Exams Archives - ixambee Bringing the latest exam news to you. Sat, 13 Jul 2024 14:03:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 How many Schemes do I Need to Prepare for NABARD and RBI Grade B?  https://www.ixambee.com/blog/which-schemes-to-prepare-for-rbi-grade-b-and-nabard-exams https://www.ixambee.com/blog/which-schemes-to-prepare-for-rbi-grade-b-and-nabard-exams#respond Sat, 13 Jul 2024 14:03:35 +0000 https://www.ixambee.com/blog/?p=21415 The high-ranking NABARD and RBI Grade B exams are key targets for students aiming at careers in India’s financial and rural development sectors. These exams are tough, covering a wide range of subjects. One area that puzzles many is the long list of government plans. “How many plans do I need to know?” This is […]

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The high-ranking NABARD and RBI Grade B exams are key targets for students aiming at careers in India’s financial and rural development sectors. These exams are tough, covering a wide range of subjects. One area that puzzles many is the long list of government plans. “How many plans do I need to know?” This is a common question among students starting their study journey. While it’s true that knowledge of government plans is crucial for both NABARD and RBI Grade B exams, the real skill lies in understanding, not just cramming. 

First, let’s explore why these government initiatives are central. They fuel India’s socio-economic growth, covering areas from reducing poverty and agricultural advancement to boosting financial reach and rural infrastructure. Grasping these plans shows you’re in tune with the economic scene and able to assess the effects of government policies. 

Interestingly, while both exams require awareness of these government plans, they focus on different areas. NABARD, which is centered on rural development and agriculture, stresses plans related to these fields, like the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) or the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY). On the other hand, the RBI Grade B exam, focusing on banking and finance, tends more towards schemes affecting these sectors, such as Stand-Up India or MUDQA. 

Yet, the worry over overlooking an important scheme is a common concern among students preparing for either exam. This blog aims to clarify the study process for government schemes. We’ll show you a strategy that emphasizes understanding over sheer memorization, ensuring you excel in this key part of the NABARD and RBI Grade B exams. 

The Strategy of Schemes for NABARD and RBI Grade B 

Government schemes can feel like an overwhelming labyrinth for NABARD and RBI Grade B aspirants. But fear not! Here’s a strategic approach that prioritizes understanding over memorization, turning this section into your ally. 

Ditch the Rote, Embrace the Why: Forget memorizing every minute detail of every scheme.  Instead, focus on grasping the core objectives, target beneficiaries, and the impact each scheme aims to achieve. This in-depth understanding allows you to analyze schemes critically and discuss their effectiveness in the real world. 

Organize for Efficiency: Categorize schemes by themes like agriculture, rural development, financial inclusion, and infrastructure. This creates a mental framework, making it easier to recall and compare relevant schemes during the exam. 

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Prioritize current and high-impact schemes. Recent government initiatives often carry more weightage and demonstrate your awareness of evolving policies. Resources like the RBI website and official government websites are your best friends for finding the latest and most important schemes. 

Remember, this is just the beginning. Following are some practical tips for effective preparation, including utilizing current affairs and news sources, understanding the interlinkages between schemes, and using mind maps for better memorization: 

  • Make current affairs and government announcements for your allies. Regularly follow credible news sources to stay updated on recent scheme launches and policy changes. This not only keeps your knowledge base fresh but also allows you to analyze the potential impact of these new initiatives. To stay up to date with general knowledge, you can explore ixamBee’s Beepedia with daily, weekly, and monthly updates on current affairs.
  • Don’t get lost in the details.  For each scheme, focus on understanding the core objectives, target beneficiaries, and the intended impact. This will equip you to answer questions that go beyond just naming the scheme and delve into its effectiveness. 
  • Government schemes are rarely standalone entities. Many are designed to work together for a bigger purpose.  Identify the interconnections between schemes targeting similar goals. Understanding how these schemes complement each other will demonstrate a deeper level of understanding. 
  • Mind maps or flowcharts can be powerful tools for memorization and connecting different schemes. Create visual representations that showcase the relationships between various schemes under a particular theme. This not only aids in recall but also helps you identify potential overlaps and synergies. 

Important Schemes for the NABARD Exam 

To give you an idea of how to implement the above strategies to study relevant government schemes for the NABARD exam, we have picked a few important government schemes whose importance and impact are felt even today. Take a look at the schemes below: 

Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) 

Year Launched: 2020 

Objective: To provide medium-long-term debt financing facility for investment in viable projects for post-harvest management infrastructure and community farming assets. 

Launched by: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare 

Brief: The AIF aims to provide financial support to farmers, farmer-producer organizations (FPOs), agricultural entrepreneurs, and startups for the creation of post-harvest management infrastructure. This includes setting up of cold storage, collection centers, processing units, etc. The fund provides a medium-long term debt financing facility for these projects. 

 Sahakar Mitra – Scheme on Internship Programme 

Year Launched: 2021 

Objective: To provide paid internship opportunities to youth in cooperative institutions and to encourage youth to take up cooperative-based entrepreneurship. 

Launched by: NABARD 

Brief: The Sahakar Mitra scheme provides internship opportunities to youth in cooperative institutions. The internship duration is 3-6 months, and interns are provided a monthly stipend. The scheme aims to promote cooperative-based entrepreneurship and provide hands-on experience to youth in the cooperative sector. 

 Yuva Sahakar – Cooperative Enterprise Support and Innovation Scheme 

Year Launched: 2019 

Objective: To provide financial assistance and credit guarantee support to young cooperators to take up entrepreneurial activities, innovation, and modernization of cooperative business. 

Launched by: NABARD 

Brief: The Yuva Sahakar scheme provides concessional finance and credit guarantee support to young cooperators (age 18-40 years) to set up new cooperative enterprises or modernize existing ones. It aims to promote cooperative-based entrepreneurship and innovation among the youth. 

 Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF) 

Year Launched: 2018 

Objective: To provide concessional finance for the development of fisheries infrastructure. 

Launched by: Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying 

Brief: The FIDF provides affordable credit to state governments, state entities, cooperatives, individuals, and entrepreneurs for the development of fisheries infrastructure, such as fishing harbors, cold chain, and aquaculture farms. This helps boost fish production and productivity in the country. 

 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) 

Year Launched: 2016 

Objective: To provide comprehensive crop insurance coverage against crop loss due to various natural perils. 

Launched by: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare 

Brief: PMFBY is a crop insurance scheme that provides coverage for crop loss due to natural calamities, pests, and diseases. It aims to stabilize the income of farmers and encourage them to adopt innovative practices in agriculture. 

You can see that by categorizing relevant information regarding a scheme, you don’t have to go through pages and pages of information to study it. The name, year, ministry, and objective of the scheme suffice as basic introductions to a scheme. This method will help you cover a large number of schemes in a short period of time without being confused. Out of all the agriculture and rural development-related schemes by the government of India, which are important for the NABARD exam, some will stand out. 

There will be a few schemes, either recent or old, which will have wider implications in the overall governance of the nation. It is those specific schemes where you should spend more time. These schemes include Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY), Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN), and Micro Irrigation Fund (MIF). ixamBee helps you with all-round preparation for the NABARD exam through the NABARD online course, NABARD test series, and more.

Important Schemes for the RBI Grade B Exam 

Following the same tips from above, the way we listed government schemes for the NABARD exam, in this section we will go through important schemes to cover the for the RBI Grade B exam.  

Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (SGB)

Year Launched: 2015 
Objective: The aim is to decrease the demand for physical gold and encourage the allocation of a portion of domestic savings, traditionally used for gold purchases, into financial instruments. 
Launched by: Ministry of Finance, Government of India 
Brief: This scheme offers investors a mechanism to own gold in bond form rather than tangible assets. These bonds, expressed in gold grams, present an innovative pathway beyond conventional gold possession, alongside a prospect to accrue interest on the held investment. This arrangement not only aims to convert gold investors towards more fiscal mediums but also enriches the financial saving culture by embedding a value-generating option apart from the physical holding of gold. 

Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) 

Year Launched: 2021 
Objective: To refund the embedded central, state, and local duties/taxes that are not refunded under any other mechanism, to exporters. 
Launched by: Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India 
Brief: The RoDTEP program aims to boost the global competitiveness of Indian exports by refunding the embedded taxes and duties on inputs for exports. It supersedes the previous Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) and ensures exporters are reimbursed for all embedded taxes and duties, thus augmenting their competitive edge in global markets. 

Marketing and Logistics Development for the Promotion of Tribal Products from the North-Eastern Region (PTP-NER) 

Year Launched: 2021 
Objective: To promote the marketing and branding of tribal products from the North-Eastern region and strengthen the logistics infrastructure. 
Launched by: Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India 
Brief: This scheme strives to enhance brand awareness, better market reach, and fortify the supply network for these goods, thus promoting the earnings and living standards of tribal groups. This initiative undertakes to mold a more robust economic environment for indigenous products, guaranteeing their rightful place in the competitive market while respecting the unique cultural heritage they represent. 

Mahila Samman Savings Certificates, 2023 

Year Launched: 2023 
Objective: To provide a savings instrument for women, with a higher interest rate and partial withdrawal facility. 
Launched by: Ministry of Finance, Government of India 
Brief: The Mahila Samman Savings Certificates, 2023, is a recent savings plan launched by the Indian Government to boost financial growth and power for women. This scheme provides a higher interest rate than most other minor savings options and permits some amount to be taken out early, making it a beneficial saving choice for women. 

Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY

Year Launched: 2017 
Objective: To provide social security during old age and protect elderly persons aged 60 years and above. 
Launched by: Ministry of Finance 
Brief: The PMVVY, managed by the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), ensures a steady pension ranging from ₹1,000 to ₹5,000 monthly for those aged 60 and older, spanning a period of 10 years. This program guarantees a fixed return rate of 7.4% per annum for the fiscal year 2020-21, offering financial stability and predictability. 

Other important schemes from the point of view of the RBI Grade B exam include Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS), Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF), Unified Payments Interface (UPI), Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), Atal Pension Yojana (APY) and a few more. You can supplement your exam preparation with ixamBee’s RBI Grade B online course, RBI mock tests, and many more.


Our journey through a strategic plan to grasp government projects for the NABARD and RBI Grade B exams has placed focus on deep knowledge rather than just learning by heart. This method lifts you to a place where you can examine and judge these policies with a keen eye. Keep in mind, government policies and schemes are just one piece of the puzzle in these broad exams. Candidates are also tested on their math skills, logic, and English. Moreover, showing your clear thinking and ability to solve problems is key to doing well. To help you with this ixamBee offers numerous resources like quantitative aptitude quizzes, English language basic concepts, and other resources like free mock tests and previous year papers.

The foundation of strong preparation is building a solid grasp of the main goals, who these projects are for, and the change they aim to make. This insight, together with recognizing how different plans intersect, will prepare you to shine in this area and others. 

So, as future experts in finance and rural growth, start your study path with certainty. By following the strategies we’ve discussed and focusing on understanding, you’ll be in a strong position to tackle the NABARD and RBI Grade B exams. 

To help you prepare 50% faster for competitive exams, ixamBee provides a free Mock Test Series and all the Current Affairs in English and Current Affairs in Hindi in the BeePedia capsules for GA Preparation. You can also get the latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI Grade B, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs. 

Also Read:

What are some dos and don’ts for the RBI Grade B exam?

Government Schemes for NABARD Grade A

NABARD Grade A Best Study Material: How To Prepare for Finance

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NABARD Schemes – Functions of NABARD and Types of NABARD Loans  https://www.ixambee.com/blog/functions-of-nabard-and-types-of-nabard-loans https://www.ixambee.com/blog/functions-of-nabard-and-types-of-nabard-loans#respond Wed, 10 Jul 2024 13:22:40 +0000 https://www.ixambee.com/blog/?p=21406 The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) plays a key role in shaping the economic framework of rural India. Founded in 1982, NABARD is a key Indian government institution, offering financial and growth support to the farming and rural sectors of the nation. NABARD’s mission goes beyond that of a typical bank. It aims to […]

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The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) plays a key role in shaping the economic framework of rural India. Founded in 1982, NABARD is a key Indian government institution, offering financial and growth support to the farming and rural sectors of the nation. NABARD’s mission goes beyond that of a typical bank. It aims to uplift rural communities and reduce the financial gap between rural and urban communities. 

The growth of rural areas is fundamental to a strong national economy. A secure rural sector ensures food supply, encourages small businesses and creates jobs. Yet, many in rural regions lack access to formal finance. This lack of access stops them from investing in farming, related activities, and small enterprises, affecting their economic progress and quality of life. 

NABARD was established to tackle these issues. It serves as a refinancing body, giving loans to rural finance institutions (RFIs) at reduced rates. NABARD also plays a part in designing and running development projects for rural locales. Through various initiatives, NABARD pushes for financial awareness, oversees RFIs, and backs key areas like agriculture, infrastructure growth, and rural businesses. By performing these varied roles, NABARD acts as a driving force for empowering rural India and achieving inclusive growth. 

Functions of NABARD 

NABARD came to life after it was clear that old ways of lending money couldn’t well meet the unique needs of rural India. In 1979, a committee recommended setting up a dedicated body to tackle these issues. Thus, NABARD was born to take on the agricultural lending roles previously held by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the refinancing duties of the Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation. 

Here are the key roles NABARD plays: 


As a refinancing agency, NABARD gives loans to rural financial bodies such as Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) and cooperative banks at reduced rates. This arrangement enables these banks to offer lower-cost loans to farmers, rural business owners, and self-help groups (SHGs), making credit more accessible to them. 

