IBPS SO Reasoning Preparation with Sample Questions


The IBPS SO exam is one of the most awaited government exams in the country. The IBPS SO exam is conducted in three stages, which are the IBPS SO prelims, IBPS SO mains, and the interview. Clearing these stages is what ensures that one gets selected as an IBPS SO officer in their desired stream. The IBPS SO prelims exam is the first step in clearing this recruitment process. A critical part of the IBPS SO prelims paper is the Reasoning section. The reasoning section is often seen as the section that can make or break a candidate’s selection for the IBPS SO mains exam stage. In the following blog, we will be talking about reasoning questions for IBPS SO. We have demonstrated tips to clear the reasoning section of IBPS SO and offered links to different practice resources you can use. 

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The section of reasoning for IBPS SO exam is a section of the exam with a high potential for scoring. It accounts for one-third of the total IBPS SO preliminary exam. According to the IBPS SO exam pattern and syllabus, IBPS SO reasoning questions account for 50 marks in total with 50 questions and a sectional time limit of 40 minutes. In the following sections, we will understand the trend of IBPS reasoning questions by looking at how to solve some of them.

IBPS SO reasoning

IBPS SO Reasoning Question Trend

The IBPS SO reasoning questions that come in the IBPS exam are varied and test a candidate’s knowledge of different reasoning concepts like seating arrangements, time and distance, puzzles, and much more. Competitive bank reasoning questions like the ones in this exam often vary in difficulty levels as well. Some reasoning questions for bank exams like the IBPS SO may be very easy and at times some may be extremely challenging. The IBPS SO reasoning questions may be presented to you in a varied combination of difficult-to-easy questions and quick-to-solve to lengthy questions. This is why before starting your IBPS SO preparation, it becomes critical to understand a general pattern of reasoning questions for IBPS SO. Based on the analysis of ixamBee experts, we have provided a rough idea of the distribution of IBPS SO reasoning questions.

Let us begin by discussing the exam pattern and weightage of the various topics in the reasoning section. 

Please note: The reasoning ability section comprises 50 questions that carry 50 marks and have to be completed within 40 minutes which is the sectional time limit. The syllabus and mark distribution has been provided in the table below. 

Verbal reasoning 5-8
Scheduling 0-5
Double line-up0-5
Syllogism 3-5
Seating arrangement 5-7
Linear seating arrangement5-10
Blood relations2-5
Analytical decision making0-5
Data sufficiency3-5
Order and ranking2-6
Direction and distance2-5

As you can determine from the table above, the majority of the questions come from Puzzles, Seating Arrangement and Data Analysis. Therefore, you must prepare accordingly.

IBPS SO Reasoning Preparation Tips

  • You must gauge your preparation level by attempting an IBPS SO Prelims free mock test and identify your strengths and weaknesses. The IBPS SO reasoning mock test is a great way for you to understand the speed and accuracy with which you solve these questions and which subtopics require extra attention.
  • Once you have done the requisite, try to work around said weaknesses in order to ameliorate them by practicing reasoning questions for bank exams. You can find several books and practice test series for IBPS SO reasoning questions online and in hard copy.
  • Solve two new kinds of IBPS SO puzzle questions and seating arrangement problems every day. These two types of questions are seen to be the most common in IBPS SO reasoning exams.
  • You must practice at least 100 questions from each conceptual topic and then attempt chapter tests to gain accuracy.
  • Play on your strengths while attempting the paper. For this, you must begin with the IBPS SO reasoning questions which you are more comfortable with. It is better to solidify that which you know before jumping to topics you are unfamiliar with.
  • This will prove to be especially helpful if you are good at processing data and information fast which will mean you can solve the data analysis-based reasoning questions for IBPS SO which often come as a set based on one data chart that can be solved quickly.
  • Go through the IBPS SO previous year papers to understand the trend of reasoning questions for IBPS. Previous year papers are an excellent way to collect and sharpen your focus on necessary reasoning questions for IBPS SO.
  • Do not panic if you are faced with an unexpected question. It will simply cloud your logical ability and make you slower.
  • Work on achieving accuracy with speed. You can also learn through fun and light daily reasoning quizzes at ixamBee.
  • During the IBPS SO exam, skip questions that you find difficult or time-consuming. Instead of spending too long on such questions, focus more on questions that can be solved quickly.
  • For subjects like Reasoning, practicing regularly is one sure-shot way to clear this section.
  • For expert guidance and help, you can avail of ixamBee’s IBPS SO IT online course, IBPS SO Law online course, and other such courses by ixamBee that will give you ample practice resources with expert guidance and support.
  • Watch free study videos on ixamBee’s YouTube channel. 

