IDBI Assistant Manager Admit Card 2021: Download Now!!


IDBI Assistant Manager Admit Card 2021

The IDBI Assistant Manager Admit Card has been released on August 27, 2021. If you have registered for this exam, you will be able to access and download your admit card by logging into your account using your Registration No./Roll No. and Password / DOB. The window to download the call letter will remain open till September 4, 2021. 

IDBI Recruitment 2021

IDBI (Industrial Development Bank of India) has recently released its much-awaited recruitment notification for the year 2021 to fill in the posts of Assistant Manager Grade ‘A’ (PGDBF). This has been among the most awaited notifications among the job aspirants. IDBI has announced a total number of 650 vacancies  for the Assistant Manager post. This notification of IDBI Bank is a golden chance for all the aspirants who were waiting eagerly for this notification to release. It gives them a chance to work towards a bright and secure career. All the candidates those who are interested to apply for the IDBI Bank Assistant Manager post can check the notification containing all the details and ensure their eligibility before applying. If any candidate does not fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned in the notification, his/her candidature will be cancelled. The Assistant Manager exam has been scheduled for September 4, 2021. 

IDBI Assistant Manager 2021: Vacancy Details

IDBI announced 650 vacancies for the post of Assistant Manager this year. All interested candidates can start applying for the same. The number of vacancies is provisional and is subject to change. The breakup of vacancies is given below:

Posts                                   Reserved For




Weaker Sections)

650 265 97 48 175 65 VI – 7

HI- 7

OH – 6

MD/ID – 6

IDBI Assistant Manager 2021: Important Dates

IDBI has not released any fixed dates for the examination process but the candidates can refer to the calendar for the tentative dates, so that you can keep track of your time and also start your preparation accordingly.

S.No Activity Dates
1. Last Date for Submission of Online Application August 22, 2021
2. Last Date for Payment of Application Fee August 22, 2021
3. Examination Date (Tentative) September 4, 2021
  • The link for the application will be activated very soon by IDBI.

IDBI Assistant Manager 2021: Eligibility Criteria

Before applying for IDBI Assistant Manager post, it is very important to gather all necessary information and confirm your eligibility for the specified post.

Educational Qualification
  • A graduate from a recognized university with minimum 60% marks.
  • – 55% for SC/ST/PWD
Age (As on July 1, 2021)
  • Minimum Age – 21 years
  • Maximum Age – 28 years

IDBI Assistant Manager 2021: Age Relaxation

S. No Category Age Relaxation
A Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe 5 Years
B Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) 3 Years
C Persons With Disabilities (PWD) 10 Years
D Ex-Servicemen, Commissioned Officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers(SSCOs) who have rendered at least 5 years military service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from the last date of receipt of application) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or physical disability attributable to military service or invalidment. 5 Years
E Persons affected by 1984 riots 5 Years

IDBI Assistant Manager 2021: Selection Procedure

IDBI will conduct an online examination to select the eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Manager which will be further followed by an Interview. Therefore, the IDBI Assistant Manager Exam will be held in two stages:

  • Online Objective Test
  • Interview

IDBI Assistant Manager 2021: Exam Pattern

As mentioned above, the IDBI Assistant Manager exam will consist of a single online objective test. The pattern of the test will be as per the details given below:

Name of the Test No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Logical Reasoning 40 40 Composite Time Duration – 2 Hours
English Language 40 40
Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 60
General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness 60 60
  • The online test for IDBI Assistant Manager will also consist of a negative marking of 0.25 marks.
  • The candidates who are able to qualify the first stage will be called for a personal interview where they will be asked questions related to their personal and educational background.

IDBI Assistant Manager 2021: Application Fee

After the candidates start their application process, they need to fill in all their personal and educational details. Once all the details have been entered and the entire process is finished, the candidates will have to submit the online application fee which will also be done in online mode.

Category Fee Amount
SC/ST/PWD Rs.200 (Intimation Charges Only)
For All Others Rs.1000 (Application Fee + Intimation Charges)

IDBI Assistant Manager 2021: Application Process

As soon as the online application process for the Assistant Manager commences, the candidates will have to follow some easy steps for successful application as given below:

  • Candidates will have to visit the official IDBI website and click on the “careers” tab which will direct you to the link “Recruitment of Assistant Manager-2021” where you will have to click on the “Apply Online” option.
  • You will be directed to a different page where you will have to click on the tab given on the top of the page – “Click here for New Registration” where you will have to enter your personal details and a new ‘provisional registration number’ and ‘password’ will be generated which will help you in further process, where you can save the data and reopen the form whenever convenient until the last date.
  • In the next stage you will have to fill in all the details related to your personal information, like parents details etc. You will have to verify and save the details and move to the next part by clicking on the Save and Next button.
  • After all the personal details have been entered, you will have to upload your recent passport photograph and signature according to the specifications mentioned in the notification.
  • Preview your application form before you finally submit the form by clicking on the Final Submit tab.
  • After completion of all the process, click on the payment tab in the next page and proceed for payment, where you will be given online fee payment options. Save your payment receipt after the payment is done.
  • Finally click the submit button and all your details will be saved.

Guidelines for Uploading Photograph

  • Photograph must be a recent passport size coloured picture.
  • Make sure there is no red-eye in the picture, in case you need to use flash.
  • Dimensions: 200*230 pixels (preferred)
  • Size : 20 Kb-50 Kb

Guidelines for Uploading Signature

  • The candidate needs to sign on a white paper with a black ink pen.
  • Dimensions: 140*160 pixels
  • Size: 10 Kb – 20 Kb

As the notification has been released, it is advisable for all the candidates to grab this golden opportunity with both hands and make the most out of it. It will be better if you start planning your preparation right away and practice as much as you can to perfect your skills, if you wish to get hold of this job.

All The Best!!

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