Father’s Day 2023: History, Significance, Theme & Facts


As Father’s Day approaches on the 18th of June, our hearts are filled with a mixture of emotions. This special day serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact fathers have on our lives. They are the pillars of strength, the silent heroes who selflessly dedicate themselves to the well-being and happiness of their families. Father’s Day is an opportunity to express our gratitude, love, and admiration for these remarkable individuals who have shaped our lives in countless ways.

Emotionally, fathers have an uncanny ability to connect with our hearts. They are the comforting presence that soothes our fears and celebrates our victories. Their love is unconditional, offering a safe haven in times of turbulence. The strength of their embrace can heal wounds that no bandage can cover, and their wisdom can unravel the complexities of life’s challenges. Yet, fathers also bring a practical perspective that helps us navigate the practicalities of life. They teach us the importance of hard work, discipline, and perseverance. They impart skills and knowledge, whether it’s riding a bike, fixing a car, or balancing a budget. Fathers inspire us to reach for our dreams, teaching us to embrace determination and resilience in the face of adversity.

Being a trivia curious, celebrating Father’s Day is not the only thing you should be aware of. Did you know there is a whole history behind Father’s Day? What if we tell you that the concept of celebrating Father’s Day originated from an incident that happened on Mother’s Day? Yes, you read that right. To know more about the story behind the celebration of Father’s Day, keep reading the blog. 

Father's day 2023, How to celebrate Father's Day, fatherhood, History of Father's day, Theme of Father's Day 2023

History of Father’s Day 

The roots of the concept of celebrating Father’s Day originated in America during the Civil War & the First World War. From praising the bravery and courage of soldier fathers of civil war to thanking every Father in the world for their sacrifices and efforts, the Father’s Day celebration has come a long way. This year the world is going to celebrate it for the 51st time in the form of Father’s Day 2023. 

To let you know about the story behind Father’s Day and how it all started, we have come up with a brief of its history. Here is the timeline behind the thought of Father’s Day becoming an Official Global Event. 

History of fathers day, Father's Day History, theme of Father's day, Fathers day , happy fathers day
Source: The Forgotten History of Father’s Day

The women behind the origination of Father’s Day 

Grace Golden Clayton

Following the deadliest mining tragedy in American history, which claimed hundreds of lives, the inaugural Father’s Day service is recorded to have taken place in Fairmont, West Virginia, on July 5, 1908.

A service to honor all fathers, particularly those who had passed away, was sponsored by Grace Golden Clayton, the daughter of a committed priest. The celebration, however, was not made an annual event and was not advertised, so relatively few people outside of the immediate vicinity were aware of it. 

Sonora Smart Dodd

Another woman across the nation was motivated to honor fathers at the same time. Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, was motivated to create Mother’s Day in 1909 by Anna Jarvis. Her father, farmer and Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, raised Sonora and her five brothers by himself when his wife Ellen passed away in 1898 while giving birth to their youngest child. Sonora, who was 27 at the time, had the inspiration while at a Mother’s Day church service in 1909.

Sonora quickly persuaded the Spokane Ministerial Association and the YMCA to reserve a June Sunday to honor fathers. She suggested June 5, the day of her father’s birthday, but the ministers decided on the third Sunday in June so that they would have more time to prepare their sermons after Mother’s Day (the second Sunday in May). Sonora brought gifts to handicapped fathers on June 19, 1910, lads from the YMCA dressed their lapels with freshly cut roses (red for fathers who are still alive, white for fathers who have passed away), and the city’s ministers focused their homilies on fatherhood.

How It All Started: A Timeline

The widely reported Spokane events touched a nerve in Washington, D.C., and Sonora’s celebration placed the concept on the way to becoming a federal holiday. The holiday did not, however, immediately become popular, possibly as a result of perceived similarities to Mother’s Day.

Despite President Woodrow Wilson’s encouragement, the first bill was filed in Congress in 1913 but was not passed.

Eight years later, President Calvin Coolidge approved a resolution that stated that Father’s Day should be celebrated “to establish more intimate relationships between fathers and their children and to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations.”

The holiday is observed on the third Sunday in June according to an executive order signed by President Lyndon Johnson in 1966.

