How to Prepare for IBPS RRB Exam 2025


This blog is going to provide you with the best ways to prepare for IBPS RRB Exam 2025, which is specially structured by our mentors at ixambee. So ASPIRANTS, ARE YOU  SET TO KNOW All The DETAILS ABOUT IT? YES, you are… Are we Excited to tell you everything about it? OF COURSE, WE ARE…

“One important key to success is self-confidence and an important key to self-confidence is preparation.

This quote by the great American Tennis player, the three-time grand slam winner Arthur Ashe, and shows a perfect depiction of the connection between success & preparation. Success is the fruit that depends upon how you nurture the seed of your dream with constant efforts and preparation. 

How to Prepare for IBPS RRB Exam 2025

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has officially released its RRB Exam 2025 notification for 8860 vacancies including Scale 1, 2 & 3 officers in numerous 43 regional banks of the country so far. Aspirants have already begun their preparation in full swing to crack it. But the question is, how? How to prepare for IBPS RRB Exam 2025? This question has been clicking in all aspirant’s minds lately. In this blog, you are going to get all your queries sorted and all your questions answered as we will provide you with various tried and tested preparation tips for the IBPS RRB exam 2025. 

 However, before we proceed further, let’s have a look at what cracking IBPS RRB Exam 2025 is going to offer you. It is going to double your motivation to prepare for this exam. We’re sure you are going to be surprised after knowing the perks & benefits of getting selected for the IBPS RRB Exam 2025. 

Perks & Benefits of Getting Selected for IBPS RRB Exam 2025

  • Cracking any competitive exam comes with a bitter-sweet reality. Along with getting a government job, you have to leave your home and shift to your allocated work location. Getting a job in your own city is the primary perk of being selected for the IBPS RRB. An IBPS RRB Officer will most probably get allocated to the regional rural bank of their city only. Therefore, IBPS RRB is one of the most preferred exams among all applicants. 
  • Job security will always be at its peak. Bank jobs are one of the safest places to work even in times of economic crisis, and getting a job near your hometown is the cherry on the cake. 
  • RRB stands for Regional Rural Banks, which essentially means that you won’t be doing your job in any metropolitan or advanced city. Rural areas are supposed to be cheaper than urban cities. This will make you save more because maintaining a luxurious life will not be a priority for you during the job. 
  • There will always be numerous opportunities for your professional growth. No matter for which scale RRB officer you have been appointed as you will get promoted to the upper position after a few years of your tenure. 

IBPS RRB Exam Pattern 2025 

Since the IBPS RRB notification is released for various posts, the exam pattern for each post also differs. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial that you are aware of the IBPS RRB exam pattern 2025 before you begin your exam preparation as you need to prepare specifically as per the post for which you have applied. 

The IBPS RRB Scale 1 Officer & Office Assistant (Clerk) Exam consists of Prelims, a Mains exam followed by an Interview round for Scale 1 and Document Verification for Office Assistant respectively. Whereas, Scale 2 & 3 comprises a single-phase Online Exam followed by an interview round. Please refer to the following tables to understand the IBPS RRB exam pattern of every scale officer separately.

IBPS RRB PO Scale 1 Officer Prelims Exam Pattern 2025

Section No of Questions Maximum Marks Time Duration
Reasoning 40 40 45 Minutes 
Numerical Ability 40 40
Total 80 80  

IBPS RRB PO Scale 1 Officer Mains Exam Pattern 2025

SectionNo of Question Maximum MarksDuration
Reasoning40502 hours 
General Awareness4040
Numerical Ability4050
English/ Hindi Language 4040
Computer Knowledge Paper4020

IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Clerk) Prelims Exam Pattern 2025

SectionNo of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime Duration
Reasoning4040Composite time of 45 minutes
Numerical Ability4040

IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Clerk) Mains Exam Pattern 2025

SectionNo of Question Maximum MarksDuration
Reasoning40502 hours 
General Awareness4040
Numerical Ability4050
English/ Hindi Language 4040
Computer Knowledge Paper4020

Please note that there will be no interview round for the Office Assistant profile, the final merit & selection will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate in their main examination. 

IBPS RRB Scale 2 Officer (General Banking Officer) Online Exam Pattern 2025

SectionNumber of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Reasoning Ability 40502 Hours 
Quantitative aptitude & Data Interpretation4050
Financial Awareness4040
English/Hindi Language 4040
Computer Knowledge Paper4020

IBPS RRB Scale 2 Officer (Specialist Officers) Online Exam Pattern 2025

SectionNumber of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Reasoning4050Composite time of 2 hours 30 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation4050
Financial Awareness4040
English/Hindi language4020
Computer knowledge4020
Professional Knowledge Paper4040

IBPS RRB Scale 3 Officer Mains Exam Pattern 2025

SectionNumber of QuestionsMaximum marksDuration
Reasoning40502 Hours
Quantitative Aptitude & data interpretation 4050
Financial Awareness4040
English Language4040
Hindi Language4040
Computer Knowledge4020

Points to Remember for all Papers:

  • There will be a deduction of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer in every paper. 
  • Students can attempt all sections bilingually except English or Hindi language paper. 
  • All Exams except interviews will be conducted online.

