Chief Justice of India 1950-2019 [Updated List]


On November 18, 2019, Shri Sharad Arvind Bobde took oath as the 47th Chief Justice of India by President Shri Ram Nath Kovind. The Oath ceremony took place at the Durbar Hall of the Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi. He is a former Chief justice of Madhya Pradesh High Court and presently serving as a chancellor at the University of Delhi and Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur. He succeeded Shri Ranjan Gogoi, 46th Chief Justice of India, who also recommended his name to the president for CJI. His tenure will of 17 months and he will demit office on April 23, 2021.

Who is the Chief Justice of India?

A Chief Justice of India is the head of the judiciary system in India. He/She is appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court of India as per Article 124 of the Constitution of India. A Chief Justice of India is appointed by the President of India and nominated by the collegium system of Supreme Court and High court of India. It was formed 70 years ago (1951) after the replacement of Federal court of India by the supreme court of India. A chief justice is entitled to a salary of rupees 2 lakh 80 thousand per month. A chief justice tenure length is till 65 years of age. There are various roles of a CJI that are vested to him by the constitution. Some of them are listed below:

Roles of Chief Justice of India

Following are some roles and powers of a Chief Justice of India:

  1. He/she gives suggestions or consult with the president for the appointment of Supreme Court and High court judges.
  2. He/she appoints ad-hoc Supreme Court judges (Article 127 of the constitution).
  3. He/she appoints retired judges to sit in the Supreme Court (Article 128 of the constitution).
  4. A Chief Justice of India can change the seat of a Supreme Court judge from Delhi to any other place with the approval of the President (Article 130)
  5. The officers and servant appointments of the Supreme Court is made by the Chief Justice of India (Article 148).
  6. Chief Justice of India holds the power to move high court judges from one court to another (Article 222).
  7. To resolve a financial dispute between state and Centre, a Chief Justice of India can appoint an arbitrator.
  8. One of the major roles of the Chief Justice of India which also caused a major uproar in the past few years is that a Chief Justice of India has the power to appoint benches to hear cases in the Supreme Court. It is the Chief Justice of India who decides which judge will hear which case.
  9. He/she gives oath to the President of India and Governors.

With the appointment of 47th Chief Justice of India, this topic is important from the exam point of view and can be asked in the upcoming exams of NABARD Grade A, SBI Clerk, RBI Assistant, and SSC CGL. To help you with this, here is the complete list of Chief Justice of India.

Sr.No Name of the Chief Justice of India Tenure/Time Period
1 H. J. Kania 1950-1951
2 M. Patanjali Sastri 1951-1954
3 Mehr Chand Mahajan 1954
4 Bijan Kumar Mukherjea 1954-1956
5 Sudhi Ranjan Das 1956-1959
6 Bhuvaneshwar Prasad Sinha 1959-1964
7 P. B. Gajendragadkar 1964-1966
8 Amal Kumar Sarkar 1966
9 Koka Subba Rao 1966-1967
10 Kailas Nath Wanchoo 1967-1968
11 Mohammad Hidayatullah[10] 1968-1970
12 Jayantilal Chhotalal Shah 1970-71
13 Sarv Mittra Sikri 1971-73
14 Ajit Nath Ray 1973-1977
15 Mirza Hameedullah Beg 1977-1978
16 Yeshwant Vishnu Chandrachud 1978-1985
17 Prafullachandra Natwarlal Bhagwati 1985-1986
18 Raghunandan Swarup Pathak 1986-1989
19 Engalaguppe Seetharamiah Venkataramiah 1989
20 Sabyasachi Mukharji 1989-1990
21 Ranganath Misra 1990-1991
22 Kamal Narain Singh 1991
23 Madhukar Hiralal Kania 1991-1992
24 Lalit Mohan Sharma 1992-1993
25 Manepalli Narayana Rao Venkatachaliah 1993-1994
26 Aziz Mushabber Ahmadi 1994-1997
27 Jagdish Sharan Verma 1997-1998
28 Madan Mohan Punchhi 1998
29 Adarsh Sein Anand 1998-2001
30 Sam Piroj Bharucha 2001-2002
31 Bhupinder Nath Kirpal 2002
32 Gopal Ballav Pattanaik 2002
33 V. N. Khare 2002-2004
34 S. Rajendra Babu 2004
35 Ramesh Chandra Lahoti 2004-2005
36 Yogesh Kumar Sabharwal 2005-2007
37 K. G. Balakrishnan 2007-2010
38 S. H. Kapadia 2010-2012
39 Altamas Kabir 2012-2013
40 P. Sathasivam 2013-2014
41 Rajendra Mal Lodha 2014
42 H. L. Dattu 2014-2015
43 T. S. Thakur 2015-2017
44 J. S. Khehar 2017
45 Dipak Misra 2017-2018
46 Ranjan Gogoi 2018-19
47 Sharad Arvind Bobde 2019- Till Date

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