Promotional Schemes 

NABARD runs schemes aimed at boosting agriculture, ancillary sectors, and rural growth. These include providing loans with lower interest rates, credit protections, and other financial aids. This support makes it easier for projects related to irrigation, upgrading farm equipment, starting small ventures, and improving infrastructures post-harvest to get credit. 

Regulatory Oversight 

NABARD also serves as the chief regulatory body for cooperative banks and RRBs, ensuring these entities follow proper banking practices, maintain financial health, and adhere to applicable rules. This approach promotes proper lending and safeguards rural depositors and borrowers. 

Capacity Building 

In its capacity-building role, NABARD inspects and audits RRBs and cooperative banks while offering training and development programs to bolster their operational capacity, risk management approaches, and overall efficiency in serving rural communities. 

District Credit Plans (DCPs) 

NABARD plays a role in putting together District Credit Plans with banks and state governments. These plans map out the credit needs for different rural development activities at the district level, making sure credit matches local needs and priorities. 

Project Development 

On project development, NABARD identifies and outlines projects for rural progress, covering rural infrastructure, farm mechanization promotion, agricultural produce market linkages, and micro-enterprise development. Through such initiatives, NABARD actively fosters a supportive environment for rural advancement. 

Policy Advocacy 

Although NABARD does not directly set national policies, it significantly influences rural financial sector policy through research, data analysis, and recommendations to the government and RBI. It advises on policies to enhance financial inclusion, improve rural credit accessibility, and strengthen the rural development institutional framework. 

By performing these wide-ranging functions, NABARD stands as a key entity in shaping rural India’s financial scenario. Its comprehensive approach not only facilitates credit flow but also promotes financial stability and nurtures conditions favorable for agricultural innovation, rural entrepreneurship, and broad-scale rural advancement. 

Now that we understand the role that NABARD plays in the development of the nation’s rural sector; to further our understanding of its benefits and roles, we will explore the different kinds of loans offered by NABARD to support its inititatives for rural settings and residents.  

Different Types of Loans by NABARD 

NABARD’s commitment to rural development goes beyond just a single scheme. It offers a diverse range of loan programs for the specific needs of various sectors and demographics within rural India. Let’s explore some of the key schemes offered by NABARD: 

Composite Loan Scheme (CLS) 

The Composite Loan Scheme (CLS) is a crucial initiative launched by NABARD to support the growth and development of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in rural India. The maximum refinance under the Composite Loan Scheme is 10 lacs. It addresses the specific needs of these businesses by providing them with a comprehensive financial solution. The CLS addresses this by offering a combined solution.  

The first component includes catering to the day-to-day operational expenses of the enterprise, such as purchasing raw materials, paying wages, and meeting utility bills. The other solution that CLS provides is that it offers long-term financing for investments in fixed assets like machinery, equipment, and infrastructure development. 

Integrated Loan Scheme (ILS) 

The Integrated Loan Scheme (ILS) targets farmers seeking a comprehensive financial solution for their agricultural and allied activities. It combines term loans and working capital loans. The term loan finances long-term investments in land development, farm machinery, livestock purchase, and infrastructure development for allied activities like dairy farming or fisheries and the working capital loan caters to operational expenses like purchasing seeds, fertilizers, and feed for livestock. The maximum refinance available under ILS is Rs. 15 lacs per borrower. This sets a limit on the total loan amount that NABARD will refinance for individual farmers through RFIs. 

Self-Employment Scheme for Ex-Servicemen (SEMFEX) 

NABARD is vital in driving SEMFEX forward. NABARD extends refinance support to banks through its Automatic Refinance Facility (ARF). This action means NABARD gives loans at lower rates to banks, helping these banks offer loans to ex-servicemen under SEMFEX with better interest rates. SEMFEX taps into the unique skills and discipline of ex-servicemen. The plan backs credit for a range of agricultural and allied tasks in rural zones. They might start dairy farms, poultry operations, or dive into gardening and fish farming. The scheme also gets that not every ex-serviceman may pick a farm-based path. SEMFEX equally aids in setting up non-farm projects in rural locales. This allows them to initiate micro or small ventures in diverse fields like making goods, processing, or offering services. 

Soft Loan Assistance for Margin Money (SLAMM) 

This plan aims to support budding entrepreneurs in rural India. It acknowledges that having business talent and skills is not the only necessity. Many potential business founders do not have the initial funds needed to meet the margin money demands by NABARD for various refinance plans. Margin money is a part of the full project cost that the borrower must pay from their funds. It serves as a safety fund for the lender and shows the borrower’s dedication to the project. Yet, for many aspiring entrepreneurs, especially in rural zones, gathering this initial amount can pose a significant challenge. 

The SLAMM scheme is designed to address this issue. It offers financial support in the form of a soft loan, aimed precisely at covering the margin money requirement for other NABARD refinance schemes. Soft loans often come with lower interest rates than standard commercial loans, making them a more economical choice for borrowers. 

Small Road and Water Transport Operators (SRWTO) 

NABARD’s Small Road and Water Transport Operators (SRWTO) scheme is designed to enhance rural connectivity and support the transportation sector in India. This initiative recognizes the crucial role that efficient transportation plays in facilitating the movement of goods and people within rural areas and between rural and urban centers. The SRWTO scheme provides financial assistance to individuals and small businesses involved in road and water transport.  

This assistance is specifically targeted at the acquisition of transport vehicles. This can include small trucks and tempos used for transporting agricultural produce or industrial products from rural areas to markets and vice versa. it also covers passenger transport vehicles like minibuses or vans that cater to the transportation needs of rural communities and water transport units, such as boats or barges, operating on inland waterways to facilitate the movement of goods in geographically challenging regions. The margin money assistance under this loan scheme will be extended on a very selective basis, up to 10% of the vehicle’s cost. 

Rural Housing Loans 

NABARD fully grasps the complex role that adequate housing plays in rural spaces. In these communities, homes are not merely places to live; they also double as sites for farming tasks and small enterprises. NABARD, understanding this dual function’s essential contribution to rural progress, serves as a refinancing entity, supplying investment loans to qualifying banks. This refinancing aid allows these banks to extend credit at more favorable rates to those wishing to build or upgrade their residences in countryside areas. By offering refinancing to banks, NABARD effectively narrows the divide between the need for housing loans in rural locales and the accessibility of funds from commercial lenders. This initiative simplifies the process for individuals, especially those with scarce financial means, to secure the capital necessary to erect or enhance their living spaces. 

Renewable Energy 

In its role to boost growth in rural areas, NABARD supports India’s shift to green energy. Working with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) and the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM), NABARD plays a crucial role in advancing off-grid solar energy solutions for lighting up remote areas. It checks if projects can truly meet the needs of these out-of-the-way communities. Even more, NABARD acts as the central agency for refinancing, giving funds to financial bodies to provide loans at lower rates. This helps in setting up solar devices like lights and heaters in homes and small shops. By making energy more reachable, cutting down on oil and gas use, and creating new job chances in country areas, NABARD’s role in funding renewable energy marks a big step towards India’s goals for a sustainable future. 


In conclusion, NABARD stands as a cornerstone institution for empowering rural India. Its diverse range of schemes tackles the specific financial needs of farmers, micro-enterprises, and various rural demographics. From comprehensive loan solutions like the CLS and ILS to targeted support through SLAMM, NABARD bridges the financial gap for rural borrowers.  Furthermore, its role as a regulator and development planner ensures responsible lending practices and fosters initiatives that promote infrastructure development and rural entrepreneurship. By facilitating financial inclusion and empowering rural communities, NABARD paves the way for a more vibrant and prosperous rural India. As India strives for inclusive growth, NABARD’s unwavering commitment to rural development remains a key driver of progress. 

NABARD offers candidates the chance to join its ranks as officers who can lend a hand to the nation’s rural and agricultural development through the NABARD Grade A exam and NABARD Grade B exam. ixamBee helps students prepare for a lucrative career in NABARD through its online test series for NABARD, NABARD Grade A online course, NABARD Grade B online course, and several other resources.

To help you prepare 50% faster for competitive exams, ixamBee provides a free Mock Test Series and all the Current Affairs in English and Current Affairs in Hindi in the BeePedia capsules for GA Preparation. You can also get the latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI Grade B, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs. 

Also Read:

How To Prepare for NABARD Grade A Mains Exam

How should working aspirants prepare for the NABARD Grade A examination?

NABARD Grade A Best Study Material: How To Prepare for Finance

The post NABARD Schemes – Functions of NABARD and Types of NABARD Loans  appeared first on ixambee.

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NaBFID 2024 Notification: Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern & More    https://www.ixambee.com/blog/nabfid-2024-notification-eligibility-criteria-exam-pattern-more https://www.ixambee.com/blog/nabfid-2024-notification-eligibility-criteria-exam-pattern-more#respond Wed, 10 Jul 2024 10:33:16 +0000 https://www.ixambee.com/blog/?p=21401 The National Board of Financial and Industrial Development (NaBFID)  has just launched the much-awaited NaBFID 2024 Exam Notification which is a golden option for aspirants who want to build a career in the financial and industrial development zone. NaBFID is responsible for recruiting candidates for various positions in the finance and industrial development sector. The […]

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The National Board of Financial and Industrial Development (NaBFID)  has just launched the much-awaited NaBFID 2024 Exam Notification which is a golden option for aspirants who want to build a career in the financial and industrial development zone. NaBFID is responsible for recruiting candidates for various positions in the finance and industrial development sector. The recently released recruitment notification has called for over 37 vacancies  

The NaBFID 2024 Exam will be conducted through the online exam which is tentatively scheduled for August. The notification was released on 09, July 2024 on the NaBFID website. The notification provides all the important information about the application submission dates, eligibility criteria, exam pattern, syllabus, and so much more. The notification states that the online application will be open from July 10, 2024 to July 30, 2024. Aspirants who are eager to work with NaBFID can apply for the position immediately and make sure they fill in their applications and send in their application fees by July 30 2024 as per the notification. 

If you are looking forward to improving your expertise in lending operations and increase your prospects of securing a promising career in the finance industry, then NaBFID offers the best opportunities for you.  The NaBFID (National Board of Financial and Industrial Development) offers lucrative opportunities in finance for those keen on this sector. Through this blog, we will take you through the recently released notification so that you can prepare for the NaBFID exam and bring forth more success in this career. Opportunity 

NaBFID Exam 2024 Notification 

The National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) has released its 2024 recruitment notification, inviting applications for various positions across different departments. The application process began on 10th July 2024, and the last date for submitting the registration forms is July 30 2024. 37 vacancies are available for different posts including Finance, Risk Management, Project Management, IT, and legal services. The selection procedure for the position includes the NABFID Exam 2024, tentatively scheduled for August 2024. The online exam will be followed by interviews. Applicants can find the detailed NaBFID 2024 Notification and apply online through the official website. This job drive is a great opportunity for those who hope to play a major role in growing and funding India’s infrastructure. Those hoping to join should apply only after ensuring they meet the eligibility criteria and follow the application deadlines. 

NaBFID Exam 2024 Eligibility Criteria   

The National Board of Financial and Industrial Development (NaBFID) has set specific NaBFID Eligibility Criteria 2024 for candidates interested in various roles. While the age limits have been at 21-32 years, the educational qualifications vary. For positions in Lending Operations, candidates must have qualifications like an MBA in Finance, ICWA, CFA, CMA, CA, or a Post-Graduate degree/Diploma in Finance Management. 

For roles in Risk Management, qualifications include an MBA in Finance, CA, ICWA, CFA, or a Post-Graduate degree/Diploma in Finance Management. Additionally, candidates aiming to excel in risk management are encouraged to obtain certifications like FRM (Financial Risk Manager) or PRM (Professional Risk Manager). 

For General Administration roles, a Post-Graduate degree/diploma in any discipline from a recognized university or institution is required. Previous work experience in an administration department of any government organization and experience with the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) is further desirable. For Accounts roles, candidates should have a Post-Graduate degree/diploma in Management with a specialization in Finance/Banking & Finance, an MBA in Finance/Banking & Finance, or ICWA/CMA/CA from a recognized university or institution. Additional desirable qualifications include CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst). For more detailed information, please refer to the table below. 

Position  Age Range Educational Qualifications 
Lending Operations 21 –32 years MBA in Finance, ICWA, CFA, CMA, CA, Post-Graduate degree/Diploma in Finance Management 
Risk Management MBA in Finance, CA, ICWA, CFA, Post-Graduate degree/Diploma in Finance Management, FRM, PRM  
General Administration and Accounts Post-Graduate degree/diploma in any discipline, Management (Finance/Banking & Finance), MBA (Finance/Banking & Finance), ICWA/CMA/CA  Experience in Govt Org/GeM, Excellent communication skills, CPA, CFA 

NaBFID Exam Pattern 2024 

The selection procedure for the NaBFID exam for 2024 like the previous year, will involve two phases: the online examination and a personal interview. Successful candidates in the online examination may eventually be called for an interview. If you need to get into  NaBFID  and begin a long and fruitful career from this year, you need to be aware of the format of the online written exam to clear the first stage. Aspirants for NaBFID need to use their understanding of all the topics in each stage to effectively navigate thethe exam clearly.  

