AFCAT: Last Minute Preparation Tips To Nail AFCAT Exam


AFCAT 2019 exam is just a day away. This is a golden ticket to students who want to join Indian Air Force. AFCAT exam is conducted twice in a year in the months of February and August. You have worked hard and done everything you could do as part of your preparation and you deserve to do well in the exam. Focus on all the sections with proper planning, just play on your strengths during the exam and give your best.

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Let’s look at few last minute tips which will help you score high and nail the AFCAT 2019 exam:

Know The Syllabus

The key to crack AFCAT exam is to understand and know the exam syllabus and exam pattern. You need to keep in mind that subjects are a little different in the AFCAT exam. General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, Numerical Ability and Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test are the sections and you need to divide the given 120 minutes among these sections appropriately.


To avoid any surprises on the exam day, you need to have a proper plan in mind. Having practiced for the exam for many days, you would surely know which sections you are better at and which sections may be challenging. As there is no sectional timing in the AFCAT exam, try to attempt the sections you are good at first and later move to the weakest sections. However, you need to keep in mind that there is negative marking, therefore do not waste much time on a single question. If you are not able to solve it, move on to questions which you are able to solve easily.

Do Not Experiment

Do not experiment by starting a new topic a day before the exam. It will not yield any results, instead will create more confusion and may create panic in you. Rather, you could revise the topics which you are comfortable and clear about.

Time Management

Managing the given 120 minutes is very crucial to crack AFCAT exam. It would be very tough for you if you spend too much time on a few questions and realize later that time is almost up and there are lots of questions left. Skip any questions you feel are taking more time, you can come to them in the end if you have time.

Answer Accurately With Speed

Accuracy and speed are key to crack any exam and it applies to AFCAT exam as well. You need to keep in mind that there is a penalty of 1/3 mark deduction for every wrong answer. So try to answers questions which you are very sure of so that you maximize your marks.

Short Notes

Try to prepare short notes which you can revise during the last hour. Make short notes of shortcut tips, formulae, concepts, GK updates etc., Highlighting important points as well will be very useful in the eleventh hour.

Have a Healthy Breakfast

Do not ever go to the exam hall empty stomach. Have a nutritious and healthy breakfast before the exam this will boost up your energy levels.

Sleep Well, Avoid Stress

Your brain requires proper rest to perform well on the day of the exam, therefore take at least 8-9 hours of proper sleep. Avoid last-minute stress, if you feel stressed try to take a few deep breaths by closing your eyes. Try to exercise before entering the exam, this will help in reducing the stress levels and clearing the mind as well.

Checklist of Important things

Keep a checklist of all the important documents to be carried to the exam hall. You all need to keep in mind that few items such as electronic devices, mobile phones, digital devices etc are not allowed in the exam hall. Below are the important documents you need to carry to the exam hall:

  • Admit Card
  • Passport Photographs
  • Photo ID proof
  • Aadhar Card

All said and done You know your capabilities and giving your 100% is in your hands. Confidence and Positive Attitude plays a key role during exam hall performance. Give your best!!!!!

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