IBPS SO Reasoning Questions Solved

Linear Seating Arrangement

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow. 
Ten girls Neha, Sneha, Gauri, Isha, Aarushi, Komal, Mamta, Priya, Medha and Garima are sitting in two rows with five girls in each row. The girls in row one are facing south and the girls in row two are facing north. Each girl in row one faces a girl from the other row. All of them like different brands of lipsticks, viz Maybelline, Lakme, Lotus, MAC, Colorbar, Revlon, Avon, Inglot, Rimmel and Chambor, but not necessarily in the same order.
(i)The one who likes Lakme sits opposite the one who likes Inglot. The girls who like Colorbar and Revlon sit opposite each other. The one who likes Inglot is on the immediate right of Isha, who does not like Chambor. 
(ii) Komal sits opposite Neha, who likes Maybelline. Garima is not facing north but sits third to the left of Mamta, who likes Lakme. There is only one girl between Sneha and Gauri.
(iii) The one who likes MAC sits opposite the one who is second to the right of Sneha. Medha does not like Chambor. The girls who like Lotus and MAC respectively are not facing north.
(iv) Aarushi sits opposite the one who sits second to the left of the one who likes Lotus. Gauri likes Avon. Aarushi sits at one of the ends of the row and likes Revlon.

Who among the following likes Chambor?
a) Priya
b) Sneha
c) Garima
d) Komal
e) None of the above 

How many girls sit between Isha and Aarushi?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of the above

Which of the following lipsticks does Sneha like?
a) Colorbar
b) Inglot
c) Chamber
d) MAC
e) None of the above 


Explanation: From (iii) and (iv), The girl who likes Lotus is not facing north it means it faces south. Aarushi will face north and can sit at place no. 10. The girl who likes Lotus sits at place no. 3.
From (ii), we will have two cases:
Case 1. If Mamta, who likes Lakme sits at place no. 1, then Garima sits at place no. 4.
From (i), The one who likes Inglot sits at place no. 6. The girl who likes Colorbar sits at place no. 5. This case will get discarded as the one who likes Inglot is on the immediate left of Isha. 
Case 2. If Mamta, who likes Lakme sits at place no.  2, then Garima sits at place no. 5.
From (i), The one who likes Inglot sits at place no. 7. The girl who likes Colorbar sits at place no. 5. Isha sits at place no. 6.
From (iii), The one who likes MAC and Sneha sits at place no. 4 and 7 respectively.
From (ii), Gauri sits at place no. 9.  Komal and Neha, who likes Maybelline, sit at place no. 3 and 8 respectively.
Only lipstick left for place no. 1 is Chambor. From (iii) and (i), neither Isha nor Medha likes Chambor. So, Priya likes Chambor.
Isha and Medha likes Rimmel and MAC respectively.
Final arrangement as shown below:

Coded Inequalities

In the given equation, assuming the given equation to be true. Find which of the given three conclusions numbered I, II and III is/are definitely true and give your answer accordingly. 
Statement: N < V < M ≤ O; M > Z > B
I. V < B
II. Z = O
III. O > Z
a) Only I and II are true
b) Only II and III are true 
c) Only III is true
d) Either II or III is true
e) None of the above 

Ans: c
Explanation: Combined Inequalities: N < V < M ≤ O; M > Z > B
N < V < M > Z > B                              
No relationship can be established between V and B. Hence conclusion I is not true.
Z< M ≤ O                                             
Z < O. Hence conclusion II is not true but conclusion III is true.   