The NaBFID 2024 exam pattern & syllabus consists of four sections- English Language, Reasoning Ability& Quantitative Aptitude, Data Analysis & Interpretation and Professional Knowledge. The total time duration candidates will get to attempt the exam  is 60 minutes . The NaBFID exam 2024 will also have a sectional time limit in order to help candidates manage their time more efficiently. The candidates need to get the minimum marks separately for each test and in aggregate, as instructed by the NaBFID authorities who conduct this exam. For a complete understanding on this, the best thing you can do is be familiar with the pattern and structure of the NaBFID exam. To get a more detailed insight into the NaBFID Exam Pattern, please refer to the table provided below. 

Name of the Exam No. Of Questions Maximum Marks Time 
Section (A) Objective Type 
Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude 15 15 30 Minutes   
English Language  10  10 
Data Analysis and Interpretation  15  15 
Subtotal – (A)  40 40 
Section (B) Objective 
Professional Knowledge  40  60 30 Minutes 
Subtotal (B)  40 60 
Total (A) and (B)  80  100 60 Minutes 

NaBFID Exam Syllabus 2024  

For officers who are hoping to join NaBFID in 2024, the exam syllabus is meticulously divided into four major sections: (Part A) English Language, Reasoning Ability & Quantitative Aptitude, Data Analysis & Interpretation, and (Part B) Professional Knowledge. It is important for aspirants to attain a comprehensive understanding of the NaBFID syllabus to excel in the exam. Special emphasis should be placed on mastering the Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude. That’s because proficiency in these subjects is rather instrumental in boosting the candidate’s overall marks. For aspirants to clear the exam, they need to have in-depth understanding of the syllabus, which focuses on important topics and their significance in the context of the upcoming exam. You can explore the NaBFID 2024 Exam Syllabus in the table below. 

Section Topics 
Reasoning Aptitude Common sense Reasoning,  Coding-Decoding, Coded Inequalities, Syllogism, Coded Blood Relationship, Input Output, Ranking, Section Test Reasoning 
Quantitative Aptitude  No. System, Percentage, Profit and loss, Ratio and proportion, Partnership, Average, Alligation, Simple and compound interest, Time and distance, Trains, Boats and streams, Permutation and combination, Probability, Quadratic equation, Series, Mensuration, DI, Age, HCF and LCM, Simplification, Approximation, Time and work and Pipe and Cisterns, Short Cut Tricks, Section Test Quant, Caselet DI, Venn diagram 
English Language Tense, Parts of Speech, Direct Indirect Speech, Active passive voice, Articles and Determiners, Cloze Passage, Fillers, Reading Comprehension, Rearrangement, Spotting Errors, Idioms and Phrases, Sentence Improvement, Coherent paragraph, Vocabulary, Section Test English Language, Sentence Connectors, Match the column, Subject Verb Agreement, Word Swapping / Replacement, Word Usage, Phrasal Verbs, The Hindu Editorial Discussions 
Data Analysis & Interpretation  Tabular Graph, Line Graph, Pie Chart, Bar Graph, Radar Graph Caselet, Missing case Data Interpretation (DI), Caselet DI, Data Sufficiency, Probability, Permutation and Combination, etc. 
Risk Management Risk Management – Derivatives, RBI Circulars, Risk and its Types, Risk Management – Basel Norms and Exposure Norms 
Lending Operations Project Finance & Corporate Banking, Banking System, Risk Management, RBI and SEBI Circulars, Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis, General Management 1, General Management 2, General Management 3, Corporate Governance, Financial Institutions, Treasury 

NaBFID Exam 2024 Preparation Tips 

Preparing for the NaBFID Exam 2024 is an important task for those who want to excel in the field of industrial development and finance. This blog hopes to provide some important essential strategies to help you easily prepare for the exam and increase your chances of success in the exam.  

  •  Understand the Exam Structure: To kickstart your NaBFID Exam preparation, it’s essential to understand the exam’s structure fully. You need to gain some insight into the number of sections, question types, and the marking system. This knowledge will aid you in creating a well-organized study plan.  
  • Access Comprehensive Study Resources: Collect top-quality study materials that provide a thorough coverage of the syllabus. We also suggest checking out ixambee’s comprehensive  NaBFID online courses to help you prepare for the exam. Find some quality books and online resources that align with the NaBFID syllabus. Utilize these resources to establish a strong foundation in all subjects.  
  • Time Management: Effective time management is a key to success in these exams. Make up a study schedule that gives ample time for each subject. Prioritize your weaker areas and give more time to them while ensuring you revise regularly. That way, you won’t be rushing through your exam and will be able to structure it better.   
  • Mock Tests and Practice Papers: Get a lot of exercises done with mock tests and previous years’ question papers to get a feel for the exam’s difficulty level and to identify your strengths and weaknesses. ixambee’s comprehensive NaBFID Mock Tests have several papers that can help you get the practice you need for the exam. Regular practice will enhance your problem-solving skills and time management.  
  • Stay Updated: Stay abreast of current affairs, especially in the financial and industrial sectors, as NaBFID exams often include questions about the latest developments. Read financial news and publications to enhance your knowledge. Don’t forget to check out ixambee’s General Awareness page, BeePedia to improve your current affairs knowledge.   
  • Join a Coaching Program: Consider enrolling in a good coaching program or online course tailored for NaBFID Exam preparation. With ixambee’s online training programs, you can for the NaBFID Exam with assistance from comprehensive resources. The programs provides expert guidance, study materials, and regular assessments to help you excel in the exam.  
  • Maintain Consistency: Consistency is vital in your NaBFID Exam preparation. Stick to your study schedule, maintain a positive attitude, and persevere. Consistent effort will yield significant improvements over time. Don’t stress out and let the exam preparation affect your mental and physical health. Compartmentalize where you need to and follow a balanced schedule to help you ace the exams.   
  • Revision and Self-Assessment: In the final weeks leading up to the exam, focus on revision. Review your notes, practice papers, and essential concepts. Additionally, conduct self-assessment tests to gauge your progress and identify areas that may still need improvement.  

Summing Up 

With the NaBFID notification for 2024 out, aspirants who are looking for a long and fruitful career in finance and industrial development can begin preparing for the exam. The aspirants who hope to clear the exam this year need to be mindful that they clear the eligibility criteria and apply for the exam on time. With ixamBee, aspirants can prepare for the exam systematically and succeed in their NaBFID dreams. 

To help you prepare 50% faster for competitive exams, ixamBee provides a free Mock Test Series and all the Current Affairs in English and Current Affairs in Hindi in the BeePedia capsules for GA Preparation. You can also get the latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI Grade B, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs. 

Also Read

UPSC Exam 2024: History, Full Form, Functions & Recruitment 

RBI Grade B 2024: Expected Exam Dates, Eligibility, Exam Pattern & More. 

Everything to Know About the IBPS RRB PO Exam Notification 2024 

The post NaBFID 2024 Notification: Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern & More    appeared first on ixambee.

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NaBFID- Role and Responsibilities as an AIFI https://www.ixambee.com/blog/nabfid-role-and-responsibilities-as-an-aifi https://www.ixambee.com/blog/nabfid-role-and-responsibilities-as-an-aifi#respond Wed, 10 Jul 2024 09:00:15 +0000 https://www.ixambee.com/blog/?p=19578 Established as one of the latest All India Financial Institutions (AIFI), NaBFID’s primary objective revolves around funding and nurturing infrastructure development across the country. Its emergence reflects a strategic initiative aimed at addressing the crucial need for comprehensive financing solutions within India’s infrastructure domain. Continue reading to know deeper into AIFI, NaBFID, regulatory bodies governing […]

The post NaBFID- Role and Responsibilities as an AIFI appeared first on ixambee.

Established as one of the latest All India Financial Institutions (AIFI), NaBFID’s primary objective revolves around funding and nurturing infrastructure development across the country. Its emergence reflects a strategic initiative aimed at addressing the crucial need for comprehensive financing solutions within India’s infrastructure domain.

Continue reading to know deeper into AIFI, NaBFID, regulatory bodies governing AIFI, and related aspects. Read on to know about the career prospects in NaBFID and more.

NaBFID- the latest AIFI

What is an AIFI?

An All India Financial Institution (AIFI) refers to a specialized type of financial institution that operates on a national level and plays a crucial role in supporting various sectors of the economy. These institutions are typically established and regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

AIFIs serve as key pillars of India’s financial system and primarily focus on providing long-term finance and credit facilities to specific sectors such as agriculture, industry, infrastructure, housing, and small-scale enterprises. They play a pivotal role in promoting economic development by offering financial assistance, refinancing options, and developmental services to these priority sectors, thereby fostering growth, employment generation, and infrastructure development.

Some well-known All India Financial Institutions include:

  • National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD): Focuses on agricultural and rural development by providing credit, refinancing, and other supportive services.
  • Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI): Aids the growth of small-scale industries by offering financial assistance, refinancing, and developmental support.
  • Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank): Supports India’s international trade by providing financial assistance, export credits, and advisory services to exporters and importers.
  • National Housing Bank (NHB): Facilitates the growth of the housing sector by providing financial and refinancing assistance to housing finance companies and institutions.

These institutions operate with specific mandates, guidelines, and funding sources, often receiving support or refinancing from the RBI. They are instrumental in channeling funds toward priority sectors, often with concessional terms and developmental objectives, contributing significantly to the nation’s economic growth and stability. Their activities are regulated and supervised by the RBI to ensure compliance with the established norms, safeguarding financial stability and maintaining the integrity of the financial system.

There are five AIFIs as of now, including the latest one, NaBFID – National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development. In the year 2022, the Reserve Bank of India declared its regulation and supervision of the National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) as an All India Financial Institution (AIFI) in accordance with the RBI Act of 1934.

How is NaBFID an AIFI?

The National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) was established in 2021 as a development financial institution aimed at funding infrastructure projects in India. While NaBFID is relatively new, its role and functions align with those of an All India Financial Institution (AIFI).

NaBFID can be considered an AIFI due to several key similarities with established AIFIs in India:

Development Focus: Both NABFID and other AIFIs aim to support and promote economic development. It focuses on infrastructure development, while other AIFIs may target different sectors like agriculture, housing, or industry.

Financial Support: They provide financial assistance, such as loans and investments, to projects that contribute to national development. This helps bridge funding gaps in important sectors.

Government Backing: Both types of institutions often receive support from the government, either through funding, guarantees, or policy support, ensuring they have the resources and stability needed to fulfill their mandates.

Long-term Financing: NABFID and other AIFIs offer long-term financing options, which are crucial for large-scale and long-duration projects that typical commercial banks might find risky or unviable.

Policy Implementation: They play a key role in implementing government policies and initiatives aimed at sectoral growth and infrastructure improvement, ensuring alignment with national economic goals.

While NaBFID is relatively new and its operational framework and impact may evolve over time, its establishment and intended functions align with the core principles and objectives of AIFIs. It aims to address the funding gaps in infrastructure development, support projects of national importance, and contribute significantly to India’s economic growth by providing long-term financing solutions for critical infrastructure needs.

Functions and Responsibilities of NaBFID as an AIFI

The National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) in India was established with the primary objective of financing and fostering infrastructure development in the country. While NaBFID is a relatively new institution, its functions and responsibilities as an All India Financial Institution (AIFI) are pivotal in supporting and promoting infrastructure projects across various sectors. Here are the main functions of NaBFID as an AIFI:

Infrastructure Financing: NaBFID’s core function is to provide long-term financing for infrastructure projects across sectors such as transportation, energy, water and sanitation, telecommunications, and other vital areas. It offers funding support in the form of loans, credit facilities, and other financial products tailored to the needs of infrastructure development.

Facilitating Investments: One of NaBFID’s responsibilities is to attract investments, both domestic and foreign, to support infrastructure projects. By facilitating investment opportunities, NaBFID aims to bridge the financing gap and accelerate the pace of infrastructure development in India.

Refinancing and Re-lending: Similar to other AIFIs, NaBFID might engage in refinancing operations. It may refinance or provide financial assistance to other financial institutions that lend to infrastructure projects. This mechanism helps increase the availability of long-term funds for such projects.

Advisory and Technical Assistance: NaBFID may provide advisory services, technical assistance, and expertise to stakeholders involved in infrastructure development. This assistance can range from project structuring, risk assessment, financial modeling, and implementation strategies to ensure the successful execution of infrastructure projects.

Risk Mitigation: Another crucial function involves risk mitigation strategies. NaBFID might engage in risk-sharing mechanisms or provide guarantees to reduce the perceived risks associated with infrastructure investments, thereby attracting more investors and financial institutions to participate in these projects.

Policy Advocacy and Development: NaBFID may engage in policy advocacy by collaborating with policymakers and regulatory authorities to address regulatory hurdles, develop supportive policies, and create a conducive environment for infrastructure financing and development in the country.

Monitoring and Evaluation: It is likely that NaBFID will monitor the progress of infrastructure projects it finances, ensuring their timely completion and effective utilization of funds. Regular evaluation helps in identifying challenges and implementing corrective measures for ongoing and future projects.

Compliance and Regulatory Oversight: As an AIFI, NaBFID is subject to regulatory oversight and compliance with regulations set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) or other relevant regulatory bodies. Adhering to regulatory standards ensures financial stability and integrity within the financial system.

These functions collectively contribute to NaBFID’s role as an AIFI, supporting India’s infrastructure development by providing financial assistance, expertise, and fostering an environment conducive to infrastructure investments, thereby contributing to the nation’s economic growth and development. Please note that the specific roles and responsibilities of NaBFID might evolve over time with changing economic conditions and policy directives.