Father’s Day became a recognized national holiday in 1972 when Congress enacted a law under the administration of President Richard Nixon. 

Initial Factors that Encouraged the Celebration of Fatherhood

Father’s Day was brought ahead by two economic developments:

The Great Depression

 The economy required justifications for people to spend money because so many people were watching their pennies. Struggling retailers marketed Father’s Day as a chance to buy fathers some of the apparel and household items they required. Inviting folks to get Dad the necktie or pair of socks that he probably wouldn’t buy for himself was a method to get him what he really needed.

Contrarily, the Great Depression undermined efforts to de-commercialize and merge the holidays. In order to make Father’s Day a “second Christmas” for men, struggling retailers and advertisers stepped up their marketing campaigns for items like neckties, hats, socks, pipes and tobacco, golf clubs and other athletic goods, and greeting cards.

World War II

 On the front lines were men. Another motivation to support and honor dads came from the desire to aid American soldiers and the war effort. Advertisers started promoting Father’s Day celebrations as a way to thank American servicemen and aid in the war effort when World War II started. Father’s Day may not have been a federal holiday at the end of the war, but it had become a national tradition.

Father’s Day in India 

Father’s Day is not an Indian tradition that originated; rather, it is a Western one that has spread to India. It is celebrated on June’s third Sunday. This occasion does not fall on a holiday. Larger cities like Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi, Bengaluru, and others are typically the only places where the day is observed. In the North Eastern states of Kerala and Nagaland, where church services are held on Sundays, it is a significant holiday. The inaugural celebration of this day took place in the United States in 1908. As it became more and more well-known, Indian urban areas later adopted the practice. 

The Theme of Father’s Day 2023

Father’s Day is all about celebrating Fatherhood and paying heartfelt Gratitude to them. This year Father’s Day is focussing on honoring Fathers for their contribution to the upbringing of their child.”Celebrating the Greatest Heroes of Our Lives” is the theme of Father’s Day 2023. It revolves around the role that every Father play in shaping their children’s character and being their guide throughout their lives. 

Things To Do On Father’s Day 

People of Every Age Group celebrate Father’s Day in a certain manner. Children love to paint or draw hand-made greeting cards for their Fathers while youngsters love to spend on something luxurious for their Fathers. The best way to celebrate Father’s Day is to give the most precious thing to them, ‘Time’. Spend most of your time with your Father and trust us it never fails. But the thing that matters for every person is how you want to spend time with your Father. Here are a few suggestions on things to do on Father’s Day. Although, the list is vast but we have picked some of the best ways to spend time with your Father. 

1. Sit and Listen

This might sound weird but Fathers are a Treasure of Stories and Experience. Talk to him about his School & College Stories. His Experiences with Life and Work. We ensure that your Father has a lot to tell you. You just have to initiate the conversation. 

2. Cook for Him 

You have no idea how many sacrifices your Father has done for you, no matter if it’s small or huge. From choosing your choices over his favorites to making his life all about you, Fathers have always been our Superheroes. This Father’s Day, cook your Father’s favorite food or order it, that smile on his face would be priceless. 

3. Plan a Visit to Your Ancestral Place

There is nothing in this world that can make us feel overwhelmed other than home. The ancestral homes not only hold peace but also records the numerous memories of your Father’s childhood. Plan a trip with your family over there and look at the baby smile your Father is gonna have after that. 

4. Take Him on a Ride 

Take your Father on a ride to his favorite places like any mall, restaurant, or any place he used to go to sit and relax. We all are human and we all go to some places where we find inner peace and there is no specific reason behind it, it’s just our heart like it. Take your Father to his favorite place and make it all about him. 


Although, we don’t need any specific day to encourage Fathers for their efforts and Sacrifices. Every father is a superhero for their children from the day they were born. Therefore, Father’s Day is a gesture of Love and blessings to portray the feeling of gratefulness by children in front of their fathers. Every child will always be obliged to their father. This Father’s Day, don’t forget to adore and appreciate the supremacy of that divine soul.

We at ixamBee wish all the Fathers a very Happy Father’s Day. You deserve all the appreciation and gratitude. 

“No man stands taller than when he (a Father) stoops to help a child.” — Abraham Lincoln

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