IDBI Executive Exam 2021: Last Minute Tips


The IDBI Executive exam 2021 has been announced to be held on September 5, 2021. We have compiled some tips that you can utilize in this last week before D-Day. We hope you find these tips useful. 

However, before all else, we will ask you to download your call letters that have been made available. 

IDBI Executive Admit Card 2021

The IDBI Executive admit card can be downloaded by registered candidates by logging into your account using your Registration No./Roll No. and Password / DOB. Although the download window is open till September 5, 2021, it would be prudent if you download it today and keep it ready. Before you forget, download it now!! 

IDBI Executive Exam 2021 Last Minute Tips

  1. The studying part of your preparation should be over. Do not start any new preparation now. 
  2. We hope you have been reviewing previous years’ papers during your preparation. In case you haven’t, you can still take a look at them. It will help with your revision. 
  3. If you have not been taking routine mock tests, we will strongly advise you to take one IDBI Executive mock test every day until your exam. 
  4. Since there is a composite allotment of time for the paper, attempt the section(s) you find easiest first. Get the easier section(s) out of the way so you can solve the other sections comfortably. 
  5. When you feel nervous or apprehensive, please trust your preparation. Worrying will not help your cause in any way. We urge you to keep your thoughts positive at all times. 
  6. If you are in the habit of studying late into the night, now would be a good time to terminate this practice. A good night’s sleep is elementary if you want to exhibit your best performance on the exam day. Considering that you have been working hard for weeks now, you must get proper sleep at night this last week.
  7. In this last week,  focus only on things related to the exam. Do not let any other thoughts distract you from achieving your goal.  
  8. Please ensure that you follow all COVID-19 safety guidelines at the exam center. 
  9. Keep the bag you will carry to the exam center ready on the eve of the exam. 

Lastly, we hope you will take proper rest through the week so that you are well-rested and feeling confident to take the exam. Aside from your preparation, you need to take a positive attitude and mindset to the exam center. These will play an important role in your success. 

We wish you all the very best. 

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