CWC Superintendent 2019: 29 Days Preparation Strategy


Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) had announced 88 vacancies to fill in the posts of Superintendent (General) 2019. CWC Superintendent exam is scheduled on May 29, 2019. You have less a month, i.e., 29 days,  left for CWC Superintendent exam and your performance on the day of the exam will totally depend on how you strategize your preparation in the next 29 days. This is a golden chance to students who want to join CWC and therefore you need to strategize your preparation smartly to be ahead of the competition.

CWC 2019 Exam Dates

CWC 2019 Posts Tentative Shifts Duration Date Time
CWC 2019 Management Trainee (General & Technical) One Shift 3 hrs 28th May 2019 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
CWC 2019 Assistant Engineer (Civil & Electrical) & Accountant One Shift 3 hrs 28th May 2019 2:00 M to 5:00 PM
CWC 2019 Junior Technical Assistant & Hindi Translator One Shift 2 hr 30 minutes & 3 hrs 29th May 2019 9:00 AM to 11:30 PM
9 AM to 12:00 PM
CWC 2019 Superintendent (General) One Shift 2 hrs 20 minutes 29th May 2019 2:00 PM to 4:20 PM
CWC 2019 Junior Superintendent (Preliminary) Three Shifts 1 hr 30th May 2019 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM


 Read about other details of CWC 2019 notification here

To help you out in your 29 days of CWC Superintendent exam preparation, we have listed down section wise strategies you can follow:

Reasoning and Computer Aptitude:

Reasoning and Computer Aptitude is one of the toughest sections; however, it is one of the high scoring section as well. Perceiving it to be the toughest section, you might be feeling anxious about how will you perform.

Let us look at important topics you need to cover:

  • Do not get puzzled with Puzzles: 

Puzzles are the most time taking one and therefore you should be very careful not to get puzzled during the exam. To get a correct and accurate answer, make every piece of information given in the questions fall into place. Do not miss any tiny information given in the questions.

  • Coding Decoding questions:

All you need to do is Decode the codes given in the questions. The basic thing to remember here is you need to get to the bottom by your logic and get correct answers to the given questions.

  • Syllogism:

Being one of the most confusing section, you need to be very careful while solving Syllogism questions. You need to pick the right conclusion from the given statements. This section is more time consuming, therefore, practice more and more syllogism questions and analyze the time taken to solve them.

  • Miscellaneous questions:

Questions will be asked on blood relation, seating arrangement, ranking, series etc. You may be required to determine the ranking of a person standing in a queue or blood relation of a person on the basis of a family tree or the direction of a person after certain changes in directions etc. These questions take little less time than the other topics and therefore try to solve as many questions as you can.

Data Analysis & Interpretation and Quantitative Aptitude Preparation strategy:

This section tests your decision-making ability with the minimum data available. The key to scoring high in this section is to identify the key information given in the question and answer accordingly. On the other hand, Quantitative Aptitude tests your speed and accuracy. Lets us look at important topics from this section.

  • Profit and Loss questions: 

Profit and loss questions are very lengthy and calculative and therefore require focus while solving them. Read the questions carefully and then answer. Try to apply shortcuts wherever you can. 

  • Time and distance, time and work questions:

One of the trickiest topics, therefore, needs lots of practice. Learn shortcut tricks and try to implement them wherever possible. 

  • Mixture and allegation:

Though the questions in this section are not very difficult the calculations are very lengthy. Make your concepts clear about this topic and if not sure of the answer please skip on the day of the exam.

  • Simple and compound interest:

Though a lot of calculation has to be done in this chapter you can solve the questions using shortcut formulae. All you need is to have a good grip over the shortcut methods of calculation. 

  • Data Sufficiency:

These questions are very much time consuming since most of the time you have to calculate both of the options to reach the conclusion. You need to understand which one to leave and which one to attempt in these questions. 

  • Data Analysis:

Data analysis questions usually involve a pie chart, bar graph, missing data in a series, etc. These are very much time- consuming ones and you should have good background practice in order to score well in the data analysis section in this examination. 

  • Quadratic Equation, Number Series, In-equality:

These are the areas where you can score well in the quant section. You need to have good command over the various types of relationships between numbers in a number series or in the odd one out type questions etc. In quadratic equations as well, you should be very prompt. 

English Language Preparation Strategy:

We know the name “ENGLISH” brings nightmares to many of you. But you need to understand that English is not as tough as you think, it is just that you need to apply the correct strategy in this section. Let us look at important topics you need to focus upon.

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Read newspaper daily for knowing synonyms and antonyms of a particular word. Make a note of all new words you come across with synonyms and antonyms. You can revise these notes a day before the exam.

Cloze Test/Fill the Blanks

All you need to do is focus on reading the passage very carefully as you need to fill in the blanks with appropriate words.  Carefully reading the passage will help you figure out the right or appropriate words to be filled.

Spelling Test:

To improve your Spelling skills, always keep a dictionary handy. Note that the list of words you feel difficult and go through them daily to avoid confusion on the day of the exam. 

Reading Comprehension:

You need to prepare thoroughly for this section. Make a habit of reading articles from newspapers daily and note down possible questions that can be asked from the articles. Start reading opinion pieces in editorials, business magazines, etc., can help you build your reading and comprehension skills quite faster. This will help you in answering questions from this section on the day of the examination.

General Awareness Preparation Strategies: 

General Awareness is the most scoring section as you do not need any formula, short cut tricks, etc.. you either know the answer or do not. All you need is stay in the know, stay updated with all the ongoings around the world. You can score high in this section if you prepare diligently.

  • You need to prepare for this section smartly. You need to be updated with the current affairs, however, should not ignore the static GK part.
  • Read newspaper daily, read different books for static GK.

For being updated in General Awareness you can visit below links:

Practice free mock tests for CWC Superintendent 2019 exam for the next 29 days and know your flaws and work upon them. 

Now you have read about the preparation strategies you can go about in the next 29 days, all you need to do is try to implement them and strategize your preparation in such a way that you come out of the exam hall with flying colors.

Get Free Online Test Series, Daily GK Update, PIB Current Affairs, Banking Awareness as well as latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI, NABARD and Other Government Jobs.

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5 years ago

in the admit card given that the timing is 3.00 pm for reporting on 30th may but on cwc sites showing that the exam will be held on three shifts 11.00am to 12.00 and 1.30 to 2.30 and 3.30 to 4.30…. plz any one describe it.