Direction-Based Puzzle

A man walks 10 m north from point A and reaches point B. From point B he takes right turn and walks 8 m and then he takes left turn and walked 6 m and again he takes left turn and walks 20 m and again takes left turn and reaches point F. If it is given that point F is in west from point B, then what is the distance between F and B? 
a) 11 m
b) 15 m
c) 18 m
d) 10 m 
e) 12 m

Ans: e 

FB = ED – BC = 20 – 8 = 12 m


In a certain code language; 

‘Cricket is interesting game’ is written as, ‘la ni ki chi’
‘Cricket team have eleven players’ is written as ‘tic ra la dha da’
‘Team India play fair game’ is written as ‘su tic va yi chi’
‘India eleven is powerful’ is written as ‘ju ki su da’

What is the code for ‘Powerful’ in the language?

a) Ki
b) Ju
c) Su
d) Da
e) None of the above 

Ans: b

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is gxSftuij0_yag-BE23p6R1eoxngSFEWJfEIlmMQ6Sr_BctPnuwTmwDYkUyNIJiqJwL5-AJtAHNTOm2hOyfusv9Z6vv7H24e5dA61HIVZINPmje1n9AytJ9p_QvvO_c4AfLG_0jcK


If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the first, the third, the fifth, the eighth and the twelfth letters of the word CONSEQUENCES. Which of the following will be the second letter of that word? If no such word can be made, give ‘X’ as the answer and if more than one such word can be made, give ‘Y’ as the answer. 
a) N
b) Y
c) S
d) C
e) X

Ans: d

If you want to check more of such questions, be sure to take a look at more such questions in ixamBee’s IBPS SO Previous Year Papers.

Practice Reasoning Questions for IBPS SO

Linear Seating Arrangement

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.  
Nine friends J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R and S are sitting in a straight line and some of them are facing North and some are facing South. The following information is given about them.  
(i) Q sits second to the left of S who is facing south.  
(ii) K who is sitting exactly in the middle is facing north.  
(iii) P is not an immediate neighbor of R who is second from right end and facing south.  
(iv) S who is sitting at one of the ends is third to the left of J.  
(v) J is second to the right of L who is not an immediate neighbor of R or Q.

1. Who among the following sits second to the left of L?
a) J
b) Q
c) R
d) K
e) None of these 

2. How many friends sit between S and K?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) More than 4

3. How many friends are facing North?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these 

4. Who is sitting to the immediate left of R?
a) M
b) L
c) N
d) K
e) None of these

Statement and Assumption

A statement is provided below followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: A construction worker was buried alive when mud from a 20-ft high pit collapsed on him and four others.
Assumption I: The other four people buried under the mud from the pit have been saved.
Assumption II: The 20-ft high pit collapsed owing to spurious quality of construction material used. 

a) if only I implicit
b) if only II implicit
c) if either I or II implicit
d) if neither I nor II implicit.
e) if both I and II are implicit.

Blood Relations

Study the following information and answer the given questions: 
There are six persons J, K, L, P, Q and R in a family. There are two fathers, two brothers and one mother in the family. L is the sister of R. K is the brother of Q’s husband. P is the father of J and grandfather of R.

Who is the mother in the family?
a) K
b) R
c) Q
d) L
e) None of these 


If CIRCLE is coded as LZSBGJ and DESIGN is coded as HATHPE, then what is the code for FABRIC?

e) None of these

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. All the codes given below are only in two letters format.

“Of regarding the cesses” is written as “Uw Vw Iw Yw”,
“The shore multiplicity issue” is written as “Jw Qw Uw Aw”,
“Multiplicity regarding government to” is written as “Yw Cw Jw Zw”,
“Government to of central” is written as “Zw Cw Vw Sw”.
What will be the code for “Government”?
a) Vw
b) Cw
c) Iw
d) Zw
e) Either Cw or Zw

Check out ixamBee’s IBPS SO Prelims mock test #1 for answer

Summing Up

 In nutshell, preparing for the IBPS SO reasoning section needs a well-rounded and consistent strategy. Some of the key topics for this preparation would be on puzzles, seating arrangement questions, and all other vital reasoning concepts that score better. Daily practice with IBPS SO reasoning questions will increase one’s speed and accuracy.

As much as possible, use the available resources like IBPS SO reasoning mock test and previous year questions for IBPS reasoning to try getting more insight into what could be asked in the exam. Whatever it is, full-time student or working, proper time management over preparation with a focus on taking good care of topics on IBPS AFO reasoning questions, Seating Arrangements, etc.

