IBPS RRB Scale 2: Excellent Opportunity for IT Professionals in India


The IBPS RRB Scale 2 Exam is held every year for the recruitment of two types of posts- General Banking Officer and Specialist Officer (SO). Within the Specialist Cadre, there is a post for Information Technology Officers (IT Officers). This job offers eligible candidates an opportunity to couple their passion for IT work with their desire for public service. This article looks at all the relevant details concerning the IBPS RRB Scale 2 IT Officer Exam. 

IBPS RRB IT Officer 2021 Exam Overview

Some important information concerning the exam has been provided in the table below. 

Name of examInstitute of Banking Personnel Selection Rural Regional Bank
IBPS RRB Notification Release DateJune 7, 2021
Online Application Window June 8- June 28, 2021 (now closed)
Single-level Exam DateSeptember 25, 2021
No. of Vacancies for IT Officer60
InterviewOctober/November 2021
Final Result/Provisional Allotment January 2022

IBPS RRB IT Officer 2021 Eligibility 

Criteria Requirement
EducationBachelor’s degree from a recognized University in Electronics / Communication / Computer Science / Information Technology or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. Certificates in ASP, PHP, C++, Java, VB, VC, OCP and such are desirable
Work ExperienceOne year (in the relevant field)
AgeBetween 21 and 32 years of age

IBPS RRB IT Officer 2021 Exam Pattern

There will be a single-level exam for the IT Officer post as is the case for all Scale 2 posts. The exam pattern with all the sections and related details is provided below. 

Single-level Examination

SectionMode of ExamNo. of QuestionsMaximum Marks
Computer Knowledge Hindi/English4040
Financial AwarenessHindi/English4040
English Language English 4020
Hindi LanguageHindi4020
Computer KnowledgeHindi/English4020
Quantitative Aptitude & Data InterpretationHindi/English4040

The total time allotted is 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes). Candidates can opt for either Hindi or English as the exam language. There will be a negative marking of 1/4th of the marks assigned to the particular Objective-Type question. 


The candidates who qualify for the written examination will be invited to the Interview. No more than 3 candidates per vacancy will be invited. The IBPS RRB Exam Notification 2021 has announced a total of 60 vacancies for the Scale 2 IT Officer post. So, no more than 180 candidates will be invited to the Interview. 

IBPS RRB IT Officer 2021 Syllabus 

Their are 6 subjects tested in the single level exam are:

  1. Professional Knowledge
  2. Reasoning
  3. Financial Awareness
  4. English/ Hindi Language
  5. Computer Knowledge
  6. Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation

Provided below is the detailed syllabus for each topic that will be assessed under the Professional Knowledge section for the IT Officer exam. You should also take a look at the detailed syllabus for all the other sections assessed in the exam as well.

Operating SystemSystem calls, Process concept, Multithreading Programming, Process Scheduling, Synchronization, Deadlock, Memory management concept, Indexes and sequences, File system, Secondary storage, System protection, Cryptography
DBMSDifference between the file system and RDBMS, Database models, Normalization, keys and constraints, E-R diagram, Transaction, Concurrency control Management, Recovery and backup, Routing, View and Trigger, Cursors, SQL, Miscellaneous concepts (Data dictionary, data warehouse, data mining)
Data Communication and NetworkingTypes of networks, OSI model and protocols, Error detection and correction, Network devices and Models, Transmission Media, TCP/IP three-way connection, IP addressing, Sorting, CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA, IEEE standards, DNS, Network security, Network Switching, Firewall
Data StructureTime Complexity and space complexity, Array, Linked List, Stack, Queue, Tree, Graph
OOPSIntroduction, Classes and methods, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance
Compiler DesignLinker, Loader, Phases of compilation, Lexical analyzer, parsing theory, Code optimization, Intermediate code generation, Decision making in C
Basic Programming In CKeywords in C, Format specifiers, Data Types, Variables in C, Types of variables, Constants in C, Operators in C, Loops, Break, continue and Go statement, Array, String in C, Function in C, String Functions, Recursion, Pointer, Structure and Union, File input and output, Dynamic memory allocation and C preprocessor
Software engineeringSoftware process, SDLC models, Debugging, Cohesion and coupling, Testing, PHP, Pipelining
Web TechnologyWeb Design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, Priority interrupt, Memory organization
Computer ArchitectureCPU organization, General register organization, Interrupt, Modes of transfer, Instruction and program control, Virtual memory

If you are preparing for this exam, ixamBee has an online course where you can find all the necessary study material. The course includes: 

  • More than 470 video lessons covering the entire syllabus for the IT Officer Exam.
  • 110 videos out of 470 specially designed for professional knowledge (IT) subjects.
  • Video Lessons are followed by concept clearing questions to check progress and for reinforcement of learning.
  • More than 200 Study notes in PDF format, 75 of which are exclusively for IT professional knowledge. 
  • 7 full-length mock tests for IBPS RRB Scale 2 IT Officer exam.
  • More than 7000 + practice questions with solutions and analysis.
  • Live Classes for doubt clarification with the subject experts.
  • The package includes guidance for the Interview Round.

You can also find a range of free mock tests that you can take at any point in your preparation. ixamBee wishes all aspirants the very best as they prepare for their exams. 

At ixamBee you can find free Online Test Series, GK updates in the form of Beepedia, as well as latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI, NABARD and Other Government Jobs.

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