FCI Mains 2019: Check Exam Pattern Details


FCI 2019 Exam

Food Corporation of India or FCI had released its recruitment notification for the posts of Junior Engineer (JE) (Civil Engineering / Electrical Mechanical Engineering), Assistant Grade-II (AG II) (Hindi), Steno Grade-ii, Typist (Hindi) and Assistant Grade-III (AG III) (General / Accounts / Technical / Depot). Around 4103 vacancies have been announced by FCI. These vacancies have been released zone wise and the selected candidates can be posted anywhere across these zones. This is a golden opportunity for all candidates who wish to work in a government organization. The Preliminary examination of FCI 2019 Recruitment was held last month and the results were declared recently. FCI has now released the exam date for Mains, which is going to be held on 27th July 2019. For all the candidates who got selected in FCI 2019 Phase I Examination should be positive about the next phase and prepare with utmost determination. 

FCI Mains 2019 Exam Pattern

FCI has released the exam pattern for FCI 2019 Phase II Exam (Mains). Few days back it had released the exam date for FCI Mains, i.e 27th July 2019. It is high time that all the candidates prepare with full pace at this point. As the exam pattern has been made clear by FCI now, the exam preparation can be planned in a better way. To start off you should have a thorough look at the FCI Mains exam pattern and further plan your preparation. FCI notification includes various posts for which there will be different online tests. There will be different papers which will consist of objective type questions. Let’s look into the exam pattern for various posts:

FCI Exam Pattern for AG III (General) & AG III (Depot)

                                                      PAPER – I
Sr.No Name of the Test No.of Qs Max. Marks Duration
1. Reasoning/General Intelligence 30 30 90 Minutes
2. English Language 20 20
3. Computer proficiency 20 20
4. General Awareness/Current Events 30 30
5. Data Analysis/Numerical Ability/Data Interpretation 20 20
TOTAL 120 120

FCI Exam Pattern for Junior Engineer (Civil), Junior Engineer (Electrical,Mechanical), AG III (Accounts), AG III (Technical)

                                                      PAPER – I
Sr.No Name of the Test No.of Qs Max. Marks Duration
1. Reasoning/General Intelligence 30 30 90 Minutes
2. English Language 20 20
3. Computer proficiency 20 20
4. General Awareness/Current Events 30 30
5. Data Analysis/Numerical Ability/Data Interpretation 20 20
TOTAL 120 120
                                                          PAPER II
6. Professional Knowledge** 60 120 (Each que will carry 02 marks) 60 Minutes

** There will be a separate test for each of the posts. For the post of AG III (Technical) there will be two separate tests for Group A (Agriculture, Botany,Zoology) and Group B (Agriculture, Chemistry, Physics).

FCI Exam Pattern for Typist (Hindi)

                                              PAPER – III
Sr.No Name of the Test No.of Qs Max. Marks Duration
1. General Hindi 40 40 90 Minutes
2. General English  20 20
3. General Awareness 20 20
4. General Intelligence 20 20
5. Computer Knowledge 20 20
TOTAL 120 120

FCI Exam Pattern for AG II (Hindi)

                                                    PAPER – III
Sr.No Name of the Test No.of Qs Max. Marks Duration
1. General Hindi 40 40 90 Minutes
2. General English  20 20
3. General Awareness 20 20
4. General Intelligence 20 20
5. Computer Knowledge 20 20
TOTAL 120 120
                                                          PAPER – IV
6. Subjective Paper 2 (Translation passages.

  1. Hindi to English
  2. English to Hindi)
120 (Each question will carry 60 marks) 90 Minutes

FCI Exam Pattern for Steno Grade II

                                              PAPER – III
Sr.No Name of the Test No.of Qs Max. Marks Duration
1. General English 40 40 90 Minutes
2. General Awareness 20 20
3. General Intelligence 20 20
4. Computer Knowledge (With special reference to MS Word & Internet) 40 40
TOTAL 120 120

Please Note:

As there will be negative marking in FCI Mains 2019, all candidates will have to be very careful while attempting the tests. You need to be sure about a question that you are going to attempt else it may cost you your marks. For every incorrect answer 1/4th of the marks allotted to that question will be deducted. Therefore you need to work a lot on the accuracy. 

To improve your accuracy and maximise your attempts together, you can attempt FCI Mains 2019 Free Mock Tests.

Also Read:

Complete Information About FCI Exam

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