Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) Recruitment 2021: Notification, Vacancies, Salary and Eligibility

HPSSC Recruitment 2021

On December 01, 2021 the Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) released the notification for filling vacancies of Steno Typist in various departments and Junior Scale Stenographer in Economic & Statistics Department.

In this article, we are going to discuss the notification, vacancies, salary and eligibility criteria. If you are interested in applying for this exam, we encourage you to go through the details provided below carefully.

HPSSC Recruitment 2021: Overview

Official Websitehttp://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in.
Notification Release DateDecember 01, 2021
Application WindowDecember 06, 2021 to January 01, 2022
Mode of ApplicationOnline 

HPSSC Recruitment 2021: Vacancies

  • For Steno Typist, there are 66 vacancies in various Departments/Boards/Corporations.
  • For Junior Scale Stenographer in the Economics & Statistics Department, there is 01 vacancy. 

HPSSC Recruitment 2021: Salary

Given below is the salary structure of the above mentioned posts-

Post CodePost NameSalary
928Steno Typist in various (Departments/Boards/Corporations)Rs. 5910-20200+2000 Grade Pay
931Junior Scale Stenographer in Economics & Statistics DepartmentRs. 5910-20200+2800 Grade Pay
Emoluments for Contractual Employees Rs. 8710/- per month

HPSSC Recruitment 2021: Eligibility Criteria

Post Name & CodeMinimum Essential Qualifications
Steno Typist (928)i) Should have passed 10+2 examination from a recognized Board of School Education.

ii) Must possess the following speed in Short-hand and Typing on computers in both the language i.e. English & Hindi at the time of initial appointment :-

Speed in shorthand
English- 60 WPM
Hindi- 60 WPM

Speed in typing on computer
English- 25 WPM
Hindi- 25 WPM

iii) Should have the knowledge of word processing in computers as prescribed by the recruiting authority.

Note :- A candidate shall be eligible for appointment to this post, if he/she has passed Matriculation and 10+2 from any School/Institution situated within Himachal Pradesh.
Provided this condition shall not apply to Bonafide Himachalis.
Junior Scale Stenographer (931)i) Should have passed 10+2 Examination from a recognized Board of School Education/University.

ii) Must possess the following speed in Shorthand and Typing on Computer in both languages i.e. English & Hindi at the time of initial recruitment:-

Speed in Shorthand
English – 80 WPM
Hindi – 70 WPM

Speed in Typing on Computer
English – 40 WPM
Hindi – 30 WPM

iii) Should have the knowledge of word processing in computers as prescribed by the recruiting authority.

Note :- A candidate shall be eligible for appointment to this post, if he/she has passed Matriculation and 10+2 from any School/Institution situated within Himachal Pradesh.
Provided this condition shall not apply to Bonafide Himachalis.
Post Name & CodeDesirable Qualifications
Steno Typist (928) and Junior Scale Stenographer (931)Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in Himachal Pradesh.

HPSSC Recruitment 2021: Age Criteria

  • The minimum and maximum age limit of 18 to 45 years will be calculated as on January 01, 2021.
  • Upper age limit is relaxable by five years for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Persons with disabilities & Children and Grandchildren of Freedom FIghter of Himachal Pradesh/Ex-Servicemen candidates of HP.

HPSSC Recruitment 2021: Mode of Selection

The selection process will be conducted in two phases-

  • Part 1- Written test (85 marks)
  • Part 2- Evaluation of Documents (15 marks)

Details of the Written Test

  • The written test will carry 85 marks and will be a screening test.
  • Duration of the test will be 2 hours.
  • Each question carries ½ marks.
Post Name & CodeSubjectsNo. of Questions
Steno Typist (928)i) General English of 10+2 standard and Hindi of Matric standard, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Everyday Science, Word Processing, Social Science, Current affairs & Logic.

ii) Skill test in Shorthand in either of the languages i.e. in Hindi or English and typewriting in both the languages at the initial recruitment with the following minimum speeds for those who qualify objective type of screening test.

Speed in Shorthand 
English- 60 WPM
Hindi- 60 WPM

Speed in typewriting
English- 25 WPM
Hindi- 25 Wpm

(Skill tests will be qualifying in nature)
170 Multiple Choice Questions (objective type screening test)
Junior Scale Stenographer (931)i) General English of 10+2 standard and Hindi of Matric standard, General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Everyday Science, Word Processing, Social Science, Current affairs & Logic.

ii) Skill test in Shorthand in either of the language i.e. in Hindi or English and typewriting in both the languages at the time of initial recruitment with the following minimum qualifying speeds for those who qualify objective type of screening test:-

Speed in Shorthand 
English- 80 WPM
Hindi- 70 WPM

Speed in typewriting
English- 40 WPM
Hindi- 30 WPM

(Skill tests will be of qualifying nature)
170 Multiple Choice Questions (objective type screening)

Note- Final selection will be made solely on the basis of the marks obtained in the Written Screening Test/main subjective type test and evaluation of 15 marks.

HPSSC Recruitment 2021: Application Fees

The details regarding exam application fees are as under-

Sr. No.Category Exam Fees
1.General Category/ E.W.S, Ex-Servicemen of HP relieved from defence services on their own request before completion of normal tenureRs. 360/-
2.General IRDP, Physically Handicapped, Ward of Freedom Fighter, Ward of Ex-Servicemen of HPRs. 120/-
3.S.C. of H.P./S.T. of H.P./O.B.C. of H.P./BPL of H.P./EWS (BPL) (includingS.C./S.T./O.B.C., Ex-Servicemen of H.P. relieved from Defence Services on their own request before completion of normal tenure , SC/ST/OBC wards of Ex-SM of H.P., i.e.Dependent sons, daughters and wives of Ex-SM and SC/ST/OBC Persons withDisability).Rs. 120/-
4.Female candidates, Ex-Servicemen of H.P. (Ex-Servicemen, who are relieved from Defence Services after completion of normal tenure)/Blind/Visually Impaired of H.P.No Fee

Important Points to Note

  • Candidates can apply only for one post. Multiple applications for the same post will be rejected.
  • The benefit of reservation is available only to bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh.
  • The candidate shall be eligible for appointment, if he/she has passed Matriculation and 10+2 from any school/ institution situated within Himachal Pradesh. Provided this condition shall not apply to Bonafide Himachalis.
  • The admit cards will be made available on the HPSSC website.

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