Now, as you have become well aware of all IBPS RRB Scale 1, 2 & 3 officer exam patterns. It’s time to look at the detailed IBPS RRB syllabus 2025 for these exams. 

Subject-wise Syllabus for IBPS RRB Exam 2025

Reasoning AbilityPuzzles – Seating Arrangement: Circular/Direction-based/MISCNumber Series, Odd man out Coding-Decoding, Blood Relation Analogy, Syllogism Alphabet Test, Ranking and Time Causes and Effects, Direction Sense, Figure SeriesWord Formation Statement and Assumption Assertion and Reason, Statement and Conclusion, Statement and Arguments Statements and Action Courses 
Quantitive Aptitude & Numerical AbilityNumber System Data Interpretation – Bar Graph, Line Graph & Pie chart, HCF & LCM Profit & Loss Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Time & Work, Time & Distance Decimal & Fraction Averages Mensuration, Simplification, Partnership Percentages, Ratio & Proportion, Averages Case Studies Charts and Graphs Permutation & Combination Probability 
General AwarenessCurrent Affairs NationalInternational Current AffairsSports Abbreviations, Currencies & Capitals General Science, Government Schemes & Policies Banking Awareness, Awards and Honors, RBI Books and Authors, National Parks & Sanctuaries 
English Language Reading Comprehensions Grammar / Vyakaran Spotting Errors, Fill in the Blanks Misspelled Words Jumbled Words Rearrangement of Sentence Jumbled up sentences Idioms and Phrases, Cloze Tests, One-word Substitution Antonyms and Synonyms 
Hindi Languageभाषा, लिपि, बोली और व्याकरण
वर्ण विचार
Computer KnowledgeFundamentals of ComputerHistory of Computers Future of Computers Basic Knowledge of Internet Networking Software & Hardware, Computer Shortcut Keys, MS Office Database Security Tools, Virus Hacking, Trojans Input and Output Devices Computer Languages 
Financial AwarenessCurrent events in the Financial World, Monetary Policy, Budget, Economic Survey, Banking Reforms in India Bank, Accounts of Special Individuals Loans Asset Reconstruction, Companies Non-Performing Assets, Restructuring of Loans, Bad Loans, Risk Management BASEL I BASEL II BASEL III Organisations – RBI, SEBI, IMF, World Bank & Others 
Professional Knowledge (IT Officer)Operating System DBMS, Data Communication & Networking, Data Structure, OOPS Compiler, Design Basic Programming in C Software Engineering, Web Technology Computer Architecture 
Professional Knowledge (Law Officer)LAW
Professional Knowledge (Agriculture Officer)Introduction to Agriculture, Agronomy Agro-Forestry & Ecology Concepts of Soil, Horticulture, Seed Science, Plant Physiology, Basic of Plant Breeding & Genetics, Agriculture Entomology Plant Pathology Animal Husbandry Agriculture Engineering, Fishery Sciences Works based on Latest Agriculture Research

After getting an idea about the IBPS RRB subject wise syllabus, you will have a clear picture of what you should study. Now it’s time to introduce you to some winning tips that you can keep up in your preparation and perform your best in your IBPS RRB Exam 2025. 

Best preparation tips for IBPS RRB Exam 2025

  1. Make a study plan and hover time equally among all sections. Remember, every section is important. Every section holds the power to decide your chances of cracking the exam. 
  1. Practice through Mock tests to challenge your ability to hold a grip on the time taken to solve each question. There are many free mock tests available online. You can easily get access to them just by registering on the website. 
  1. Have a look over the previous year question paper to have a zest of understanding about the kind of questions and the exam pattern. 
  1. Revise enough to strengthen your confidence in your knowledge about any topic. One of the best ways to evaluate your preparation is by attempting mock tests available on our website. 
  1. Whatever you prepare, make sure you are 100% confident about the answer. So that there will be minimum chances of you attempting incorrect answers in your exam to end up facing negative marking for them. 