Also, download the IBPS SO reasoning questions and answers in PDF format so that you can practice on the go, and challenge yourself with puzzles and mock tests on a regular basis. In this way, you will be suitably prepared to attack reasoning questions both for the all-important IBPS SO exam and for other bank exams and take a holistic view in your preparation of the all-important reasoning section.

How can I prepare for IBPS SO reasoning questions while being a full-time student?

Balancing study with academic commitments requires a solid strategy. Focus on solving IBPS SO reasoning questions during breaks or weekends. Allocate at least 2-3 hours daily for reasoning practice, focusing on puzzle and seating arrangement questions. Regularly attempt reasoning mock tests for IBPS SO to track your progress.

How much time do I need to prepare for IBPS SO reasoning questions as a full-time employee?

As a full-time employee, it’s essential to plan effectively. Dedicate 1-2 hours daily for reasoning preparation. Prioritize IBPS SO puzzle and reasoning questions during weekends and take reasoning mock tests. Utilize study breaks to practice seating arrangement questions for IBPS SO, which are critical for exams like IBPS SO and AFO.

What are the best reasoning questions to practice for IBPS SO?

Focusing on IBPS SO reasoning questions such as puzzles, seating arrangements, and syllogisms is crucial. Also, try reasoning questions for bank exams and IBPS AFO reasoning. These topics often appear in IBPS exams and require continuous practice through mock tests and study material. Analyze past year papers for IBPS SO reasoning questions.

How can I improve my puzzle-solving skills for IBPS SO?

Improving puzzle-solving skills requires regular practice. Start with simple puzzles and progressively work your way through more complex ones. Ensure you solve a variety of IBPS SO puzzle questions daily. Use previous year bank reasoning questions and seating arrangement questions to enhance your logical approach and speed.

How important are reasoning mock tests for IBPS SO preparation?

Reasoning mock tests for IBPS SO are vital for preparation. They simulate the real exam environment and help identify your strengths and weaknesses. Regular practice of reasoning questions for IBPS SO through mock tests increases speed and accuracy. Mock tests also cover important sections like puzzles, seating arrangement, and AFO reasoning questions.

How do IBPS PO reasoning questions differ from IBPS SO reasoning?

IBPS PO reasoning questions are typically more challenging due to the broader exam scope. While both exams emphasize reasoning, IBPS SO focuses more on reasoning topics specific to the Specialist Officer role. Practicing both bank reasoning questions and IBPS reasoning questions helps in building a strong foundation for reasoning sections.

How do reasoning questions for IBPS SO help with other bank exams?

Practicing IBPS SO reasoning questions also helps with other bank exams, as reasoning sections are common. Focus on important topics such as seating arrangement, puzzles, and syllogisms. These reasoning questions are vital for exams like IBPS PO, AFO, and bank reasoning questions in general. Mock tests further reinforce these concepts.

What types of seating arrangement questions appear in IBPS SO?

Seating arrangement questions for IBPS SO often include circular, linear, and complex arrangements with multiple conditions. Mastering these types of reasoning questions is crucial, as they are a staple in bank exams. Practice solving seating arrangement questions under timed conditions to build speed and accuracy.

How can I download IBPS SO reasoning questions and answers in PDF format?

Many online platforms provide IBPS SO reasoning questions and answers in PDF format. These PDFs contain a collection of puzzles, seating arrangement, and AFO reasoning questions. Download these resources to practice offline. Ensure you also attempt mock tests and analyze your performance using answer keys.

How do AFO reasoning questions differ from general reasoning for IBPS exams?

AFO reasoning questions focus more on agriculture-related scenarios, unlike general IBPS reasoning questions. These questions often require a strong grasp of logical reasoning, much like IBPS SO reasoning. Candidates preparing for both IBPS SO and AFO should practice both types of reasoning questions and take mock tests for comprehensive preparation.

ixamBee specializes in providing expert guidance and resources for banking exams 2024, ensuring that you are well-prepared for the Upcoming Bank Exams like RBI Grade B, NABARD Grade B, IBPS SO, and more. Our courses align with the bank exam calendar 2024, covering all the essential topics. With a focus on the upcoming bank jobs, our  Previous Year Papers, BeePedia, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS and other Mock Tests are designed to help you excel in upcoming banking exams.  

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