Key Responsibilities

  • Establish and oversee subsidiaries, joint ventures, or branches, both within India and abroad.
  •  Coordinate operational activities in the realm of infrastructure finance and maintain a proficient workforce dedicated to analyzing infrastructure finance issues. Additionally, provide consultancy services to the Central Government, the Reserve Bank, and other institutions involved in infrastructure finance.
  •  Create trusts under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, with the objective of establishing funds that aid in financing infrastructure projects within India.
  •  Empower the growth of a robust and liquid market for bonds, loans, and derivatives.
  •  Provide loans and investments for infrastructure projects situated in India, either wholly within the country or partially outside India.
  •  Extend loans and advances to offer financial assistance for various purposes.
  •  Undertake the takeover or refinancing of existing loans provided by lenders for infrastructure projects within India, or projects partly within India and partly outside India.
  •  Transfer loans and advances provided by the institution, either with or without securities, to trusts, for a consideration.
  •  Allocate loans or advances held by the institution and generate and sell securities based on these loans or advances, in the form of debt obligations, beneficial interest trust certificates, or other instruments. Additionally, act as a trustee for the holders of such securities.
  •  Transfer securities issued to the institution to other entities.

What are the job opportunities in NaBFID?

NaBFID, being a relatively new institution aimed at financing and fostering infrastructure development in India, presents various job opportunities across different functional areas. These opportunities span from entry-level positions to managerial roles, catering to individuals with diverse skill sets and expertise. Some potential job opportunities in NaBFID might include:

Financial Analysts: Professionals skilled in financial analysis, modeling, and risk assessment are crucial for evaluating infrastructure projects, assessing their financial viability, and ensuring prudent financial management within NaBFID.

Project Managers: Individuals experienced in project management play a vital role in overseeing and supervising infrastructure projects funded by NaBFID. They ensure projects adhere to timelines, budgets, quality standards, and regulatory requirements.

Infrastructure Investment Specialists: Experts with a background in infrastructure investment, asset management, and deal structuring are essential for identifying investment opportunities, conducting due diligence, and managing the investment portfolio of NaBFID.

Legal and Compliance Officers: NaBFID requires legal professionals and compliance officers to ensure adherence to regulatory frameworks, draft contracts, mitigate legal risks, and maintain compliance with relevant laws and guidelines.

Risk Managers: Skilled risk management professionals are needed to assess and mitigate risks associated with infrastructure investments, develop risk management strategies, and ensure the stability and security of NaBFID’s portfolio.

Human Resources and Administration: Professionals specializing in HR and administrative functions are essential for managing workforce requirements, recruitment, training, employee relations, and administrative operations within NaBFID.

Information Technology (IT) Specialists: IT experts play a crucial role in implementing and managing technological infrastructure, cybersecurity, data analytics, and software systems essential for NaBFID’s operations.

Public Relations and Communications Specialists: Individuals skilled in communication, public relations, and marketing can contribute to building NaBFID’s brand, managing stakeholder relationships, and disseminating information about its initiatives.

Economists and Policy Analysts: Experts in economics and policy analysis are instrumental in conducting macroeconomic assessments, formulating policies, and providing insights into economic trends influencing infrastructure development.

Environmental and Social Impact Specialists: Professionals knowledgeable in environmental sustainability and social impact assessment can contribute to ensuring that NaBFID-funded projects adhere to environmental regulations and have a positive societal impact.

These are just a few examples of potential job roles within NaBFID. As the institution evolves and expands its operations, there may be further opportunities across various departments and disciplines. Job openings and specific roles within NaBFID can vary based on the institution’s needs, strategic objectives, and evolving industry trends within the infrastructure finance domain. Candidates interested in working at NaBFID should regularly check its official website or employment portals for updated job postings and requirements.

Prepare for a career in NaBFID with ixamBee

This year, the National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID) has issued NABFID notification for 37 vacancies across various roles such as Analysts in Risk Management, Generalist Administration, Accounts, Lending Operations, and several other fields encompassing Human Resources, Investment & Treasury, Information Technology & Operations, Legal, Internal Audit & Compliance, Company Secretariat, Strategic Development and Partnerships, and Economist positions. The examination dates for these vacancies are pending announcement by NaBFID officials. Prior to applying, prospective candidates are advised to thoroughly review the comprehensive NaBFID Exam 2024 notification, which contains details about the. Further insights regarding the examination schedule, pattern, syllabus, selection procedure, eligibility criteria, and other pertinent information on NaBFID exam 2024 recruitment process can be found on ixamBee. 

IxamBee offers an extensive range of study materials, including Online Courses NaBFID Risk Management, NaBFID Generalist Administration, NaBFID Accounts, and NaBFID Lending Operations tailored for the requirements of Analyst grade officer position in each specialized field. These online courses cater to enhancing knowledge and skill proficiency in their respective domains. The courses are distinctive, and comprehensive, and furnish learners with all the essential resources necessary to develop a profound understanding of the subject matter.

To supplement your preparation effectively, take advantage of the Free NaBFID Mock Tests meticulously designed for each stream. These tests are pivotal in refining your preparation and are crucial for evaluating and refining your time management skills. Practising with these tests ensures efficient allocation of time across different sections and questions, optimizing your exam-taking strategy. Moreover, these NaBFID practice tests available on ixamBee serve as barometers of your progress. They are meticulously structured to align with the latest NaBFID Officer exam syllabus and patterns, ensuring relevance and accuracy in your preparation.

To stay updated with current affairs, explore ixamBee’s General Awareness-Beepedia page. A thorough understanding of general knowledge and current affairs is indispensable for aspirants like you, and ixamBee provides easily accessible resources to keep you well-informed of essential information.


NaBFID’s collective contributions as an AIFI aim to propel India’s infrastructure growth, fostering an environment conducive to investment and economic development. As the institution evolves, there may be diverse career opportunities across departments and disciplines. Interested candidates should stay updated on job postings and requirements through NaBFID’s official website or employment portals. The evolving nature of NaBFID’s functions underscores the potential for a rewarding career within the institution, especially for those passionate about contributing to India’s infrastructure development. At ixamBee, we strive tirelessly to support your career aspirations and extend our best wishes for your success.

To help you prepare 50% faster for competitive exams, ixamBee provides a Mock Test Series and all the Current Affairs in English and Current Affairs in Hindi in the BeePedia capsules for GA Preparation. You can also get the latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI Grade B, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs.

Also Read

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IBPS CLERK PREPARATION PLAN https://www.ixambee.com/blog/ibps-clerk-preparation-plans https://www.ixambee.com/blog/ibps-clerk-preparation-plans#respond Sat, 06 Jul 2024 14:05:00 +0000 https://www.ixambee.com/blog/?p=18195 Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, commonly known as IBPS is an esteemed organization that is responsible for conducting the recruitment process for various posts to be filled in various Public Sector Banks that are covered under it. Every year it releases vacancies for the post of officers and IBPS clerk as well, depending on the […]

The post IBPS CLERK PREPARATION PLAN appeared first on ixambee.

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, commonly known as IBPS is an esteemed organization that is responsible for conducting the recruitment process for various posts to be filled in various Public Sector Banks that are covered under it. Every year it releases vacancies for the post of officers and IBPS clerk as well, depending on the number of vacancies in each public sector bank listed under it.

This year also, recruitment notification for IBPS Clerk in various banks all over India has been released. IBPS CLERK is a good job if you land it especially when you are planning to prepare further for competitive exams. IBPS CLERK job gives you a fair chance to give time to yourself along with doing your job, with usually fixed working hours from 10 to 5.

Every year lakhs of students appear for the IBPS CLERK examination which increases competition every year and makes it tougher for an individual to achieve a high rank in order to get his desired bank. This is the reason why one needs to have a well thought-out study plan and strategy to follow on the actual exam day.


Having a plan beside you before starting any kind of preparation, is the first and major step to success. To chalk out a plan you first need to have the required ingredients just as you need them before preparing a dish! To make sure you come out with flying colors and make a delicious end product, you should ensure having all the ingredients in a balanced quantity, not too much and not too less.

You need to mix all the ingredients in a proper way to get a final product which, in this case, will be enjoyed by you the most. In other words, you need to have a recipe for success that has a proper mix of all ingredients, that include good sources of information, proper tips /plan how to start your preparation, how much time to devote to each and every section etc. all in a balanced manner.

To start, you should first be aware with the IBPS Clerk exam pattern and syllabus for each section, so let’s get started!

IBPS CLERK is conducted in two stages- PRELIMS & MAINS.


ENGLISH LANGUAGE303020 minutes
TOTAL10010060 minutes



According to the weightage given to all the sections, it should be clear that one needs to devote equal time to all of them as you need to clear the sectional cut-off for each section along with the total cut-off.

To start with, you need to analyse your weaker and the stronger sections, and allot time in your study plan accordingly.



Until you remove this notion out of your mind, that English is impossible, you will always stay ‘Out of your Mind’!


Unless you get this into your habit, just as brushing your teeth, you are not going anywhere! As soon as you see the morning paper-get hold of it and just start reading. Reading the newspaper, is not only going to improve your English language, but also your knowledge of current affairs! So keep going.

  • Wherever you spot a completely new word, which you might have seen for the first time, or WORSE CASE-you aren’t able to even pronounce it– get hold of a highlighter and mark it!

(It highlights your weak points, where you really need to work!)

So, you have to work even more now- Note down the list of marked words WITH their respective meanings. When you keep reading, gradually you will catch up and automatically improve on your reading, writing and vocabulary- BUT that requires consistency for a longer time.


Last but not the least- Get hold of good books, and start practicing language exercises that will give an edge over everyone. You can also test your learning and improve further.


IBPS CLERK Quantitative Aptitude

It is another important section in most of the competitive exams. Students with a non-mathematics background may face a bit of difficulty in this section, but it is also one scoring section, where you can find a certain number of approachable questions which an average student may also find easy to attempt. Moreover, it covers mostly 10th level syllabus which almost everyone has studied. What is needed is, some practice which gives you an idea about the difficulty level and also the confidence to attempt any kind of question in the actual exam scenario.

  • “Practice” is the key to nailing the IBPS CLERK QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE It not only makes you strong in your weaker areas, but also helps you in realizing your strong areas, with the help of which you can ace this section.
  • You come to know which type of question you need to attempt / devote your time to and which type of question you DO NOT have to attempt/waste your time on, as in the actual exam scenario, you do not have time to think and then realize later that you were not supposed to attempt that particular question.
  • Knowing the syllabus” is the second most important step towards performing well in any section. IBPS CLERK QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE covers many topics which are mentioned in the syllabus covered by IBPS in most of its exams, consisting of questions from Arithmetic, number system, quadratic equations, simplification, probability, DI etc.

Depending on the exam scenario, you cannot afford to waste even a second there, which means you need to be fully prepared before you enter the exam hall.

  • “Segregate” the easier and difficult chapters and accordingly make a plan with the timeline of how much time to be given to each chapter in a day.

The difficulty level of this section also depends majorly on the time taken to solve a particular    question. That’s what you can improve by practice and reduce the time consumed to a great extent.

  • Learn some short-cut methods which can give you an edge over others, and help you solve certain time-taking questions in less time. Practice those short-cut methods well on a regular basis, as you tend to forget things once you get out of practice.
  • Learn all the important formulae from all chapters, by heart.
  • Learn all tables, squares, cubes, common percentages and their fractional and decimal equivalents, which will help you well in tackling the calculative questions in as less time as possible.
  • Find good and trustworthy online / offline material to study and practice.
  • As it is a clerical level examination, the examiner would probably concentrate on testing your calculation skills rather than providing too difficult questions.


Reasoning ability is comparatively a difficult and time-consuming section which requires a lot of understanding and an ability to apply logic as swiftly as possible. This section requires a lot of smart work with hard work. This section is a combination of LOGIC and REASONING ABILITY.

So, you need to sharpen your logic taking help of your natural ability to reason well in the pressurised exam scenario. Some important topics asked in this section are –

– Syllogism

– Coded Inequalities

– Seating Arrangement Puzzles

–  Data Sufficiency

– Input- Output

– Blood Relation

– Order and Ranking

– Alphanumeric Series

– Statement & Assumptions/Cause & Effect

Certain points that you need to keep in mind are-

  • Divide the chapters according to the difficulty level – Easy / Moderate / Difficult.
  • Divide the time you have according to your strength and weakness.
  • Divide the questions according to the probability of your attempting them the least / most accordingly.
  • Remember not to ignore the easier topics, while practicing the tougher ones.
  • Keep a track of what you are doing.
  • Keep a stopwatch while solving a puzzle and try to invent ways to reduce the time in the next attempt.
  • Try to use the least paper space while solving a question, especially a puzzle.
  • Do not get stuck on a question / puzzle if you cannot manage it in sometime and mark it for review to return to it later, if you feel it can be done for sure. By getting stuck, you are eating up your time meant for other questions.
  • PRACTICE and only practice can save you in the actual exam.


Computer Awareness forms a small part of the IBPS PO exam. It is usually asked in the ‘mains’ exam, usually included with the Reasoning section.

The questions that are asked under this section are usually based on the fundamentals, operational knowledge, questions on software and hardware, keyboard shortcuts and other miscellaneous topics. Computer Awareness may prove to be one easy catch and a scoring part as it doesn’t need very technically detailed knowledge to answer the questions in this section. As the name suggests, it tests your basic awareness of computers.

