CWC Superintendent 2019: 3 Days To Go!! 7 Last Minute Preparation Tips


CWC Superintendent Exam: 3 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!

Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) Superintendent (General) 2019 is 3 days away. Despite your preparation for months, the last few days before the exam are always crucial. ixamBee is here with last minute preparation tips to keep your confidence levels high and to keep you motivated. CWC Superintendent Exam tips by ixamBee experts will guide you in test-taking strategy on the D-day i.e. May 29, 2019. These tips will help you proceed for actual CWC Superintendent 2019 exam without getting nervous.

Let us look at CWC Superintendent 2019 exam last-minute tips:

Analyze Mock Tests

Being preparing for months now, you have been practicing CWC Superintendent mock tests for quite long. Review all the CWC Superintendent mock tests you have attempted till now and identify your weak sections. This will help you work on your weak sections as you need to keep in mind that you need to perform equally well in all the sections.

Click here to practice free mock tests for CWC Superintendent exam

Learn the art of Saying “NO” to a question

Learn the art of saying “NO” to time taking questions and concentrate on the questions which can solve quickly and accurately as the time available is less.

Time Management Strategy

You need to attempt 150 questions in 140 minutes and here time management strategy plays a vital role. For effective management of time, analyze the mistakes in each section, identify the gaps and work on them.

Learn from your mistakes

Jot down new and faster ways to solve questions which are taking more time to solve. You very well know which type of questions are consuming more time, try for a short cut method to solve such questions.

Don’t Ignore the “Sectional Timing”

There is a sectional time limit and if you spend too much time on any set of questions, you will lose your time without gaining anything. Your preparation should be such that you know which questions to attempt and which to skip. On the day of the exam, the only thing that should matter to you is the question flashing in front of your screen.

Don’t arrive late at Exam Centre

Avoid any last minute stress by arriving at the exam center before the reporting time. Keep all the required documents ready the night before such as Admit card, Photo ID, Photograph, etc. Get enough sleep and rest the night before.

Don’t Lose Your Cool:

The most important thing to do on the day of the CWC Superintendent exam is to remain calm and just attempt the exam. It is the day all your hard work will pay off, so just give your best.

Read here “CWC Junior Superintendent 2019: 9 Last Minute Preparation Tips To Crack CWC Exam

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