FCI 2019: FCI Phase I Exam Dates Announced


“FCI 2019 Phase I Exam Dates Out”

Food Corporation of India (FCI) has recently rolled out notification for posts of Junior Engineer (JE) (Electrical/Mechanical/Civil Engineering), Assistant Grade II (AG II) (Hindi), Steno Grade-II, Typist (Hindi), Assistant Grade III (AG III) (General/Accounts/Technical/Depot). FCI has released a total of 4103 Zone-wise and post-wise vacancies. Earlier FCI did not release the exam date for Phase 1 exam and many candidates who applied for the FCI 2019 exam were eagerly waiting for the exam dates to be announced. Great news to all candidates who applied for FCI 2019 exam, FCI has released FCI Phase I 2019 exam dates.

FCI 2019 Phase I Exam Dates:

FCI 2019 Posts Tentative Shifts per day Duration of FCI 2019 exam Tentative Dates for exam Phase-I
Junior Engineer (JE) (Electrical/Mechanical/Civil Engineering), Assistant Grade II (AG II) (Hindi), Steno Grade-II, Typist (Hindi), Assistant Grade III (AG III) (General/Accounts/Technical/Depot) 4 1 hr May 31, 2019

June 1, 2, 3, 2019


Click here to view the official FCI notification for FCI PHase I exam dates

Since you have less than a month left for FCI 2019 Phase I exam, it is time to get the ball rolling and start the exam preparation right away. You might be feeling anxious thinking you do not have much time left for the exam. You do not have to be; we have brought to you some preparation tips so that you do not get left behind the competition.

5 Effective Preparation Tips for FCI 2019 Phase I exam:

  1. Learn the syllabus by heart:

Knowing the exam pattern is crucial, however, you require more than that. You need to know the syllabus of the exam by heart. After the syllabus, the next step would be to go through subject wise topics. This will help you in further preparing a blueprint for your preparation plan.

Click here to read about FCI 2019 official notification

  1. Chalk down a Study Plan

Once you have gone through the syllabus, you should have a fair idea of your strong and weak areas. Make a smart study plan designed in such a way that you give more time to the topics in which you are weak. Design a timetable to practice both strong and weak topics.

  1. Brush Your Basics:

Study all the concepts clearly and thoroughly. This will help you in accurately answering the questions and approaching the question in different ways.

  1. Practicing is the Key to Success:

Your aim should not only be to qualify the exam but also score high in FCI 2019 Phase I exam and for this, you need to practice as much as you can. Practice mock tests and keep analyzing your performance. Your performance in the practice tests will help you perform better on the exam day.

  1. Stay Motivated:

To stay motivated, do the following:

Keep the josh high;

Keep challenging yourself

Keep track of your performance

Take short breaks

Now you know the tips to prepare smartly for FCI 2019 Phase I exam, start your preparation as soon as possible. “You are the captain of your ship and the master of your Destiny”, you know your limits push yourself to prepare and give your best on the day of the exam.

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