IBPS RRB PO Mains 2021: Best Preparation Strategy


The IBPS RRB PO Mains exam is scheduled to be held on September 25, 2021. The Prelims exams have already been held and the results are expected to be out soon as well. While we wait with bated breath for our results, let us take a look at how we can go about our Mains exam preparation that is to be held soon. 

IBPS RRB PO Mains 2021 Exam Pattern

There are a total of 5 subjects tested in the Mains examination. The paper is for 200 marks and the total number of questions asked are 200. A composite time of 120 minutes (2 hours) is given for the same. 

Subject Maximum MarksMaximum No. of Questions
Reasoning 4050
Quantitative Aptitude 4050
General Awareness4040
English/Hindi Language4040
Computer Knowledge 4020
Total 200200

Take a look at the detailed IBPS RRB PO Mains 2021 Syllabus. 

IBPS RRB PO Mains 2021 Study Plan 

  • Now that you have less than a month to go before the exam, it would be prudent to revise your entire study plan. 
  • We know you have been working quite hard already, but now you need to increase your efforts manifold. In case you have been taking it easy or procrastinating for some reason, you need to devote more time to your studies now. 
  • Mock tests are an indispensable resource for any examination. You must routinely take mock tests from time to time to understand where you stand with your preparation. In these last few weeks before the exam, you should take at least 2 mock tests a week. 
  • Take a look at the IBPS RRB PO Mains exam analysis. It will give you a clear idea about the standard of assessment, which topics are more important, cut-offs and such. 
  • Take a look at some of the IBPS RRB PO previous years’ papers. It will help you understand how the papers have been set in the past and will give you a fair idea of how you need to approach the exam as well. 
  • The best way to prepare for Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude is by practicing sample questions. Once you are thorough with the theory part of it, you must practice some questions every day. Practice is the only way to ensure you can solve these questions quickly and correctly during the actual exam. 
  • For your language paper, if you have opted for English, you must practice questions on error detection. 
  • Also, for your English section, read the comprehension carefully and thoroughly. This can be a very scoring topic if you use it to your advantage. All the answers are already present in the passage. 
  • For those of you who have opted for Hindi for the language section, you will see that the syllabus is quite basic. The questions will be based on topics like synonyms, antonyms, idioms/proverbs, tenses, sentence correction and parts of sentences to name a few. 
  • Finally, for Computer Awareness, you must make yourself familiar with technical terms on which questions are often asked. 

General Tips

  • Don’t wear yourself out. Take proper routine breaks. 
  • Manage your time well. Distribute the syllabus for the remaining weeks so that you can ensure you cover all the topics.
  • Keep some margin for accommodation in case you fall behind in your preparation. 
  • Don’t get worked up. If for any reason you have fallen behind in your preparation, you have a fair amount of time left before the exam, so use your time wisely. 
  • Although a decent amount of stress will push you to work harder, don’t let your worry or nervousness get the better of you. 
  • Dedicate all your time to your study. Leave all other thoughts for another day. 
  • Remember, this opportunity may or may not knock on your door again. So, rise to the occasion and make the most of it. 

IBPS RRB PO Mains 2021 Important Books


  1. Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey
  2. A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
  3. How to Crack Test of Reasoning: In All Competitive Exam by Arihant Publication
  4. How to Crack Test of Reasoning by Jaikishan and Premkishan

Quantitative Aptitude 

  1. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by R.S. Aggarwal
  2. Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma

General Awareness

  1. Static General Knowledge by Arihant Publication
  2. Banking Awareness Handbook of Banking Information by N.S. Toor
  3. Banking and Financial Awareness by Kiran Prakashan 
  4. BeePedia


  1. Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis 
  2. Objective General English by S.P. Bakshi


  1. Lucent’s Sampurna Hindi Vyakaran Aur Rachna by Arvind Kumar
  2. Samanya Hindi Book for 2021 by Agrawal Examcart

Computer Knowledge

  1. Objective Computer Awareness by Arihant Experts
  2. Computer Knowledge by Shikha Agarwal
  3. Banking Awareness by Disha Experts 

Choose ixamBee

If you are preparing for this exam, our IBPS RRB PO Online Course is the only resource you need. The course not only provides our students with a wealth of study resources but also faculty guidance at every step. Our faculty members are more than willing to guide students according to their subjective needs. Additionally, our courses also include a number of full-length practice tests and chapter-based tests. 

As you gather your resources and prepare for this exam, Team ixamBee wishes you all the best! 

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