HSSC Clerk Admit Card 2019 Released


HSSC Clerk Admit Card 2019

HSSC or Haryana Staff Selection Commission works under the aegis of the Haryana Government to recruit staff for various posts  in various departments and in the subordinate offices under the Government of Haryana. Its headquarter is in Panchkula and presently it is headed by Bharat Bhushan Bharti. It is a statutory body of the Government Of Haryana and was previously known as Subordinate Service Selection Board.

 Recently HSSC has released the admit card for the HSSC Clerk 2019 Recruitment in ‘Group C’ for which the advertisement was announced some months ago. The candidate is required to visit the official website and then click on the ‘Advertisement link 05/2019 ‘ . After that he/she has to click on the  admit card option and enter their credentials .

The link to download admit card is active. HSSC Clerk Exam is scheduled to be held from 21st September to 23rd September. HSSC Clerk Exam on 21st will take place in one shift ie from 4.30 PM to 6.00 PM(Evening Shift) while on 22nd and 23rd it will take place in two shifts ie morning from 10.30 AM to 12 .00 Noon and afternoon shift from 3.00 PM to 4.30 PM. So candidates are advised to download their HSSC Clerk Admit Card and visit the examination venue one day earlier to avoid any confusion.No separate information or hard copy of the HSSC Clerk exam admit card will be sent by post to any individual.

             Download Your HSSC Clerk 2019 Admit Card Here

Exam Pattern

HSSC Clerk Exam 2019 will be conducted offline ie it will be a written examination of OMR type. The written examination will be of 90 marks out of which 75% questions  will be from Reasoning, Maths , Computer , General Awareness , Hindi,Science, English and relevant subject as applicable and 25% questions will be from Current Affairs , Geography , Literature ,Civics , Environment , History , Culture. Socio -Economic and experience criteria will carry a weightage of 10 marks. Thus the overall merit will be out of 100 marks .

       So now the aspirants should give final shape to their preparation. Nothing new should be mugged up right now. The focus should be on revising whatever you have learned and practicing HSSC Clerk 2019 free mock tests and in case of any doubt ixambee is here to help you. 

      All the best for your exam and keep learning and enhancing your knowledge.

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