EPFO Assistant Mains Admit Card Out: Check Here!



EPFO (Employees Provident Fund Organization) has released the admit card for EPFO Assistant Mains 2019 which is going to be held on 7th November 2019. Candidates who have cleared the Phase 1 exam can download the admit card by visiting the official website of EPFO. You all need to gear up for the Mains as not many days are left for the exam. EPFO has released the Admit card for MAINS under 280 Vacancies. It’s going to tough competition so it is advised to do not leave any stone unturned and to give a hundred percent for the exam.

EPFO Assistant Mains Admit Card important dates:

EPFO Mains Admit Card released Date 18th October 2019
EPFO Mains Admit Card last date to download Admit Card 7th November 2019
Date of EPFO Assistant Mains examination 7th November 2019

EPFO Assistant Free Mock Test for Mains:                                                                                        

Now that the admit card for EPFO Assistant has released, we are assuming that you guys have completed the entire syllabus and are in revision mode. Along with the revision, mock tests are also going to help you in scoring better.  The mock test not only helps in identifying the weaknesses but also helps in improving the score with each passing test. The online mock test also helps in shoving out any fear once you can have for online mock tests. To assist candidates with this ixamBee is providing free mock tests on the EPFO Assistant Mains exam. Candidates can attempt these tests absolutely free of cost.

It is advised to download the Admit Card beforehand and not wait for the last date to avoid any kind of inconvenience.

How to Download the Admit Card for EPFO Admit card Mains?

Step 1: Candidates need to visit the official website of EPFO www.epfindia.gov.in.

Step 2: After clicking on the link go to the Career/Recruitment option.

Step 3: Click on the Download Admit card option.

Step 4: Enter your Registration number/ username and password/ date of birth.

Step 5: Enter the CAPTCHA that will be displayed on the screen.

Step 6: After that admit card will be displayed you can take a print out or save it as a PDF.

ixamBee wishes all the candidates appearing for the exam ALL THE BEST for the exam

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