FCI AGM 2021: Management and Ethics Syllabus and Strategy


How to Prepare Management and Ethics in 2 weeks?

The FCI AGM 2021 Exams are to be held on July 17 and 18, 2021. We hope you are already well-prepared and ready to take the exam head-on! In this article, we will give you a quick overview of the Management and Ethics Syllabus so you can recap and revise. Some sample questions have also been provided at the end for your practice. 

FCI AGM 2021: Management and Ethics Syllabus Overview


The detailed syllabus for the Management section of the paper has been provided below. 

Management Study of the concept of development of Management as science and art drawing upon the contributions of leading thinkers of management and apply the concepts to the real life of government and business decision making keeping in view the changes in the strategic and operative environment. Definition of Management, Evolution of Management, Managerial Functions- Planning, Organizing, controlling; Decision making; Role of Manager, Social responsibility and managerial ethics; Types of Business organization, Organization culture and Environment – Current trends and issues in Management. Motivation – motivation theories – motivational techniques, leadership.


The detailed syllabus for the Ethics section of the paper has been provided below

Ethics and Human InterfaceEssence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in human actions; dimensions of ethics, ethics- in private and public relationships. Human Values lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators; role of family society and educational institutes in inculcating values.
Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and worldFamous personalities whose works have enriched the discipline of Management & Ethics
Public service values and Ethics in Public administrationStatus and problems; ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions; laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of ethical guidance; accountability and ethical governance; strengthening of ethical guidance; accountability and ethical governance; strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance; corporate governance.
Probity in GovernanceConcept of public service; Philosophical basis of governance and probity; Information sharing and transparency in government, Right to Information, Codes of Ethics, Codes of Conduct, Citizen’s Charters, Work Culture, Quality of service delivery, Utilization of public funds, challenges of corruption.

Management & Ethics can look like a daunting subject to those who do not have a background in Management studies. Students especially find Ethics more difficult since the syllabus is quite vast. All in all, we can divide the entire Ethics syllabus into the following 10 topics. 

However, we can divide the entire syllabus into 10 topics as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Business Ethics
  3. Importance of Ethics
  4. Theories
  5. Organisation & Ethics
  6. Ethics in various verticals
  7. Board’s role
  8. Best practices
  9. Codes
  10. Corporate culture in Ethical Business

The entire syllabus can be covered under these topics. Now that we’ve simplified the structure of the syllabus for you, all there is left for you to do is shake a leg and ace this examination.  

FCI AGM 2021: Management and Ethics Some Important Questions

Q. Your finances are low. Dad has taken loans which need to be repaid, failing which interest will mount. Your uncle in Mauritius offers to help you by joining a quick money scheme.  He will open an offshore account for you where the profits would be credited.  You are not told about his modus operandi, but you suspect it is not exactly legal. He only wants an investment of Rs 35000 and promises you enough from your minimal investment that he will help you sail through your crisis. Do you: 

1. Give him Rs 35000, deciding if you don’t know how he is making it, you’re in the clear? 

2. Demand to know the details before getting involved? 

3. Decide you want no part of this deal, as you trust your instinct that the offer is shady and you might even get in legal trouble?

Q. Your close friend confides in you that she committed forgery. She clarifies that she was having trouble sleeping at night and feels you are the only one she can trust with her confession. A few days later, you read in the paper that an unknown guy has been arrested for your friend’s crime. Do you: 

1. Go to the police and tell them what you know? 

2. Encourage your friend to confess and warn her if she does not do so, you will tell? 

3. Say nothing because you will not betray a friend’s confidence?

Q. Mr. Yogesh has been appointed by the Cyber Security Department of Indian Government to break into one of the government websites and check for security breaches. What among the following is a suitable description of Yogesh’s profile?

  1. Hacker
  2. Ethical Hacker
  3. Troll
  4. Black Hat Hacker
  5. Cyber defence personnel

I hope this article has given you a fair sense of what the Management & Ethics syllabus entails and what you can expect in the examination. If you have any queries concerning this subject, any other subjects or anything related to the FCI AGM 2021 Exam you can find all the information at ixamBee. 

If you are appearing for the FCI AGM Exam in this recruitment cycle, we are confident that you are already at the top of your preparation. As part of your revision, you can make use of free mock tests that will give you a feel of the actual exam and exam day. Moreover, it will drive the nervous jitteriness away. 

 Also, make sure you are up-to-date on your General Awareness preparation now that the exam is knocking at your door. You can find all the information and updates you need on ixamBee BeePedia. BeePedia is also available in Hindi

At ixamBee, we provide online courses that help aspirants prepare for competitive examinations. If you are on the edge about whether you want to sit for a particular exam or not, you can even take a demo course before you enrol to help make up your mind. 

ixamBee wishes you all the very best! 

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