IDBI Assistant Manager Results 2019: Check Your Score Card !


IDBI Assistant Manager 2019 Results Out!!

Industrial Development Bank of India or IDBI Bank had recently conducted its examination for the post of Assistant Manager on 17th May 2019. It was a great opportunity for all the banking job aspirants and a large number of candidates appeared in the exam. 500 vacancies were announced by IDBI for the Assistant Manager post. The level of the IDBI Assistant Manager Exam 2019 was found to be of a ‘moderate’ level. The candidates who appeared in the exam and were eagerly waiting for the results, their wait is over now. IDBI has finally declared the results for IDBI Assistant Manager Exam. It has released the merit list of the selected candidates along with the final cut-off scores. The candidates can also check their score card from the official website of IDBI. The merit list can also be downloaded where the selected candidates can find their roll numbers and check their rank.

IDBI Assistant Manager Exam 2019 Sectional Cut-off

IDBI has declared the final results for Assistant Manager Exam that was held on 17th May 2019. There were both sectional and overall cut-off in the exam. IDBI has released the sectional cut-off where the candidates can check the individual cut-offs for each subject category-wise. Here are the complete details of the IDBI Assistant Manager sectional cut-off:

Category Maximum Marks SC,ST,OBC & PwD EWS & UR
Logical Reasoning 60 14 20.5
English Language 40 12.25 16.75
Quantitative Aptitude 40 7.75 111.75
Banking Awareness 60 8 13

IDBI Assistant Manager Exam 2019 Final Cut-off

Apart from the sectional cut-off, IDBI Assistant Manager Exam also consist of an overall cut-off on the basis of which the final merit list is formed. Candidates are supposed to qualify both the sectional and overall cut-offs. The candidate will not be able to make way to the final selection if either of the two cut-offs are not cleared. IDBI has released the final cut-offs for both merit-listed and wait-listed candidates. Check the final cut-off for IDBI Assistant Manager 2019 Exam in the table given below:

          Category                           Cut-off Scores

                           (Out of 200)

For Merit Listed For Wait-listed
SC 108.75 101
ST 95.5 85.25
OBC 120.75 114.25
EWS 125 118.25
UR 129.5 118.25
HH 55 52
OH 113.75 100.75
VH 128.75 109.25

IDBI Assistant Manager Exam 2019 Merit List

IDBI has released the final merit list of Assistant Manager Recruitment Exam. Candidates can download the list and check for their roll numbers. All the roll numbers of the selected candidates will be mentioned in the IDBI Assistant Manager final merit list. You can download the merit list here:

IDBI Assistant Manager 2019 Exam Score Card

IDBI has also released the score card of the candidates who appeared in the IDBI Assistant Manager 2019 Exam. Candidates can view their score card from the official website of IDBI by entering their roll number/registration number and password. You can also view your score card from the link provided below.

Congratulations! to those who made it to the final list and those who could not make it this time should not lose hope as there are numerous options out there. You can pick any and get yourself going with your preparation. It is up to you how much hard work you can put in and success will itself come to you. 

All the Best!

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