Subject-wise preparation tips for IBPS RRB Exam 2025 

IBPS RRB Preparation Tips for Language (English & Hindi)

  • Comprehensive English is the primary focus of the English language section in the exam. Students often mistake it as an easy section and they attempt it incorrectly the most.  To deal with that you should study Grammatical rules in depth and practice them as much as you can. 
  • Reading the Daily newspaper will benefit you to level up your vocabulary game.
  • Wrongly Spelled words, Idioms/Phrases, One-word Substitution, Synonyms & Antonyms, Spotting Errors, Reading Comprehension, and Grammar are some of the portions that need to be focused on the most.  

IBPS RRB Preparation Tips for Reasoning Ability 

  • Reasoning Aptitude is the most time consuming section in any exam, you better be practiced enough to avoid getting caught in the trap of it. 
  • Seating Arrangements and Puzzles are crucial and time consuming simultaneously. Try to practice 4 to 5 questions from each of them every day. Questions related to blood relation & Syllogism can help you score more in less time. 
  • Make a habit to take a sectional test after a specific interval of time to analyze your performance. 

IBPS RRB Preparation Tips for Quantitative Aptitude

  • Try to strengthen your basic fundamentals about each topic in this section. Also, attempting daily mock tests will help you to analyze your practice & speeding up your calculation at the same time. 
  • Memorise & enhance your chances to score more in this section by mastering tables, square roots, cube roots, and other formulae at your fingertips. 
  • Practice at least 4 to 5 questions of Data interpretation every day for a stronghold in studying Pie charts and  Bar graphs in less time. 

IBPS RRB Preparation Tips for General Knowledge

  • Most of the students leave this section for last, and hence, it costs them the deciding marks in their exam. General Knowledge doesn’t need frequent practice but consistent focus. You can cover it by including it in your daily practice. 
  • Reading daily newspapers is a good practice to enhance your current knowledge about local events. You can also start following the social media pages of government organizations, and ministries to sync in with the happenings out there. 

IBPS RRB Preparation Tips for Computer Aptitude

  • Having average knowledge about computers can help you a lot in acing this section in the exam. The basic knowledge includes being familiar with shortcut keys and acronyms related to computers. 
  • Having optimum knowledge of Microsoft Office can help you to perform well in this section. 
  • Hardware, system software, & knowledge about the internet, are the major pillars of this section. 

IBPS RRB Preparation Tips for Financial Awareness

  •  Every competitive exam has its own syllabus for Financial Awareness. In Banking Exams you are required to study Banking awareness, history, and terminologies thoroughly. Therefore, you need to practice the whole Banking awareness syllabus in depth. 
  • Read Business Newspapers like Economic Times or you can also head to the Finance section of the daily newspaper to keep up with current financial affairs nationally and internationally. 
  • If there is any recent news of Bank mergers, you should better keep an eye on that incident. Also, FAqs of banking websites can also help you keep notes about the updates of Banking industries.

IBPS RRB Preparation Tip for Professional Knowledge

The Professional Knowledge section of every exam comprises a specific syllabus. Therefore, this section is going to be familiar to you as it belongs to your field of work or academic studies. 

On the whole, if we talk about the preparation tips of professional knowledge sections, then you should thoroughly study your field of academics, be it IT Officer, Agriculture Officer, or Legal/ Law Officer. 

Keep on attempting mock tests, and have a look at previous question papers to understand the question pattern. 


India is a home of people with wise minds and big dreams. Millions of students wake up every day with a dream of cracking competitive exams without compromising staying near to their families. They eagerly wait for the IBPS RRB Exam notification to be released. Aspirants invest years of effort to get selected for the IBPS RRB vacancies with the second aim of not losing touch with their families.

The more pleasant the dream, the more effort it takes to make it come true. IBPS RRB Exam is the dream of millions of individuals. Hence, your preparation should be sharp and accurate enough to achieve your objective. Consistent efforts and motivation are the keys that can make you reach there. We wish the very best to all the aspirants appearing for IBPS RRB Exam 2025. 

Boost your IBPS RRB PO Scale 1 preparation with ixamBee’s expertly designed IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Tests and IBPS RRB Scale 1 Pre PYP. Enroll in our comprehensive IBPS RRB PO Scale 2 & 3 Online Course, offering targeted guidance to ace your exam. Don’t miss the chance to master banking with ixamBee’s Target Banking Online Course—your ultimate pathway to success!

At ixamBee, we specialize in providing comprehensive online courses for government exams and online courses for government jobs. Our expertly designed courses for government jobs cater to a wide range of upcoming government exams. Whether you’re preparing for specific courses for government exams or seeking general guidance, ixamBee offers the resources like Beepedia previous year papers, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS and other mock tests to succeed in exams like RBI Grade B, SEBI Grade A, NABARD Grade A, RRB NTPC, SSC MTS, NIACL Assistant, and more.  

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