Few Last Minute Tips for NIACL AO Prelims 2021


NIACL AO Prelims 2021 exam is going to be held on October 16,2021. The exam is just 6 days away, and by this time you must be strategizing on ways to increase your number of attempts.

We are sure that you all would be busy revising your notes & practicing NIACL AO Prelims Mock Tests. To help you give your best shot on the final day, ixamBee brings you some Last Minute Tips for NIACL AO Prelims 2021. 

Number Of good attempts

In order to ace the exam, you need to have a proper strategy through which you will attempt the exam. Don’t think about the safe score in the exam, instead attempt as much as possible with 90%+ accuracy. Even after this, if you want to know about the safe attempt. You can refer to the previous year cut off of NIACL AO Prelims exam 2018-19

Overall Cut off 2018-19

NIACL AO Prelims 2018 Cut Off
SC 70.5
ST 61
OBC 75.75
UR 80.25

In order to qualify the Mains, clearing the overall cut off is enough. You should also be able to clear the sectional cut off, given below is the previous year cut off (sectional) to give you an idea of the level of the exam). 

Sectional Cut off 2018-19

English Language10.7514.00
Reasoning Ability11.2515.50
Quantitative Aptitude7.2510.75

Stay Calm and Composed

During the exam, you will need to focus in order to perform your best. But, there will be various kinds of distractions during the exam which cannot be avoided by any means. Such as, invigilators may come to you for signing and left thumb impressions. Also, it may be possible that the candidate sitting beside you may be annoying. These distractions put together may ultimately affect the overall performance in the exam. Therefore, it is advised to not to lose your cool during all this as this can affect your performance. Stay calm and give it your best shot. 

Revision is the key

We are assuming that the entire syllabus must have been completed by now and all that is left is the revision of it. Revision is essential because there is no point in reading or learning anything until and unless you have revised it at least three times. Focus on revision to get a command over your strong points. Make a short note on important formulas for Quantitative Aptitude or some short tricks for Reasoning and/or English. This will also help you  revise on the day of the exam.

Avoid Guesswork/ Don’t Compromise on Accuracy

In NIACL AO Prelims Exam 2021, there will be negative marks for each incorrect answer. You will get a penalty of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer marked. We are sure that you don’t want to lose the marks in such a way. Therefore,you are advised to answer only those questions that you  are 100% sure of. By doing this, the risk of negative marking will be minimized. Also, you will get only 20 minute per section therefore, make the best use of these 20 minute and avoid sticking to one question. 

Don’t Stick to a Particular Question

During the NIACL AO Prelims Exam, you will come across questions that seem easy at first but then will eat up your time. Be careful of these types of questions. You should not stick to a particular question if it is unnecessarily killing your time. Remember the Prelims is all about speed and maximum number of attempts. So, attempt the paper wisely. 

NIACL AO 2021: What to Carry in the exam

Here are a few essential things you have to bring at the venue with you. Candidates reporting late i.e. after the reporting time specified on the call letter for Examination will not be permitted to take the examination. Therefore, you must reach the Examination Centre in advance rather than getting late. So, leave early to avoid getting stuck in the traffic.

In the examination centre you have to bring

  • Call letter (NIACL AO Prelims Admit Card)  with recent 3  passport size photograph affixed thereon
  • Photo identity proof (Original + Photocopy)
  • One ball point pen
  • Gloves 
  • Personal transparent water bottle
  • Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml)
  • A simple pen 
  • In case of Scribe Candidates – Scribe form duly filled and signed with Photograph affixed.
  • You must have the Aarogya Setu App installed on your mobile phone.  
  • Maintain social distancing at all times and follow all other COVID-19 safety protocols. 

Hope these Last Minute Tips for NIACL AO Prelims 2021  help you clear the exam. ixamBee wishes all the best for the exam.

Also Read:

NIACL AO 2021 Prelims Exam: How to Prepare in 60 Days

NIACL AO Prelims Exam Analysis: 30th January, Complete Review

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