste even a minute of this time left at hand.1 month is equal to 30 days which further means 30 chances to put efforts and turn your life around for good.


Perplexed?  Nervous? Or afraid? If you are experiencing any of these emotions at the moment, you need to calm yourself down. Success is a mix of all the ingredients in a balanced manner. It is all about letting the fear out and letting the confidence in. Confidence and more precisely ‘SELF-CONFIDENCE’ is the key to fare well in any examination you appear in your lifetime. If you lack that confidence, all your preparation will go in vain the final day. Air Force jobs not only demand strong intellectual skills but also good physical health. Thus, they are demanding in both ways and so should be your preparation.

So, we have listed down step-by-step , how to go about AFCAT preparation:

  • Bring-it-On attitude – No matter how big a task looks at the outside, you need to keep a strong attitude towards it and move on confidently. Air Force is a job which will demand this kind of attitude the most.
  • Do thorough research Before coming out with a plan, you need to ensure that you are completely aware about the details of the examination and that if you are capable /eligible enough to take it.
  • Be sincere and regularBe sincere with the timetable that you must be following. Everyone has a common plan if you are preparing for competitive exams, and that plan stands true and valid for all the exams that follow a common pattern. If you do not stay regular, this will lead to increased anxiety, stress, and mismanagement. Set ‘practical goals’ for yourself according to your capability and strength. Try to stick to your timetable as best as you can and be regular with it.
  • Believe in yourselfStaying positive and motivated is extremely important during your preparation, so that you do not feel discouraged at any point.
  • Avoid PROCRASTINATIONDelaying a task will never prove beneficial in your preparation period as well as in the long run. Delaying and depending on tomorrow is something you should always avoid doing.
  • Test yourselfPreparation should not just mean keep going on with the studies blindly without testing your recently gained knowledge. You can never trust your memory to remain permanently intact,  therefore you need to keep testing yourself from time to time.
  • RevisionAlways devote some time to revision of the topics that you study on a daily basis. It not only strengthens your memory of those topics but also helps in coming out with some of the other points that you might have missed earlier.
  • Identify your stronger & weaker areasA very important step in your preparation should be recognizing your strong and weak areas, in order to know which one to focus more on and which one doesn’t need extra attention so that you can save that time to utilise somewhere else.
  • Save time for yourselfBeing sincere in your preparation is good but there should always be scope for your ‘ME TIME’. Continuous study can always make you feel stuffed and messed up. Thus, you need to breathe some fresh air and entertain yourself from time to time.
  • Practice MeditationPlanning to enter in one of the most challenging jobs you need to make sure that you not only possess strong intelligence but also sound mental health. You will have to face various situations once you decide to take up this job, which may expect you hold back your emotions and stay stronger on the outside as well as inside, thus practicing meditation will help you stay calm and composed, also when you face an interview once you qualify the written examination.


Ensuring full-proof success will be possible only when you attempt mock tests that give you a feel of the actual exam scenario and let you manage your time accordingly. As there is no sectional timing, unlike the bank exams, you need to be more alert and specific about how much time to devote to each and every section, accordingly. Practicing mock tests will make you more aware of your time management skills.

Attempt free mock tests for AFCAT.

Read more about AFCAT examination and notification.


                          ALL THE BEST!!

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