IBPS Clerk Study Other Study Materials

IBPS Clerk Mock Tests
IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2024 is a golden opportunity for all the aspirants who have been preparing for bank exams. Now is the chance to use all that you have learned so far and win the competition. An integral part of your preparation strategy is practice. Practice is what will make you perfect and to achieve that you need a good set of practice questions. As all the exams are held online these days, it is extremely important that you work on your skills that involve speed & accuracy. All this needs to be done online and to assist you with that ixamBee is providing IBPS Clerk 2024 online test series for Prelims & IBPS Clerk Mains exam. You should immediately start attempting these IBPS Clerk 2024 online mock tests that will allow you to revise, regain and score good marks.

IBPS Clerk Online Course
If you are feeling a bit puzzled or have the slightest doubt about how you will be able to complete everything in time and feel it is too much to take in at the moment, ixamBee’s Ultimate Beebanker Online Course is the right stop for you. The course has been designed by our experienced faculty members who have extensive knowledge in the banking and financial sector.

IBPS Clerk Previous Year Question Papers

The previous year papers are a reliable study material for the IBPS Clerk Exam 2024. They help you understand the exam pattern, types of questions, and difficulty level. By practicing these previous year papers for both IBPS Clerk Prelims and IBPS Clerk Mains exams, you can identify important topics and focus your preparation accordingly. They also improve your time management skills, as you can practice completing the exam within the given time limit. Additionally, solving previous year papers boosts your confidence, as you become familiar with the exam format.


  • Avoid attempting questions you are not aware of.
  • Scan the paper before attempting.
  • Practice as much as possible.
  • Avoid mistakes- avoid negative markings; Maintain accuracy.
  • Write/solve in clear handwriting, which is readable by you later.
  • Do not panic.
  • Take some time out for yourself in order to avoid boredom and monotony in the preparation schedule.

“OPPORTUNITY does not waste time with those who are unprepared”.

                             ALL THE BEST FROM TEAM ixamBee!!

Also read:

Get Free Online Test Series, GK updates in the form of Beepedia,  as well as latest updates for Bank POBank ClerkSSC, RBI, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs.

The post IBPS CLERK PREPARATION PLAN appeared first on ixambee.

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Who Regulated the Stock Market Regulation in India Before SEBI?  https://www.ixambee.com/blog/who-regulated-the-stock-market-regulation-in-india-before-sebi https://www.ixambee.com/blog/who-regulated-the-stock-market-regulation-in-india-before-sebi#respond Sat, 06 Jul 2024 07:13:55 +0000 https://www.ixambee.com/blog/?p=21391 The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is a key player in India’s stock market regulation today, just like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) does in the United States. SEBI’s main job is “to look after the interests of people buying and selling stocks and to help the stock market grow while making […]

The post Who Regulated the Stock Market Regulation in India Before SEBI?  appeared first on ixambee.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is a key player in India’s stock market regulation today, just like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) does in the United States. SEBI’s main job is “to look after the interests of people buying and selling stocks and to help the stock market grow while making sure it follows certain rules.” The setup and strengthening of SEBI in the late 1900s was a big step toward making India’s stock markets more reliable and well-regulated. 

India’s journey to build this framework tells a tale of ongoing change, tweaks, and updates. Before SEBI came to be in 1988 and got more power in 1992, controlling stock markets in India was a job for various groups and saw many changes. These first steps to regulate, though scattered and often not enough, set the stage for the much organized and full system SEBI would later make. 

Through this blog, we hope to dive deep into the intricate history of stock market regulation in India before SEBI was a thing. We hope to shed light on the most important milestones and challenges that stock market regulation has seen. Along with that, we will also look at some of the most important reforms that shaped the regulatory landscape for stock markets. From the self-regulation of the first stock exchanges to huge pieces of legislation such as the Indian Companies Act of 1913 and the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act of 1956, we will explore the evolution of market regulation. We will also take a look back on the journey that led to the formation of a single regulatory body that culminated in the formation of SEBI. Through this blog, we hope to give you a deeper understanding about the dynamic and ever-changing nature of Indian securities market regulation. 

 History of Stock Market Exchange in India  

The Securities and Exchange Board of India in its modern form was incorporated in April 1992 after the passage of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act through the Indian Parliament.  It replaced the Controller of Capital Issues, which regulated the securities markets under the Capital Issues (Control) Act, 1947. It had been passed just months before India gained independence from the British Empire. Let’s take a closer look at how the stock market was regulated in India before SEBI became a reality. 

The Emergence of Stock Exchanges 

The history of buying and selling stocks in India dates to the 18th century and culminated in the establishment of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in 1875. The Bombay Stock Exchange is well-known as the oldest stock exchange in Asia. Initially, the BSE operated without a proper regulatory body and depended on its own set of guidelines as a substitute. These self-imposed regulations were strongly influenced by the British regime in India. As a result, it reflected the colonial government and monetary systems prevalent during that time.  

Traders on the BSE ran their activities with a degree of autonomy and enforced their policies through a committee of brokers whose aim was to maintain order and fair-trading practices. This marked the early stages of organized stock trade in India and laid the foundational practices and traditions that would develop into a larger state-of-the-art and controlled facility. Despite the lack of formal oversight, BSE’s early operations were instrumental in creating a market tradition and infrastructure that could later be transformed through complex regulatory frameworks. 

 The Indian Companies Act, 1913 

The Indian Companies Act of 1913 was one of the early moves to keep check on the stock market. This law set rules for how companies start, run, and close, which also touched the stock market side. It made companies sign up and laid out how they should be run to stop bad acts and keep investors safe. 

 Post-Independence: The Need for Regulation 

 After becoming independent in 1947, India had to rebuild its economy and set up a stable money system. The time right after independence showed the clear need for strong rules to watch over the growing stock markets and keep investors safe. The government brought in the Capital Issues (Control) Act of 1947 to watch over how securities were given out and to make sure money went to important sectors. This Act made companies get permission from the government before they could share stocks and bonds, aiming to manage the flow of money and stop wrong use. 
Additionally, once the Companies Act in 1956 came into being, it marked an important step in Corporate Regulation in the country. For one, it helped in providing a series of guidelines that assisted in creating and regulating companies. Secondly, it also helped with the management of said corporation. But it needs to be said that despite these efforts, the absence of an actual regulatory authority did lead to some mismanagement and malpractices. This led to the rather urgent need for a more structured approach to market oversight. It was this need that eventually lead to the establishment of SEBI. 

 The Capital Issues (Control) Act, 1947 

 After India became independent in 1947, the country was forced to rebuild its shattered economy from scratch. The government came up with the Capital Issues (Control) Act in 1947 so that there would be some control in allotting scarce resources and capital. This Act meant that companies needed government permission to issue shares and debentures. This meant the capital was directed towards sectors that were a priority.  When the Companies Act of 1956 was created, as mentioned earlier, it lead to the consolidation and amendment of laws related to companies and a move to improve corporate governance.  

 Birth of Controller of Capital Issues (CCI) 

When the Capital Issues (Control) Act was set up, it was the Controller of Capital Issues (CCI) that acted as the primary regulatory authority for the stock market. The CCI was tasked with the responsibility for providing approval and regulation when it came to issuing securities. But its role was primarily administrative in nature. It focused more on controlling capital flow. It did not concern itself too much with the duty of stock market regulation and its daily functioning.  

During this period, stock exchanges like the BSE and the Calcutta Stock Exchange (CSE) regulated their duties without external supervision. The two stock giants had their own set of regulations. These rules were enforced and created by an elected committee. While this self-regulation was commendable and worked to a certain extent, there was a flip side to it. There was the key issue of transparency, and the much-needed accountability which was missing. 

The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 

The Government then came up with the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act (SCRA) to focus on the need for a far more structured framework which could regulate the stock market. The SCRA hoped to get rid of any malpractices in transactions when it came to securities. It also hoped to regulate the system of shares and securities altogether. The SCRA provided the legal framework which would then go a long way in recognizing the regulation of stock exchanges in India. 

 Market Scams and the Need for Reform 

 As time went on, the era of the 70s and 80s were terrible for the Indian Stock Market. This was simply due to the appearance of several high-profile scams and market manipulations. The Haridas Mundhra scandal in 1957 which involved selling shares to government-owned organizations illegally. Scandals like this really exposed the weak link that was there in the regulatory framework. It ultimately highlighted the need for far more dedicated regulatory authority for stock exchanges in the country.  

 In response to this problem, in 1988, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) came into being as a non-statutory body. In the beginning, SEBI was more focused on the regulating the securities market and protecting the interest of the investors. But it needs to be said that the earliest form of SEBI did not have the powers to carry out the regulation duties it was established for. This situation changed in 1992 when SEBI was granted statutory status through the SEBI Act. Ultimately, SEBI became the powerful and independent organization we see today.   

Key Challenges in the Pre-SEBI Era 

 Before SEBI came into being, many regulatory authorities, from the CCI to SCRA, faced some challenges. Let’s take a look at three of the more important problems it faced below: 

  • A Weak and Broken Regulatory Framework: It needs to be said that one of the major issues that early organizations faced in the pre-SEBI era was the weak and broken regulatory framework that overlapped with each other. There were a lot of organizations which included established institutes like the Ministry of Finance, and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and stock exchanges themselves. Each of these institutes and organizations had a central role in regulating various aspects of the market. These overlapping ideas and approaches often led to inefficiencies in the management of the market. 
  • No Investor Protection: Another key problem that cropped up was the lack of protection for investors. This was especially a concern Investor protection was a significant concern before SEBI. The absence of a dedicated regulatory body meant that there were limited mechanisms to address investor grievances and ensure fair practices. Insider trading, market manipulation, and other malpractices were rampant, eroding investor confidence. 
  • Limited Market Development: The regulatory focus during the pre-SEBI era was primarily on controlling capital issues and preventing malpractices rather than promoting market development. This approach stifled innovation and limited the growth potential of the Indian stock markets. The lack of a forward-looking regulatory framework hindered the introduction of new financial instruments and trading practices. 

 The Transition to SEBI And its Early Initiatives  

 From its earliest days of initiation in 1988, SEBI, though on the radar of the stock market scene, was not an overt presence. This changed when the Harshad Mehta scam of 1992 hit the news. It was a decisive moment in the history of Indian stock market regulation and became the turning point for the country. The Harshad Mehta scam involved the manipulating of stock prices illegally. The scam exposed all the weaknesses and vulnerabilities that were prevalent in the current regulatory framework. It was this scam that triggered the government to come up with a far more comprehensive reform for the stock market. Ultimately, it led to a situation where SEBI was given statutory powers. 

 With the SEBI Act of 1992, there was a very significant turning point when it came to regulating the Indian Securities Market. The SEBI Act granted the organization all the authority they needed when it came to regulating and overseeing the major aspects of the Indian stock market. This also included such aspects like stock exchanges, brokers, and listed companies. The act gave SEBI the authority to enforce compliance, conduct investigations, and take immediate countermeasures against violators. 

In its early years, SEBI took up a lot of initiatives they used to establish its reputation as an effective regulator of the stock markets by bringing about revolutionary changes and taking up several new projects. The institute introduced some new measures that would being about transparency in dealings and improve disclosure standards. Ultimately, the aim was to strengthen corporate governance practices. SEBI also focused on building a stronger framework to protect investors with the establishment of the Investor Protection Fund and by creating investor education programs. 

Prepare for SEBI Exams with ixamBee 

ixamBee is rather an important tool for those keen on the stock markets and are preparing for SEBI Grade A recruitment exams. The platform provides important insights into the SEBI Grade A Exam Pattern and Syllabus, and helps them in establishing a strong groundwork for their preparation journey. Aspirants can also make use of ixamBee’s SEBI Important Questions platform which helps students prepare for the upcoming SEBI exams with important questions that are likely to be asked. Along with that, ixamBee’s SEBI Grade A Online Course caters to diverse streams, including Legal, Information Technology, Research, and Official Language. Crafted by seasoned faculty members, the course offers top-notch guidance through video lectures, live classes, and practice quizzes, tailoring the learning experience to each stream’s specific requirements, including BeePedia for the General Awareness segment. 

Summing Up 

The evolution of stock market regulation in India before SEBI was on the government’s radar is a story of success and turmoil, in equal measure. It stands as a testimony to India’s emergence on the share market scene with a modern and far more efficient financial system. While it’s true that pre-SEBI frameworks had their own limitations, it laid the groundwork for everything that came after. These challenges that pre-SEBI era was peppered with offers a lot of tough lessons that still shape up India’s regulatory landscape. 

To help you prepare 50% faster for competitive exams, ixamBee provides a free Mock Test Series and all the Current Affairs in English and Current Affairs in Hindi in the BeePedia capsules for GA Preparation. You can also get the latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI Grade B, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs. 

Also Read 

The Role of SEBI in Ensuring Secure Investments 

Transfer Policy of the SEBI Grade A Officer: An Introduction 

What are the Best SEBI-registered Stock Advisory Companies in India? 

The post Who Regulated the Stock Market Regulation in India Before SEBI?  appeared first on ixambee.

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UPSC Exam 2024: History, Full Form, Functions & Recruitment  https://www.ixambee.com/blog/upsc-exam-history-full-form-functions-recruitment https://www.ixambee.com/blog/upsc-exam-history-full-form-functions-recruitment#respond Wed, 03 Jul 2024 13:41:54 +0000 https://www.ixambee.com/blog/?p=21363 The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) stands as a cornerstone in the recruitment of officers for the Indian government, playing a pivotal role in shaping the administrative framework of the country. Established with the aim of ensuring a merit-based, transparent, and efficient selection process, the UPSC conducts the prestigious Civil Services Examination (CSE). This examination […]

The post UPSC Exam 2024: History, Full Form, Functions & Recruitment  appeared first on ixambee.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) stands as a cornerstone in the recruitment of officers for the Indian government, playing a pivotal role in shaping the administrative framework of the country. Established with the aim of ensuring a merit-based, transparent, and efficient selection process, the UPSC conducts the prestigious Civil Services Examination (CSE). This examination is the gateway to some of the most coveted positions in the Indian civil services, including the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Foreign Service (IFS).  

