IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (GBO) & Scale 3 Exam : Complete Analysis & Previous Year Cut-Off


IBPS RRB Officer Scale-2 (GBO)/Scale 3 Exam

IBPS is an autonomous recruitment organization which holds separate recruitment drives for various commercial and rural banks. IBPS released the notification for Regional Rural Banks recently where it released vacancies for various posts. Among these posts, there were vacancies announced for IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1,2 & 3. The Officer Scale 2 vacancies also consist of the post of General Banking Officer (GBO). There will be online examinations to select the eligible candidates for the post. IBPS RRB Officer Scale-2/3 Exam provides opportunity to all, who are working in various private organisations to get entry into Govt sector.  IBPS RRB Officer Scale-2/3 Exam has 5 sections in the objective test which carries 200 marks. The sections are Numerical Ability, English/Hindi Language, Reasoning, Computer Knowledge, and Financial Awareness for a composite duration of 150 minutes.

IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2/3 Exam Pattern & Syllabus 

First we’ll look at the pattern of IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 (GBO)/ Scale 3 Exam to analyze weightage of each section. The medium of exam is English/Hindi as per your choice. Candidates have the choice of choosing their desired language/medium to attempt the exam except the section of English/Hindi Language.

Subject Number of Qs Marks
Reasoning 40 50
Computer knowledge 40 20
Financial Awareness 40 40
English/Hindi Language 40 40
Quantitative Aptitude and D.I 40 50

Now the first question arrives that what to read, where to practice or how to prepare for the exam to get the desired job. So here we’ll discuss about syllabus of this exam and topics that were asked in this exam before or that can be asked.

Reasoning: 3-4 Puzzle/Seating arrangements, Analytical Reasoning, Data sufficiency, Syllogism, machine I/O, Coding-decoding and Misc.

Computer Knowledge: Basic to advance level computer awareness, MS office, Short cut keys, History of computers, Networking, Input output devices

Financial Awareness: Static Banking, Capital and Money market, History of Banking in India, financial scheme launched by GoI, Banking terms, CA related to finance and economy

English/Hindi Language: Conventional type R.C, Fill in the blanks, Error detection, One word substitution, Antonyms/Synonyms, Para jumbles, Idioms, Cloze passage etc.

Quant and D.I: 3-4 D.I, Data sufficiency, series, approximation, quadratic equation, Misc on arithmetic

IBPS RRB 2018 Officer Scale 2/3 Exam Analysis & Cut-off  

The level of IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2/3 Exam that took place in 2018 was ‘moderate to difficult’. The overall cutoff for written exam was 48.75. The highest sectional cut off was in computer knowledge which was 12. For other sections, the cut-off marks were in the range of 2.50 – 5.75.

Subject Total no. of Qs Good attempts Topics
Reasoning 40 15-20 3 Puzzles, 4- Syllog, 3-Data sufficiency, 3-4 analytical reasoning, Blood relation-2, direction: 2-3, I/O- 5, Misc-3
Computer knowledge 40 16-22 Most of the questions were from basics of Software, Internet, Network etc.
Financial Awareness 40 12-17 NPA, static banking/core banking, 4-5 abbreviations related Qs, 5-6 CA
Hindi/English 40 10-15 10 R.C, 10 Cloze passage, 5 fill in the blanks, 5 para jumbles, 5 error detection, 5 misc
Quant and D.I  40 14-18 3 D.I, 5 quadratic equation, 5 approximation/simplification, 12 misc.

Having a good look at this exam pattern, syllabus and exam analysis of IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 & 3 Exam will surely assist in your exam preparation adn will give you a hint of what is lacking in your strategy. You may make the required changes and tweak your preparation plan a bit to suit yourself in the last final days left for the actual exam.

To give that extra touch to your preparation, you can practice IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 free mock tests and IBPS RRB Officer Scale 3 free mock tests regularly and keep a check on your exam preparation.

For those who are planning to prepare for these posts in future, can check out our IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2/3 Online Course, IBPS RRB Scale 2 IT Officer Online Course & IBPS RRB Agriculture Officer Online Course.

Also Read:

How To Prepare For RRB Scale 2 & 3 Exam

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4 years ago

Genuine analysis all I can say. Good efforts mam.. strictly recommended for GBO scale 2 preparation