English Questions (New Pattern) for RBI Assistant and SBI Clerk 2022


English Language is one such section which can be mastered only through practice. Mugging up rules will be of no use if you don’t know its usage. In the past few exams, it has been observed that the level of the English language has subsequently increased, thus, making it difficult to score but, with regular practice you can increase score in this section which thereafter add to your overall score in the exam. Given below are 10 important questions of new pattern which will help you in the upcoming Mains examination of SBI Clerk 2022 and RBI Assistant 2022. The ideal time to solve them is 5 minutes.

Important English Questions for RBI Assistant & SBI Clerk 2022

1.  Many investors have given up on Western Europe, citing concerns over Brexit, trade wars, weak ____________I__________ governments, mounting debts and the apparent inability of the European Central Bank to __________II_________ the growth and inflation that it craves.

(A) coalition (D) expatiate
(B) attributed (E) conjure
(C) imputed (F) amplified

1) B-F

2) C-D

3) A-F

4) B-E

5) A-E 


Coalition- a combination or alliance, especially a temporary one between persons, factions, states, etc.

Attributed- assigned to source

Imputed- assigned to source



Amplified- increased in size or effect

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely A. The alternatives that come with A are F & E among which E fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 5 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 5 the correct answer.

2.  No one was immediately reported hurt in the __________I________ and security staff had __________II__________ to inside the embassy earlier, soon after protesters gathered outside.

(A) mollify (D) crater
(B) rampage (E) flunk
(C) cajole (F) withdrawn

1) A-D

2) C-E

3) B-F

4) C-F

5) B-D



Rampage- a course of violent, riotous, or reckless action or behaviour

Cajole-attempt to coax or flatter

Flunk-to be unsuccessful

Crater-hole or depression

Withdrawn- to move back or away (as from something difficult, dangerous, or disagreeable)

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely B. The alternatives that come with B are F & D among which F fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 3 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 3 the correct answer.

3.  Apple stock is on __________I_________ to close out a year of explosive growth, and another key __________II__________ has reached a historic high, too.

(A) crammed (D) scouring
(B) forgoing (E) metric
(C) pace (F) statuesque

1) B-D

2) C-E

3) A-F

4) B-E

5) A-D 



Forgoing-give up

Pace- a rate of activity, progress, growth, performance, etc.; tempo.

Scouring-searching thoroughly


Statuesque-tall and dignified

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely C. The alternatives that come with C is only E. Hence, option 2 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 2 the correct answer.

4. Prime launched in 2005, ___________I_________ consumers with two-day delivery and ___________II__________ their appetites for the parade of delivered goods.

(A) reckoning (D) vociferate
(B) tantalizing (E) privilege
(C) prattle (F) whetting

1) A-D

2) C-E

3) B-F

4) C-F

5) B-D  



Tantalizing- having or exhibiting something that provokes or arouses expectation, interest, or desire, especially that which remains unobtainable or beyond one’s reach

Prattle- unintelligible or meaningless talk

Vociferate-to speak or cry out loudly or noisily

Grunt- to speak softly and unclear

Whetting- stimulating

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely B. The alternatives that come with B are F & D among which F fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 3 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 3 the correct answer.

5. President Donald Trump is facing __________I__________ for retweeting over the weekend a post that revealed the name of the supposed whistleblower whose report ____________II____________ the Ukraine investigation that eventually led to Trump’s impeachment.

(A) insurmountable (D) pendulous-hanging
(B) vendetta (E) dangling
(C) recoil (F) triggered

1) C-F

2) B-E

3) A-D

4) C-D

5) A-E 


Insurmountable- unreachable

Vendetta- an often prolonged series of retaliatory, vengeful, or hostile acts or exchange of such acts

Recoil- drawing back


Dangling-supported from above

Triggered-caused to happen

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely C. The alternatives that come with C are F & D among which F fills the second blank correctly. Hence, option 1 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 1 the correct answer.

6. When a priest with ___________I_________ eyes and a ready smile happened by and offered the family a ___________II__________ home, they could not have been happier.

(A) crinkly (D) ordination
(B) elicit (E) consecration
(C) educe (F) ride

1) C-E

2) B-D

3) A-D

4) C-F

5) A-F



Elicit-draw out


Ordination-an installation

Consecration- sanctification


The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely A. The alternatives that come with A are D & F among which F fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 5 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 5 the correct answer.

7.  Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault are among the biggest __________I________ , given the initial __________II__________ and promise.

(A) tumult (D) hype
(B) laudable (E) pestered
(C) imbroglios (F) outcry

1) A-E

2) C-D

3) A-F

4) B-D

5) C-E 




Imbroglios-confused heaps

Hype-extensive publicity



The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is  C. The alternatives that come with C are D & E among which D fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 2 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 2 the correct answer.

8. Many demonstrators complain that Beijing and Lam’s government are ___________I__________ the autonomy and Western-style civil liberties the city enjoys, in contrast to the party’s strict ___________II________ rule in mainland China.

(A) acknowledged (D) suffrage
(B) catastrophic (E) extradition
(C) eroding (F) authoritarian

1) B-F

2) C-F

3) A-D

4) B-E

5) C-D 


Acknowledged-widely recognised



Suffrage-legal right



The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely C. The alternatives that come with C are F & D among which F fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 2 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 2 the correct answer.

9.  The move further ___________I___________ ties between Taiwan and Beijing, which suspects Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen of pushing for the island’s formal independence and has __________II_________ pressure on her since she took office in 2016.

(A) vicinity (D) ramped up
(B) strains (E) off ramp
(C) infiltration (F) trump up

1) B-D

2) A-F

3) B-E

4) C-D

5) A-E  


Vicinity-local area



ramped up- increase

off ramp- a road leading off a main highway, freeway, etc.

trump up-made-up

The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is definitely B. The alternatives that come with B are D & E among which D fills the second blank correctly.  Hence, option 1 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 1 the correct answer.

10.  Taiwan’s parliament passed an anti-infiltration law on Tuesday to __________I________ perceived threats from China as the island __________II__________ for a presidential vote on Jan. 11 amid heightened tension with Beijing.

(A) pitched (D) gears down
(B) illicit (E) wear down
(C) combat (F) gears up

1) A-D

2) B-D

3) C-F

4) B-E

5) A-F


Pitched-put up

Illicit-not legal


gears down-change to a lower gear

wear down- become worn

gears up- prepare oneself for an activity or event The correct word that can fill first blank meaningfully and contextually is C. The alternatives that come with C is only F. Hence, option 3 can fill the blanks both grammatically and contextually correct making option 3 the correct answer

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