IBPS Clerk 2019-2020 Final Result Out: Check your Result Now!


IBPS Clerk Mains Result 2020 Out

IBPS Clerk result 2019-2020 has been announced. The long wait is over and candidates can check the final result by visiting the official website of IBPS. The result was scheduled to be announced in April 2020 but due to COVID-19, the result was delayed. Further details are mentioned below. Those who made it to the final merit list, a big congrats to them and those who didn’t, keep working hard, you are just a few steps away from your dream job.   

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 

IBPS Clerk Prelims was held on 7th and 8th December 2019 and the Mains was held on 19th January 2020. The exam can be said of moderate to difficult levels. Since the merit is declared region wise so competition can be said to be hard. The result was scheduled to be announced in the April month but got delayed due to pandemic coronavirus.  

IBPS Clerk Mains Cut off 2020

IBPS has released the final cut off of IBPS Clerk Mains exam 2019-2020. As there is no interview for IBPS Clerk, the mains exam cut off will be considered as the final cut off of the exam. The complete and final cut off the table of IBPS Clerk is provided below:

Andhra Pradesh3628.8844.1344.2545.13
Arunachal PradeshNA29.63NANA41.5
Himachal Pradesh32.535.6335.354047.13
Jammu and Kashmir41.3832.3334.3344.2549.24
Madya Pradesh31.2525.7541.6340.1344
ManipurNA 36.13NANA40.13
Tamil Nadu37.3630.6346.7534.547
Uttar Pradesh31.530.538.6342.7545.13
West Bengal33.528.537.7537.3347.33
New Delhi37.1330.6342.3844.6349.63
Daman & DiuNANA38.13NA38.13

IBPS Clerk Salary:

The reason why IBPS Clerk is chased by many because along with stability it also provided job security to its employees. IBPS Clerk exam is also one of the most popular jobs among the aspirants looking to enter the banking industry. IBPS Clerk gives a good opportunity to enter the banking sector and lets one grow gradually with time and experience. An IBPS Clerk is paid well from the beginning  An In-hand salary of an IBPS clerk is provided in the table below:

IBPS ClerkBasic pay – Rs 11,765/- per month
Pay scale – 11765-655/3-13730-815/3-16175-980/4-20095-1145/7-28110-2120/1-30230/1310-1-3154

How to find the result of IBPS clerk 2019?

Given below is the step by step process to check your Result for IBPS Clerk 2019.

  • Click on the given link to check the result of IBPS Clerk 2019-20
  • Enter your Registration Number or Roll Number and Date of Birth in the place of a password.
  • After that, you are required to enter the Captcha code.
  • Click on the Login Button.
  • The Result will be displayed on the screen.
  • You can save your result for future purposes.

Click Here to Check the Result of IBPS Clerk 2019-20

Once again heartiest congratulations to all the candidates who had nailed the final merit and if you were not able to make it to the list then don’t lose hope. Keep working hard, you will achieve what you desire.

In case, you need assistance in the IBPS Clerk exam 2020, you can buy our IBPS Clerk Online Course. Some features of which are provided below:

  • 50 + Videos covering the entire syllabus of Prelims and Mains Exam including videos on writing skills for Descriptive English.
  • 100+ videos out of total of 350 videos prepared exclusively for Mains examination explaining the correct approach to solve difficult and time taking questions along with the concepts and shortcuts.
  • 125+ Study notes in PDF format specially for General and Financial Awareness Section, and wherever required for easy learning and quick revision.
  • 150 + Difficulty Based Chapter Tests comprising 3000+ Questions divided into Easy, Moderate and High Levels for each chapter for all the subjects to help you prepare systematically.
  • 33 Full-Length Mock Tests (20 for pre, 8 for Mains and 5 for Descriptive English) and also Previous Year Memory Based Mock Test.

We also provide free mock tests on exams related to Banking, SSC, Teaching, and more.

Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”- Winston S. Churchill

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