IBPS Exam Calendar 2021-22: Check IBPS Exam Dates


The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection or commonly referred to as ‘IBPS’, annually releases vacancies for various positions in all the rural and commercial banks, except a few banks which choose to conduct their recruitment process. IBPS conducts examinations for the posts of both ‘Officers’& ‘Clerks’. Briefly, we know these posts as IBPS PO (Probationary Officer), IBPS SO (Specialist Officer), IBPS Clerk, IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1,2 & 3), and IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Clerk).
IBPS has always been diligent and punctual with its announcements and notifications. Even during the ongoing pandemic, it has continued its tradition. This year too, the tentative IBPS calendar has been released well in time. The exam calendar mentions the tentative dates that pertain to the common recruitment process (CRP) of RRBs (Regional Rural Banks) for all scales (1,2 &3) & of all other commercial banks (PSBs).

Tentative Calendar of Online CRP for RRBs & PSBs (2021-2022)

RRBs – CRP RRB-X (Office Assistants) and CRP RRB-X (Officers)

Preliminary Examination Office Assistants and Officer Scale I:
01.08.2021, 07.08.2021, 08.08.2021, 14.08.2021 and 21.08.2021
Single ExaminationOfficers Scale II & III: 25.09.2021
Main ExaminationOfficer Scale I: 25.09.2021Office Assistants: 03.10.2021


Clerks Probationary OfficersSpecialist Officers
Preliminary Examination28.08.202129.08.202104.09.202105.09.202109.10.202110.10.202116.10.202117.10.202118.12.2021 26.12.2021 
Main Examination31.10.2021 27.11.202130.01.2022

IBPS Exam 2021: Process of Registration

  • The registration for IBPS CRP-XI will be only through online mode.
  • As specified by IBPS, there will be no separate registration process for the Main examination. There will  be a single registration for Prelims and Mains wherever applicable.

IBPS Exam 2021: Preparation Strategy

IBPS released a good number of vacancies last year and therefore we can expect a similar number of vacancies this time too. On a positive note, no matter what the number of vacancies are, you have to fight for just ‘one’ seat. Your focus needs to be on that one vacancy that might be for you. One of the most important steps in your preparation is practicing mock tests which will prove quite useful even the day you sit for the examination. Mock tests are a simulation of actual online exam experience, thus proving helpful in decreasing the final day’s nervousness. ixamBee provides a fair chance to all of the aspirants by providing ‘free mock tests.’

You can also read more about the IBPS PO preparation strategy here.

Practice here:

IBPS PO Prelims free mock test

IBPS SO (Rajbhasha Adhikari & Law Officer) free mock test

IBPS SO (IT/HR/AFO) free mock test

IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Prelims free mock test

IBPS RRB Office Assistant free mock test

To help more with your preparation, ixamBee also offers IBPS PO Online Course, IBPS RRB PO & Clerk Online Course , IBPS SO Online Course, IBPS RRB Scale II & III Online Course, IBPS SO AFO Online Course

For all those who were feeling directionless and puzzled with what all is going on around the world, have a silver lining to hold on to now. The IBPS exam calendar brings with it all the positivity and hope that was very much required for all those who have been preparing for the competitive examinations, for those who had just decided to start preparing for the same, and also for those who were about to just start their preparation but were thinking to drop the plan. For those who have a faint idea about bank examinations and wish to explore the kind of questions asked, can check out the previous year papers to gather some knowledge. Also, take a look at Kailash Tiwari’s experience (ex-AFO at UBI) to understand what it is like to be an IBPS PO/SO.

Check here:

IBPS PO Previous Year Papers

IBPS RRB PO Previous Year Papers

IBPS Clerk Previous Year Papers

IBPS RRB Clerk Previous Year Papers

For some more positivity in these difficult times, ixamBee has just launched a ‘Get Vaccinated, Get Rewarded‘ offer to provide a flat 35% off to candidates who are preparing for competitive examinations and would like to buy any of our courses. To avail this offer, all you have to do is upload a picture of yourself getting vaccinated. Even if you don’t have a picture, you can just upload your certificate to our website and you can avail 35% discount.

Even if you haven’t got yourself vaccinated, but registered yourself, we at ixamBee appreciate your responsible attitude toward getting vaccinated and you are still eligible for a 30% discount on any of the courses that we offer. Just send us the picture of your registration SMS for vaccination.

Also Read:

IBPS SO Law Officer: How To Prepare in 8 Months

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern: Prelims & Mains- Study Material

& many more.

Get Free Online Test Series, GK updates in the form of Beepedia, as well as latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs.

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