Election Commissioners of India


The Election Commissioners of India are the members of the Election Commission of India (ECI). The primary duty of the Election Commissioners of India is to ensure the free and fair elections in India. This is an important topic for General Awareness assessed in exams like IBPS RRB, FCI AGM, NABARD Grade A, NABARD Grade B, EMRS Teaching Staff Selection and other government examinations. 

Election Commissioners of India 

The ECI is a three-member body consisting of the Chief Election Commissioner of India and two Election Commissioners. At present, Shri Sushil Chandra is serving as the Chief Election Commissioner of India. Two additional Election Commissioners assisting him are Shri Anup Pandey and Shri Rajiv Kumar. 

List of Chief Election Commissioners of India

The complete list of Chief Election Commissioners of India has been provided below. 

Chief Election CommissionerTerm of Office
1Sukumar Sen1950-58
2Kalyan Sundaram1958-67
3S.P. Sen Verma1967-72
4Nagendra Singh1972-73
5T. Swaminathan1973-77
6S.L. Shakdhar1977-82
7R.K. Trivedi1982-85
8R.V.S Peri Sastri1986-1990
9V.S. Ramadevi1990-1990
10T.N. Seshan1990-1996
11M.S. Gill1996-2001
12James Michael Lyngdoh2001-2004
13T.S. Krishnamurthy2004-2005
14B.B. Tandon2005-2006
15N. Gopalaswami2006-2009
16Navin Chawla2009-2010
17S.Y. Quraishi2010-2012
18V.S Sampath2012-2015
19Harishankar Brahma2015-2015
20Nasim Zaidi2015-2017
21Achal Kumar Jyoti2017-2018
22Om Prakash Rawat2018-2018
23Sunil Arora2018-2021
24Sushil Chandra2021- present

Election Commissioners of India Duties

The Election Commissioners are appointed by the President of India for a tenure of 6 years or up to the age of 65, whichever happens first. As already mentioned earlier, the chief responsibility of these officers is to ensure the conduct of free and fair elections. Other than that, they are responsible for all the duties of the ECI as prescribed by the Indian Constitution. The duties of the Election Commission of India have been outlined in detail for you. 

Election Commissioners of India Trivia

  • The ECI was a one-member body up until 1989.
  • Through the Constitution Amendment Act of 1989, the ECI became a multi-member body. The Chief Election Commissioner was appointed by two other Election Commissioners as well.
  • V.S.Ramadevi is the first and only lady to hold the Chief Election Commissioner chair in India. 
  • She served the shortest tenure as Chief ECI for less than a month.
  • Sukumar Sen and Kalyan Sundaram served the longest terms for approximately 8 years and 9 months each.
  • The Election Commissioners are offered the security of tenure. They can only be removed by the Parliament through impeachment via a complicated process. 
  • The Election Commission officers are generally retired IAS officers. 

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