The UPSC’s history is deeply intertwined with India’s journey towards a modern administrative system, reflecting the evolving needs and aspirations of the nation. Each year, thousands of aspirants from diverse backgrounds embark on the challenging path of the CSE, driven by a desire to contribute to the nation’s development and governance.  

In 2024, the CSE continues to uphold its reputation as one of the toughest and most competitive examinations in the country. This comprehensive guide delves into the UPSC’s history, its functions, the intricacies of the  Civil Service Exam 2024, and essential aspects related to the exam. Whether you are a first-time aspirant or a seasoned candidate, this blog aims to provide valuable insights to aid your preparation journey. 

History of the UPSC 

The history of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is a testament to India’s evolving administrative framework. The journey began in 1923 when the Royal Commission on superior civil services in India was established under Lord Lee of Fareham. This pivotal moment led to the formation of a Public Service Commission in 1924, which was constituted with an equal number of Indian and British members, reflecting the recommendations of the Lee Commission. 

In 1926, the first Public Service Commission was formally established, with Sir Ross Barker serving as its inaugural chairman. This marked the beginning of a structured approach to civil services recruitment in India. The evolution continued with the creation of the Federal Public Service Commission in 1935 under the Government of India Act 1935, further solidifying the framework for civil services examinations and recruitment. 

The most significant transformation occurred post-independence, on 26th January 1950, when the Federal Public Service Commission  was reconstituted as the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). This change not only symbolized India’s newfound sovereignty but also underscored the importance of a robust and impartial recruitment process for the country’s civil services. Today, the UPSC stands as a beacon of meritocracy and excellence, shaping the nation’s administrative machinery through its rigorous selection process. 

Understanding UPSC Job  roles and the UPSC full form is crucial for aspirants aiming to enter the esteemed ranks of the  IAS, IPS, and  IFS . The  UPSC  has a rather comprehensive exam process  which defines what the UPSC Job is all about. It highlights the responsibilities and significant impact these roles have on the nation’s governance and development. The table mentioned below will give you a basic idea on the UPSC exam. 

UPSC CSE (IAS) Basic Information 
Exam Name IAS Exam (UPSC CSE) 
Conducting Body Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) 
Exam Types Offline Examination 
Application Fees General Male Candidates – Rs 100/- 
Everyone Else – Rs. 0/- (free) 
Selection Process Phase 1: Prelims 
Phase 2: Mains 
Phase 3: Interview 
UPSC Website www.upsc.gov.in  

Functions of the UPSC 

The institution of UPSC is bestowed with many roles and responsibilities. As per Article 320 of the Indian constitution, the Union Public Service Commission shall conduct examinations for appointments to various posts and services at the Union level. Some of the major functions of the UPSC include consultation on the following matters: 

  •  Appointments for Civil Services and Other Posts: The UPSC plays a crucial role in making appointments to civil services and other governmental posts. This includes the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Foreign Service (IFS), among others. By overseeing the recruitment process, the UPSC ensures that appointments are made based on merit, fairness, and transparency, contributing to the efficiency and effectiveness of the public administration system. 
  • Methods of Recruiting Candidates for Various Civil Services Posts: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is responsible for recruiting candidates for various civil services posts through a meticulous selection process. The primary method is the Civil Services Examination (CSE), which includes a preliminary exam, a main exam, and an interview. This rigorous process ensures that only the most qualified and capable individuals are selected to serve in vital government roles, maintaining high standards of governance. 
  • Promotion and Transfer of Officers: In addition to recruitment, the UPSC is also involved in the promotion and transfer of officers from one service to another. This function is essential for career progression and ensuring that experienced and capable officers are placed in positions where they can make the most significant impact. The UPSC evaluates the officers’ performance and suitability for higher responsibilities or different roles, maintaining the quality of the civil services. 
  •  Suitability of Candidates for Appointments, Promotion, or Transfers: The  UPSC  checks the suitability of candidates for various appointments, promotions, or transfers within the civil services. This involves a thorough assessment of the candidates’ qualifications, performance records, and potential for future roles. By conducting these evaluations, the UPSC ensures that only the most competent individuals are selected for critical positions, fostering a culture of excellence and integrity within the civil services. 
  •  Disciplinary Actions Against Civil Servants: The UPSC also oversees disciplinary actions against civil servants serving in a civil capacity. This includes handling petitions or memorials related to such matters. The commission ensures that disciplinary actions are conducted fairly and justly, maintaining the ethical standards and accountability of the civil services. By addressing grievances and enforcing disciplinary measures, the UPSC upholds the integrity and professionalism of the public administration system. 

 In addition to its core functions, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) can also assist two or more states in framing and executing schemes for joint recruitment for any services, if requested. This collaborative role helps streamline the recruitment process for inter-state services, ensuring consistency and efficiency. By providing expertise and support, the UPSC facilitates the creation of effective recruitment strategies, contributing to the overall improvement of public administration across states. 

UPSC Exam 2024 Eligibility Criteria

The UPSC Exam eligibility is a rather significant topic, given that according to the criteria, you’ll be allowed to appear for the exam or be disqualified. We strongly advise going through the criteria properly before considering appearing for the exam. To appear for the UPSC exam, a candidate must be a citizen of India. UPSC hopefuls from the general category must not be younger than 21 years and should not have turned 32 on August 01, 2024.

There is an age relaxation of a maximum of 5 years if you belong to the SC/ST category which makes the upper age limit for this category as 37 years. For the OBC category, age relaxation is up to 3 years making the upper age limit 35 years for OBC. Those in the PwBD category have an age limit of 42 years. Coming to the educational qualification, the UPSC exam requires candidates to be at least a bachelor’s degree holder or hold an equivalent qualification. So, it’s quite important for you to carry the proof of being a graduate from a state or centrally recognized university. 

 UPSC Exam Notification 2024 

The UPSC 2024 exam cycle has seen significant updates recently. Aspirants will be eager to know all the important details on the UPSC. The Prelims result was announced on 1st July 2024, marking a critical milestone for many aspirants. Prior to this, the UPSC released the Prelims 2024 admit card on 7th June 2024 for the exam held on 16th June 2024. 

The official notification for the UPSC exam 2024 was released on 14th February 2024. The application process commenced on the same day and continued until 5th March 2024. This notification revealed 1056 vacancies, offering many opportunities for aspiring candidates. Initially, as per the official UPSC calendar released on 10th May 2023, the Prelims exam was scheduled for 26th May 2024. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, the exam date was postponed to 16th June 2024, giving candidates additional preparation time. 

 Following the Prelims, the Mains exam is set to commence from 20th September 2024.   The UPSC full form exam is known for its rigorous selection process, and these updates are vital for aspirants to plan their preparation strategies effectively.  As the examination dates approach, candidates are advised to stay updated with official announcements and focus on their preparation to navigate through this competitive exam successfully. 

An Overview of the UPSC Exam 2024 

The UPSC full form exam is conducted every year to recruit candidates to various civil services of the Indian central government.  The UPSC Exam is also popularly known as the IAS exam and is conducted subsequently after the official release of the UPSC vacancy memo. The UPSC full form, has three rounds that you need to clear in order to get selected as an IAS officer.  Let’s take a closer look at the different stages below. 

  • Preliminary Examination (Prelims): The Preliminary Examination (Prelims)is the first stage of the UPSC Civil Services Examination. It consists of objective type questions designed to test the candidate’s general awareness, knowledge, and aptitude. The Prelims comprise two papers: General Studies (GS) Paper I and Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) Paper II. Successful candidates in the Prelims qualify for the Main Examination. It serves as a screening test, ensuring that only the most capable candidates proceed further. 
  • Main Examination (Mains): The Main Examination (Mains) is the second and crucial stage of the UPSC Civil Services Examination. It features descriptive type questions, aimed at evaluating the candidate’s in-depth knowledge, analytical abilities, and clarity of expression. The Mains consists of nine papers, including four General Studies papers, two optional subject papers, one essay paper, and two qualifying language papers. Candidates who perform well in the Mains are shortlisted for the final stage, the Interview. 
  • Interview: The Interview, also known as the Personality Test, is the final stage of the UPSC full form examination Conducted by a panel of experts, the interview assesses the candidate’s personality, communication skills, and overall suitability for a career in civil services. The panel evaluates various attributes, such as leadership qualities, decision-making skills, and ethical integrity. The interview aims to ensure that the candidates selected are not only knowledgeable but also possess the necessary personal qualities to serve the nation effectively. 

At every level of your posting in the civil services, you will be provided with an opportunity to make a significant socio-economic impact within your designated domain of work. As a civil servant, you will be responsible for implementing policies, managing resources, and addressing public grievances, thereby contributing to societal development. Your role will enable you to influence positive changes, improve living standards, and promote equitable growth and development across various sectors. 

UPSC Exam Pattern 2024 

Before you consider the task before you to be too daunting, let’s get you to the central aspect of the UPSC exams- the exam pattern. As mentioned earlier, the UPSC full form exam 2024 has three rounds you need to clear to be selected as an IAS officer. The first round of the exams is the prelims. Those who clear the prelims are selected for the mains and then comes the personal interviews. Let’s take a closer look at the exam structure for the UPSC full form exams. 

UPSC Exam Pattern for Prelims and Mains 

When it comes to the UPSC full form exam, the prelims basically contains two papers which includes the GS Paper 1 and CSAT. Both papers have objective- based questions  that carry 200 marks each and it will be held offline with both papers being held on the same day. The GS Paper 1 has 100 questions while the CSAT paper will have 80 questions in total. Both papers need to completed in two 2 hours each. You should be aware that both exams have the provision of negative marking which is 0.66 and 0.83 marks each for incorrect answers. You should be aware that the prelims round is actually a qualifying round. It is basically done to screen those candidates that appear to be unfit and unsuited to the prestigious UPSC. All those who clear the Prelims round qualify for the Mains exam as mentioned earlier. 
Coming to the mains, it consists of 9 descriptive type papers. This includes an essay, 2 Language Papers, 2 optional papers and 4 GS papers. To begin with, the UPSC Mains are usually held over 5-7 days due to the paper’s nature. You should also be aware that the 2 Language Papers, consisting of Paper A and Paper B, are qualifying, and comprise 300 marks each.  There are also the 4 GS Papers and 2 Optional Papers along with 1 Essay which carries a weightage of 250 marks each. The total marks for the Mains is 1750 marks and the time duration allotted to complete each paper is 3 hours.  We have provided a table that details the exam Pattern for UPSC exams below: 

Exam Stage Paper Exam Type Marks Duration 
Prelims General Studies (GS) 1 Objective 200 2 hours 
CSAT 200 
Mains Essay Descriptive 250 3 hours 
Language Paper A 300 
Language Paper B 300 
General Studies (GS) 1 250 
General Studies (GS) 2 250 
General Studies (GS) 3 250 
General Studies (GS) 4 250 
Optional Paper 1 250 
Optional Paper 2 250 

UPSC Exam Pattern for the Interview Round 

The interview round is the final stage of the UPSC full form selection process. This round consists of a personal interview which will be done by a group of unbiased panelists who are experts at personality analysis and have expertise in their respective fields. In this round, the mental and social traits of the aspirants will be judged. They will be referenced against the traits that one expects of an ideal IAS officer. Some of the qualities that the UPSC interview panel looks for in a candidate are clarity in thought process, ethical integrity, a balanced mindset along with a depth of knowledge. The interview round holds a maximum of 275 marks. This means that the final merit list will have a maximum of 2025 marks which includes the 275 from the interview and the 1750 in the Mains.  

UPSC Exam Syllabus 2024 

Now that you have a clear understanding of the exam pattern and exam structure of the UPSC full form exams, you need to know exactly what you need to study and unlike other exams like those of RBI Grade B or even NABARD Grade A and Grade B, the syllabus is all encompassing and will have topics that you need an in-depth knowledge of. As we have already stated, there are 11 subjects you need to study for the UPSC and each of these subjects have sub-topics you need to focus on. That’s why the first step you need to take before taking a shot of the UPSC exam is to be familiar with its syllabus.  

