Many competitive exams such as IBPS PO mains, NABARD Development Assistant Mains, IBPS SO Prelims are lined in near future and it is well known fact that preparing for these exams is not a cakewalk as questions asked in such exams are usually very tough. Therefore, you will need to be thorough with latest pattern questions and practice them very well to avoid any surprises on the D day of these exams.
Let us look at few latest pattern questions in Reasoning – Unknown number seating arrangement
Read the given information carefully and answer the questions given beside:
Certain number of persons is sitting around the circular table. All of them are facing towards the center. Distance between any two adjacent persons is same.
(i) Bhaskar is facing Richa, who is sitting second to the right of Uma.
(ii) Tarun is facing Manish, who is sitting fourth to the right of Deepak.
(iii) None among Tarun, Diksha and Manish is an immediate neighbour of Richa.
(iv) The person, who is sitting four places away from Uma, is not immediate neighbour of Diksha.
(v) Naresh, who is sitting seven places away from Uma, is not immediate neighbour of Bhaskar.
(vi) At most 11 people sit around the circular table.
From (vi), At most 11 people sit around the circular table means that not more than 11 people are sitting. We will have the possibility of either 8, 9, 10 or 11 people are sitting around the circular table.
From (i), As Bhaskar is facing Richa, for this we have to have an even number of people. So, 9 or 11 people can’t be seated.
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Now we will have two possibilities:
Case 1- If 8 people are seated.
From (i), If Uma sits at place no. 1, then Richa will sit at place no. 3. Bhaskar will sit at place no. 7.
From (v), Naresh will sit at place no. 2 as he is sitting seven places away from Uma.
From (ii), If Deepak sits at place no. 4, then Manish will sit at place no. 8 but it will not be possible as Tarun is facing Manish and vice versa.
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This case will get discarded.

Case 2- If 10 people are seated.
From (i), If Uma sits at place no. 1, then Richa will sit at place no. 3. Bhaskar will sit at place no. 7.
From (v), Naresh will sit at place no. 4 as he is sitting seven places away from Uma.
From (ii), If Deepak sits at place no. 6, then Manish will sit at place no.10 and Tarun will sit at place no.5.
From (iv), Bhaskar is sitting four places away from Uma. So, Diksha cannot sit at place no. 8. So, she will sit at place no. 9.
Hence this is the final arrangement.

1. What is the position of Tarun with respect to Uma?
1) Sixth to the right
2) Fourth to the left
3) Third to the right
4) Sixth to the left
5) None of these
Ans: 4
2. Who is sitting exactly between Tarun and Richa?
1) Manish
2) Tarun
3) Naresh
4) Diksha
5) None of these
Ans: 3
3. In certain way Bhaskar is related to Deepak and Uma is related to Diksha and in same way that, who among the following person is related to Tarun?
1) Richa
2) Naresh
3) Manish
4) Bhaskar
5) None of these
Ans: 1
4. How many people are sitting around the table?
1) 9
2) 8
3) 10
4) 11
5) None of these
Ans: 3
5. How many people are sitting between Naresh and Bhaskar, when counted from left of Bhaskar?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) None of these
Ans: 4
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