IDBI Bank Executive 2019: 9 Last Minute Tips To Ace The Exam


IDBI Bank Executive 2019 exam is just a day away. May 16, 2019, is the D day for IDBI Bank Executive exam. Though you are all set you might still feel a little stressful, however, don’t let the anxiety get the better of you. You need to remember being cool is the trick to ace IDBI Bank Executive exam. It comes to how well you can manage the stress and still perform well in the IDBI Bank Executive exam 2019. You need a proper strategy and mindset before walking into the exam room tomorrow.  Having prepared for IDBI Bank Executive exam for many days, you must have your own ways and strategies; however, we are providing a few last minute tips which will help you ace the IDBI Bank Executive exam.

9 Last Minute Tips To Ace IDBI Bank Executive Exam:

Let us look at 9 last-minute tips for IDBI Bank Executive exam which will help you score high in the exam:

  • Choose Easiest Section First:

The key to scoring above the sectional cut-off is to score more marks or high marks in IDBI Bank Executive exam and to do so attempt the sections which you feel is easier. If you start with the sections you are strong at it will help you boost up your confidence levels.

  • Be Bang On:

Speed matters but what matters the most is the accuracy while solving IDBI Bank executive exam. You need to give a bang on answer and if you are not sure about the answer then just skip it. There is negative marking in the exam and therefore you need to very careful while answering the questions. Learn the art of skipping the questions you are not sure about.

  • Be Ready for Surprises

Always be prepared for a surprise element in the exam.  If any new pattern question comes up don’t get puzzled rather go through the questions thoroughly and see if you can answer it or not, else just skip it. Be prepared for the best and the worst both.

  • 90 Deciding Minutes

90 minutes is what you have for attempting IDBI Bank executive exam.  Choose the right topic, if you are stuck at any question, move on to the next question. Time is very precious and time wasted on one question will lead to losing marks in the exam. Take the correct step and utilize the 90 minutes optimally.

  • Formulas and Tricks:

Revise all formulas and tricks to solve quantitative aptitude questions. Go through them thoroughly to solve Quant questions quickly.

  • Do not let the Stress Drive you Crazy:

One of the biggest enemy while attempting IDBI Bank executive exam can be undue stress. Don’t let the stress drive you crazy on the day of the exam. Everybody has an own way of distressing like few may just want to breathe in and breathe out, few want to exercise before leaving for the exam or go for a jog. So find your own ways to de-stress and excel in the exam

  • Eat Healthy and Think Better

Do not skip a meal before going to the exam as your mind needs the energy to work efficiently. Eat a nutritious breakfast before the exam.

  • Exam Day Perquisites

Your admit card, Photo ID proof, Photograph are important documents you need to carry. Keep all these documents handy to avoid last minute hassles.

  • Trust your own voice

All you need to do is just believe in yourself and go and give your best on the day of the exam. Do not think about the results now just focus on the exam without thinking about the outcome.

Click here to practice free mock tests for IDBI Bank executive exam

You have read the 9 effective last-minute tips, all you need to do is just keep your correct foot forward tomorrow in the IDBI Bank Executive exam hall and give your best.

“You will recognize your own path when you come upon it because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need.”

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