So, you know, there are 3 phases in the exam which is the prelims, mains and interview. The UPSC Prelims as mentioned earlier has 2 papers which include GS Paper 1(General Studies) and CSAT(Civil Services Aptitude Test). The GS Paper includes a number of different subjects that includes Polity, History, Geography, Economy, Science & Technology. On the other hand, the CSAT paper includes topics such as English Comprehension, Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude.  Coming to the UPSC Mains, it comprise of 9 papers which include Language Paper A, Language Paper B, Essay Paper, GS 1, GS 2, GS 3, GS 4, Optional Subject Paper 1 & Optional Subject Paper 2  

The GS Papers include subjects like Indian Polity, Governance, Indian & World History, Geography of India while the Language papers will analyse your grammar, reading, writing and translation skills with your skills on basic language usage. For the Essay Paper, there is no specified syllabus and you need to possess basic understanding of long form writing. Coming to the optional subjects, candidates need to choose a subject from the list of 26 that will be provided by the UPSC.   We have given a basic structure on the UPSC syllabus for both prelims and mains in the table below: 

Stage Paper Syllabus 
Prelims General Studies (GS) 1 Current events of national and international importance – History of India and Indian National Movement – Indian and World Geography – Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World – Indian Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc. – Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector initiatives, etc. – General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity, and Climate Change – that do not require subject specialization 
CSAT – General Science  – Comprehension – Interpersonal skills including communication skills – Logical reasoning and analytical ability – Decision-making and problem-solving – General mental ability – Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level) 
– Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc. – Class X level) 
Mains Essay Candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics. They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of the essay, to arrange their ideas in an orderly fashion, and to write concisely. Credit will be given for effective and exact expression 
Language Paper A (Qualifying) – Comprehension of given passages  – Precis Writing – Usage and Vocabulary – Short Essays – Translation from English to the Indian language and vice-versa 
Language Paper B (Qualifying)   – Comprehension of given passages, Precis Writing – Usage and Vocabulary, Short Essays
 – Translation from English to the Indian language and vice-versa 
General Studies (GS) 1 – Indian Heritage and Culture, History, and Geography of the World and Society 
General Studies (GS) 2 – Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations 
General Studies (GS) 3 – Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security, and Disaster Management 
General Studies (GS) 4 – Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude 
– This paper will include questions to test the candidates’ attitude and approach to issues relating to integrity, probity in public life and problem-solving approach 
Optional Paper 1 – Based on the subject chosen by the candidate 
Optional Paper 2 – Based on the subject chosen by the candidate 

UPSC Officer Salary Structure 

Coming to the salary structure of a UPSC officer, it can be safely said that UPSC officers receive a highly competitive salary with plenty of perks and benefits. You should be aware that the salary of a UPSC officer includes basic monthly pay. Along with that, they are also entitled to different various perks and benefits as well. These benefits are boosts that employees are entitled to receive from the Indian Government for the service they render to the country. 

The basic monthly salary of a UPSC full form officer, as per the last revisions by the 7th Pay Commission is Rs. 56,100.  Along with that, their gross salary can go up to Rs. 1,50,000 depending on the allowances.   When it comes to employees like the deputy secretary, they receive a basic renumeration of around Rs. 67,700 after working for 4 years as undersecretary.  On the other hand, an officer who has spent more than 37+ in service and is now the Cabinet secretary of India is entitled to receive a basic pay of approximately Rs. 2,50, 000.    

UPSC IAS Preparation Tips 2024 

Preparing for the UPSC full form exams means that you need to have some dedication, hard work, and willpower to and the same applies for UPSC exam 2024. As we have mentioned earlier, the UPSC exams is a three stage process. Aspirants need to have a clear-cut strategy in place when they are preparing for the exams. This is especially true when they reach the Mains stage because of the intricate syllabus and heavier preparation they need. We have given some basic tips that will help you prepare for the UPSC full form exams below: 

  • Start with the Basics: Begin your UPSC full form preparation by understanding the exam pattern, syllabus, and key requirements in the exam. You need to familiarize yourself with the structure of both Prelims and Mains exams. When you have this understanding, you will be able to strategize your study plan effectively. Make sure to focus on building a strong understanding of fundamental concepts across subjects like History, Geography, Polity, Economics, and General Science. 
  •  Find the Right Booklist: Choosing the right study materials is quite important for effective preparation. Refer to standard books recommended by experts and previous toppers. Some essential books include NCERT textbooks, Laxmikanth for Polity, Spectrum for Modern History, and Ramesh Singh for Economics. A well-curated booklist ensures comprehensive coverage of the syllabus and helps in developing a deep understanding of topics. 
  •  Follow the Process for 5-6 Months: Dedicate the first 5-6 months to building a solid foundation. Focus on completing the basic books and understanding core concepts. Create a study schedule that allows consistent progress across all subjects. During this period, avoid distractions and prioritize your preparation. Consistency and disciplined study habits are key to mastering the vast UPSC full form and its syllabus.  
  • Start Answer Writing: After grasping the basics, start practicing answer writing. This helps in improving articulation, coherence, and time management. Practice writing the lengthier answers to previous year questions and take guidance from mentors or join a test series. Regular answer writing enhances your ability to express ideas clearly and concisely, which is needed for scoring well in the Mains exam. 
  • Take Regular Mocks tests: Taking mock tests is essential to assess your preparation and identify weaknesses. Participate in full-length mock tests for both Prelims and Mains. These simulations help you manage exam stress, improve speed and accuracy, and develop effective time management skills. Analyze your performance in each mock test and work on areas that need improvement. 
  • Constant Revision and Regular Feedback: Regular revision is vital to retain what you’ve studied. Create a revision plan that covers all subjects periodically. Focus on revisiting important topics, key facts, and current affairs. Additionally, seek feedback on your answers and mock test performances from mentors or peers. Constructive feedback helps in fine-tuning your preparation strategy and addressing any gaps. 

Prepare for Government Exams with ixamBee 

ixamBee  is a comprehensive platform that caters to the diverse needs of Government job aspirants. Specialized pages for exams like UPSC EPFO (APFC), UPSC EO/AO, and UPSC ESIC EPFO JTO provide specific resources, aligning with each exam’s specific requirements. BeePedia is also quite helpful for those who want to master the current affairs segment, which is important for government exams. ixamBee also offers Mock Tests, Online Courses, and access to Previous Year Papers. All this gives government job aspirants the benefits of a holistic and well-rounded preparation experience. With ixamBee, aspirants can adopt a structured approach to their government exam preparation. 

Summing Up 

While the UPSC full form exams are  rather challenging thanks to the advanced nature of the exams, the rewarding nature of the career tends to draw a lot of people to it. Preparing for the UPSC full form requires patience and a carefully drawn out strategy where aspirants need to devote a major chunk of their time to study. Along with academic reading, aspirants also need to regularly read newspapers and other sources of current affairs to keep in touch with the recent events happening across the world. After all, with the right strategy and attitude, clearing the UPSC exams is not too much of a problem. 

To help you prepare 50% faster for competitive exams, ixamBee provides a free Mock Test Series and all the Current Affairs in English and Current Affairs in Hindi in the BeePedia capsules for GA Preparation. You can also get the latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI Grade B, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs. 

Also Read 

Which is a Better Career for the Long Term, UPSC or RBI Grade B? 

Salary Comparison of RBI Grade B Officers with IAS and IPS Officers

Impact of 2024 General Elections on the Indian Stock Market 

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Understanding The IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern: Prelims and Mains https://www.ixambee.com/blog/ibps-clerk-exam-pattern-for-prelims-mains-study-material https://www.ixambee.com/blog/ibps-clerk-exam-pattern-for-prelims-mains-study-material#comments Mon, 01 Jul 2024 12:20:00 +0000 https://www.ixambee.com/ToBeblog/?p=114 When it comes to making a good and secure career, most of the aspirants opt for a career in banking, as it gives the required security, growth opportunities, good salary with various perks and facilities throughout the career. Keep reading further to know about IBPS CLERK PRELIMS Exam Pattern, IBPS CLERK MAINS Exam Pattern, and […]

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When it comes to making a good and secure career, most of the aspirants opt for a career in banking, as it gives the required security, growth opportunities, good salary with various perks and facilities throughout the career. Keep reading further to know about IBPS CLERK PRELIMS Exam Pattern, IBPS CLERK MAINS Exam Pattern, and some useful information about IBPS CLERK Study Material.

There are two main ways to enter into the banking field:

– By becoming an officer

– By becoming a clerk

An officer is a post for which every aspirant dreams of, but even if you are not successful in clearing the IBPS PO exam, you may also land up being a clerk, which will open your doors for becoming an officer eventually.

You will get numerous opportunities both ways, and therefore you should be opting for both posts. Here, we will be covering the IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern.

IBPS conducts the exam for the post of clerk in two phases- PRELIMS & MAINS. As it is for the post of clerk, there will not be any interview round and the mains exam will be the final round for selection according to the final cut-off that will be released after the exam, depending on the vacancies.

The candidate needs to qualify for ‘prelims’ in order to be eligible to appear in the mains exam. IBPS clerk Prelims exam is of qualifying nature and these marks will not matter in your final selection. It is just a step to move forward in the journey of becoming a clerk.

IBPS CLERK Exam Pattern & Study Material

An Overview of the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern

SubjectNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime allotted (Separately Timed)
English Language303020 minutes
Numerical Ability353520 minutes
Reasonability Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

IBPS will release the total cut-off and sectional cut-offs. The candidates will have to clear the total cut-off along with the cut-off of each section.

An Overview of the IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Pattern

Subject (Not by sequence)No. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime allotted (Separately Timed)
General / Financial Awareness505035 minutes
General English404035 minutes
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude506045 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude505045 minutes
Total190200160 minutes

Both the phases will provide the tests both in English and Hindi, except the test of English Language.

Also, there will be negative marking in both the phases and your score in the mains exam will ensure your selection. Merely qualifying for the exam won’t prove useful in mains.


After getting a fair idea about the exam pattern, the next step is to start preparing and that will need good study material. Though this is a digital era and every student prefers studying online, but there is always a need for books that you can refer to at any point of time, as and when required. Therefore, we are providing a list of books that may prove quite beneficial in your preparation and will help to give you an edge against other candidates.

Besides opting for good books, you can ace your exam preparation by going online for few hours and practicing mock tests, and watching some helpful YouTube videos. Practice mock tests for IBPS.


Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive ExamsR.S.Aggarwal
Quantitative Aptitude TestN.K.Singh
Magical Book on Quicker MathsM. Tyra


Bank Clerk Preliminary ExaminationArihant
Test of ReasoningEdgar Thorpe
A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal ReasoningR.S.Aggarwal


High School English Grammar and CompositionWren& Martin
Objective EnglishEdgar Thorpe
Word Power Made EasyNorman Lewis
Essential Grammar in Use (3rd edition)Raymond Murphy


Computer AwarenessArihant


Lucent’s General Knowledge (4th edition)Lucent
The Pearson General Knowledge ManualEdgar Thorpe
Pratiyogita Darpan 
Banking AwarenessJaved Siddiqui

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Also Read:

Get Free Online Test Series, GK updates in form of Beepedia,  as well as latest updates for Bank POBank ClerkSSC, RBI, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs.

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Everything you Need to Know about the NHB 2024 Notification  https://www.ixambee.com/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-nhb-2024-notification https://www.ixambee.com/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-nhb-2024-notification#respond Sat, 29 Jun 2024 12:49:07 +0000 https://www.ixambee.com/blog/?p=21353 Are you passionate about the housing sector and looking for a stable career with a reputed organization? Look no further. The National Housing Bank (NHB) has just announced its 2024 recruitment drive, offering a gateway to a rewarding professional journey. The NHB is the apex housing finance institution in India, established with the primary objective […]

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Are you passionate about the housing sector and looking for a stable career with a reputed organization? Look no further. The National Housing Bank (NHB) has just announced its 2024 recruitment drive, offering a gateway to a rewarding professional journey. The NHB is the apex housing finance institution in India, established with the primary objective of promoting a robust housing finance system in the country. It plays a crucial role in supporting and regulating housing finance companies, ensuring the availability of housing credit for all segments of society. 

This year, NHB has opened its doors for talented individuals to join their team across various positions. If you possess the necessary skills and qualifications, this is an excellent opportunity to contribute to the nation’s housing development goals while building a fulfilling career at a prestigious organization. 

In the coming sections we will explore the important dates, eligibility criteria, exam pattern and selection process and other important highlights of the NHB 2024 Notification. 

NHB 2024 Important Dates 

The NHB 2024 notification states that for 2024, the organization is inviting applications from suitable candidates for around 48 vacancies (this number is subject to change as per NHB discretion). The application for these posts will start on June 29, 2024, and end on July 17, 2024. The applications will only be accepted in online format. Those who wish to apply should submit their applications at www.nhb.org.in. .

According to the NHB Notification of 2024, interested candidates should take note of the following dates: 

Events Dates 
Cut-off date for eligibility criteria 01.07.2024 
Website link open for Online registration of Applications and payment of fees/ intimation charges 29.06.2024 
Last date for online registration of Applications and payment of fees/intimation charges 19.07.2024 
Download of e-Call Letter To be uploaded 
Conduct of Interview To be uploaded 
Declaration of Final Result To be uploaded 

The NHB strongly advises candidates to regularly check their registered email ids and the official NHB website for new updates and changes in existing dates.  

NHB 2024 Vacancies 

The National Housing Bank (NHB) has unveiled a recruitment notification for 2024, offering many opportunities for aspiring candidates looking to make a mark in the banking sector, particularly within the niche of housing finance. The 2024 National Housing Bank (NHB) vacancies include both regular and contractual posts. 

There are a total of 48 posts that the NHB is inviting applications for this year. The vacancies announced are diverse, catering to various levels of expertise and experience, from entry-level positions to senior management roles.  At the top of the vacancies are positions for General Managers (Scale – VII) in Project Finance with only one vacancy this year. The NHB Assistant General Managers (Scale-V) in Credit post is next in line, focusing on credit appraisal, policy formulation, and ensuring compliance with regulatory guidelines also with only one vacancy this year.  

Refer to the table below to understand the nature of vacancies at NHB this year. 

Post Number of Vacancies 
Project Finance General Manager 
Credit Assistant General Manager 
Credit Deputy Manager 
Generalist Assistant Manager 18 
Chief Economist (on Contract / Deputation) 
Senior Project Finance Officer  10 
Project Finance Officer 12 
Protocol Officer-Delhi 
Application Developer 

It is noteworthy that the vacancies are spread across different categories, including Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Classes-Non-Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL), Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), and Unreserved (UR), with specific quotas for each category. Additionally, there are provisions for age relaxation and reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) and ex-servicemen, ensuring inclusivity and diversity within the workforce. 

The total number of vacancies mentioned in the notification is provisional and may increase or decrease based on the actual requirement of the bank. NHB reserves the right to draw wait lists and consider candidates from these lists to meet the actual requirement, which underscores the importance of a strong application and performance in the selection process. 

NHB 2024 Eligibility 

To have a chance at the lucrative career opportunities offered by the NHB, candidates must ensure they meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the official notification. Candidates must fulfill all eligibility conditions for admission to the examination/interview. 

The applying candidate must be an Indian citizen for their candidature for the applied post to be considered. The age wise eligibility for 2024 NHB posts is as follows. 

Post Age Limit (Minimum) Age Limit (Maximum)* 
Chief Economist (on Contract/Deputation)  62 Years 
General Manager (Scale – VII) 40 Years 55 Years 
Assistant General Manager (Scale-V) 32 Years 50 Years 
Dy. Manager (Scale – II) 23 Years 32 Years 
Assistant Manager (Scale-I) 21 Years 30 Years 
Senior Project Finance Officer (on Contract) 40 Years 59 Years 
Project Finance Officer (on Contract) 35 Years 59 Years 
Protocol Officer (on Contract) 50 Years 62 years 
Application Developer (on Contract) 23 Years 32 Years 

In addition to the above-mentioned age limits, there are provisions of age relaxations for unreserved categories and other kinds of applicants, ranging from 5 to 15 years. However, for the post of Chief Economist the age relaxation is not applicable. 

Each post within the NHB 2024 notice has its own educational qualification, professional qualification and minimum post qualification experience. The NHB Assistant General Manager eligibility criteria is as follows: 

  • A Bachelor’s degree (full-time) in any field from a recognized university with a minimum score of 60% (55% for SC/ST/PwBD candidates). 
  • A Master’s degree (full-time) in any field from a recognized university with a minimum aggregate score of 55% (50% for SC/ST/PwBD candidates). 
  • A qualification equivalent to the above degrees as recognized by the Central Government. 
  • A professional qualification of Chartered Accountant (CA), Cost and Management Accountant (CMA), or Company Secretary (CS). 

If you are applying for the NHB Assistant Manager post, you must possess a valid mark sheet, degree certificate, or professional qualification certificate proving your graduation, post-graduation, CA, CMA, or CS qualification (whichever applies) as of July 1, 2024. You will also need to indicate the percentage of marks obtained in your chosen qualification while registering online. 

For other posts, as the seniority increases, the more the number of years of experience they look for. To get a detailed look at the education and professional eligibility criteria of the post you are applying for, check out the notification on the official website.  

NHB 2024 Selection Criteria 

The NHB 2024 has different selection criteria for different posts. For the NHB Assistant Manager post, candidates will have to go through two levels of assessment. The first will be a written exam with objective and descriptive questions. Once candidates qualify for this written test they will progress to the interview round. The performance in the interview and test combined will determine the status of a candidate’s selection to NHB.  

The selection for positions other than Chief Economist (on Deputation) will involve shortlisting and an interview. If a large number of eligible candidates apply, the bank will conduct a preliminary screening of applications to shortlist candidates for the interview. 

For the Deputy Manager (DM) position only, if there are a high number of applications, the bank may conduct an online qualifying exam. Only candidates who clear this exam will be called for the interview. Selection will be based on a combination of factors: educational qualifications, professional qualifications, post-qualification experience, and interview performance. Candidates need to secure minimum marks in both the interview and a final overall score to be considered for the final ranking. Ultimately, the selection will be based on your position in the respective category rank list for the specific post you applied for. 

NHB JMGS-I, Assistant Manager (Generalist) Exam Pattern and Syllabus 

The NHB JMGS-I, Assistant Manager (Generalist) Exam Pattern is designed to assess the candidate’s aptitude, reasoning ability, general awareness, and quantitative skills. The online examination will consist of two parts: an Objective Test and a Descriptive Test. The Objective Test is further divided into four sections: Reasoning, General Awareness, English Language, and Quantitative Aptitude.  

The syllabus for the NHB Assistant Manager (Generalist) exam is as follows: 

Topic Type No. Of Questions 
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude Objective 45 
General Awareness (with special focus on Economy & Banking) and Computer Knowledge. Objective  50 
English Language Objective   25 
Quantitative Aptitude (with special emphasis on Data analysis and interpretation) Objective   35 
English Language (Letter Writing and Essay) Descriptive 

Each section is allotted a specific number of questions and maximum marks, with separate timing for each section. The total duration of the Objective Test is 3 hours. The Descriptive Test, which is of qualifying nature, is conducted immediately after the Objective Test and evaluates the candidate’s English Language skills through letter writing and essay writing, with a duration of 30 minutes. 

The exam has negative marking for each mark allotted to a question, 1/4th of it is deducted in case of an incorrect choice. Candidates must achieve a minimum score in each section of the Objective Test and a minimum overall score on the same test. 

Based on the number of available positions, cut-off scores will be determined for the Objective Test. Only candidates who meet these cut-offs will be shortlisted for the interview. Please note that your scores from both the online exam and interview phases will not be disclosed until the entire selection process is complete. To help you prepare for the NHB Assistant Manager exam, ixamBee offers aspiring candidates its NHB Online Course, mock tests, and previous year question papers to ensure success in the upcoming exam.

NHB JMGS-I, Assistant Manager (Generalist) Interview 

A merit list by category will be made based on total marks from the Objective Test. The cut-off for interview shortlisting will depend on the number of spots, decided by the Bank. The names of candidates moving to the interview round will be posted on the NHB website. Interviews will only take place at the NHB head office in New Delhi.  

Time and date details for the interview will be sent to those shortlisted through an e-Call Letter, which must be downloaded from the NHB’s official website www.nhb.org.in. Requests for changes in the interview schedule will not be accepted. Yet, the Bank holds the right to alter interview details or conduct additional processes if needed, based on specific conditions. Candidates can choose to interview in either Hindi or English. 

Interviews carry 50 marks. The pass marks for the interview will be set by the Bank. The weightage of the Online Examination and Interview is 80:20. The final merit list comes from combining scores from both the Online Exam and the Interview. To be considered for final selection, a candidate must pass both stages and rank high on the merit list. 


In conclusion, the National Housing Bank’s recruitment notification for 2024 offers a range of exciting career opportunities for candidates looking to enter or advance within the housing finance sector. With a clear understanding of the important dates, vacancies, eligibility criteria, exam pattern, and selection process, applicants can prepare effectively for the recruitment process. The NHB has provided a detailed roadmap for candidates to follow, ensuring transparency and fairness in the selection of new talent. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a fresh graduate, the NHB recruitment 2024 presents a promising opportunity to contribute to the growth and development of the housing finance industry in India. Good luck to all applicants! 

To help you prepare 50% faster for competitive exams, ixamBee provides a free Mock Test Series and all the Current Affairs in English and Current Affairs in Hindi in the BeePedia capsules for GA Preparation. You can also get the latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI Grade B, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs. 

Also Read:

How to Prepare for Government Exams

Last-Minute Exam Preparation: How Do I Study in the Last Week of an Exam?

Competitive Exams Preparation Strategy for 2024

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Promotion from SEBI Grade A to Grade B Rank: Time Taken and More  https://www.ixambee.com/blog/promotion-from-sebi-grade-a-to-sebi-grade-b-rank-time-taken-and-more https://www.ixambee.com/blog/promotion-from-sebi-grade-a-to-sebi-grade-b-rank-time-taken-and-more#respond Fri, 28 Jun 2024 13:45:38 +0000 https://www.ixambee.com/blog/?p=21347 Cracking the SEBI Grade A Exam leads to the entry point for aspirants looking to work with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). This exam selects candidates for the Assistant Manager position. Selected candidates can expect a competitive starting salary of around INR 1,07,000 per month, inclusive of various allowances. The job profile involves […]

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Cracking the SEBI Grade A Exam leads to the entry point for aspirants looking to work with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). This exam selects candidates for the Assistant Manager position. Selected candidates can expect a competitive starting salary of around INR 1,07,000 per month, inclusive of various allowances. The job profile involves regulating the securities market, ensuring investor protection, and promoting market development. Responsibilities may include conducting inspections, overseeing market activities, and enforcing regulatory compliance. Career growth in SEBI is promising, with opportunities for promotion to higher managerial roles through experience and performance. This role offers a stable career, professional development, and a chance to significantly impact the financial market. 

You must be aware of the fact that the recruitment drive for the SEBI Grade A Exam is going on this day. We recommend you apply for the exam before June 30, 2024. Till now you must have already started preparing for this exam from head to toe. But apart from the SEBI Grade A exam pattern syllabus, and SEBI Grade A salary, there is another thing you should be aware of i.e., promotional growth.  

Once you become a SEBI Grade A Officer, you look forward to the job profile. You should also be aware of what comes after being a SEBI Grade A Officer. In this blog, we are going to discuss what after SEBI Grade A Officer. What it takes to get promoted further after the SEBI Grade A Post. So read the blog till the end to know more insights about the promotional growth at SEBI.  

Time taken to reach from SEBI Grade A to SEBI Grade B Post , Promotional growth after being a SEBI Grade A officer

Timeline from SEBI Grade A to SEBI Grade B Officer Post 

Promotion from SEBI Grade A Officer to SEBI Grade B usually takes 5 to 6 years. The promotion process depends on various factors such as individual performance, availability of vacancies and overall organizational needs. SEBI follows a structured promotion policy, which ensures that officers who demonstrate consistent performance, dedication and ability to shoulder high levels of responsibility are considered for promotion.  

During these 5 to 6 years, Grade A officers can gain extensive knowledge and experience in legal practices, compliance, and financial market operations They must demonstrate their skills in handling complex projects managing, managing teams and contributing to organizational objectives. Routine performance appraisals, training programs, and departmental reviews play an important role in determining an officer’s readiness for promotion. 

Furthermore, SEBI encourages continuous education and professional development. Officers are often given opportunities to participate in workshops, seminars and comprehensive training programs to enhance their knowledge and skills. Having a strong track record and we exhibit leadership qualities increases the chances of promotion.   

Although the typical tenure is 5 to 6 years, Grade A officers can enhance their career and move up the ranks of the organization through the hard work and dedication required to be prompt, committed and with SEBI’s mission is aligned with various standards. 

Further Promotional Growth after being a SEBI Grade A Officer 

Initial Role: Grade A Officer 

As a SEBI Grade A officer, you are starting your career in a prestigious regulatory agency. Your responsibilities include ensuring market integrity, investor protection and regulatory compliance. This period is crucial for laying a solid foundation for understanding the securities market and the SEBI regulatory framework. 

Promotion to Grade B 

Promotion to SEBI Category B generally takes about 5 to 6 years. During this time, you need to demonstrate consistent performance, dedication, and the ability to handle increasing levels of responsibility revealed. Regular performance reviews and departmental reviews will determine your readiness for this promotion. 

Moving to Grade C and Beyond 

Further promotion after becoming a Grade B officer depends on your performance and experience. The next stages are Grade C and Grade D. Each promotion comes with more responsibilities, such as managing large teams, managing critical projects, and making strategic decisions. 

Leadership Roles 

The top award covers leadership roles where you will mentor junior officers, lead important initiatives and help coordinate. Promotion at this level is based on merit, leadership qualities and ability to further the mission of SEBI. 


A career as a SEBI Grade A officer provides a promising start at a renowned regulatory organization with competitive remuneration and significant influence in the financial markets. Progression from Grade A to B typically takes 5 to 6 years, and requires consistent work, dedication and skill development. SEBI supports continuing education and professional development, and provides a wide range of opportunities for training and development. Responsibilities increase as you move up the ranks, leading to leadership roles where you can mentor others and contribute to SEBI’s mission. Also, all the aspirants are encouraged to apply for the SEBI-A grade exam before the last date of June 30, 2024. This exam is your gateway to career a it is challenging and rewarding. Good luck with your preparations and future endeavors with SEBI. 

Prepare for SEBI Grade A Exam with ixamBee 

SEBI Grade A exam consists of two phases. SEBI Grade A Phase 1 exam, is all about speed and accuracy in Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and English (QRE) and knowledge of current events in General Awareness. The SEBI Grade A Phase 2 exam, is all about your understanding of macroeconomic and financial issues and factual knowledge of the syllabus. The pragmatic strategy can be achieved by enrolling in a good online course. The SEBI Grade A Online Course provided by ixamBee is designed to provide all the content in a crisp and orderly manner. Videos on strategy and order of preparation can be useful for you in cracking SEBI Grade A. Also, we have an experienced faculty pool that is always ready to guide you . 

Giving mock tests is really important for gaining experience and getting feedback. The analysis of marks that you obtained in these mocks and how you overcame your weakness will prove to be fruitful in your real exam of SEBI Grade A. A mindful review of mock test scores is meaningful. Brush up your knowledge by the SEBI Grade A mock tests provided by us that has been designed keeping the real exam question level in mind. 

To help you prepare 50% faster for competitive exams, ixamBee provides a free Mock Test Series and all the Current Affairs in English and Current Affairs in Hindi in the BeePedia capsules for GA Preparation. You can also get the latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI Grade B, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs. 

The post Promotion from SEBI Grade A to Grade B Rank: Time Taken and More  appeared first on ixambee.

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