Check here the important National & International days and events of March 2022.
March is the third month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars and is named after Mars, who was the Roman god of war. It is one of the seven months which have 31 days. March 01 marks the meteorological beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. On the other hand, the March equinox, which falls on March 20 or 21, marks the astronomical beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.
Questions on important days of the month are often asked in most competitive and banking exams as a part of the general awareness section. So, in today’s blog, we will go over the important days of March 2022 like- Zero Discrimination Day, International Women’s Day, International Day of Happiness, etc.

This blog is very important from the exam point of view as almost every competitive and banking exam like- SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SBI PO, IBPS PO, IBPS SO, IBPS Clerk, RBI Grade B, RBI Assistant among others that test the General Awareness of the candidates.
Therefore, if you are preparing for any Upcoming Government Exam, we urge you to go through the details provided in this article carefully.
Also Read: Important Days of February 2022
Important Days of March 2022
Given below is a complete list of the important days of March 2022-
Date | Event | Significance |
March 01 | Zero Discrimination Day | The first Zero Discrimination Day was celebrated by the UN on March 01, 2014 and it was launched by UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe. It is aimed at promoting equality before law and in practice so that everyone lives a life with dignity regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, etc. Symbol- Butterfly Theme for 2022- “Remove laws that harm, create laws that empower.” |
March 01 | Self-Injury Awareness Day | The objective of celebrating this day every year is to create awareness and remove stigma attached to self-injury. It is also aimed at encouraging parents, family members, educators and healthcare professionals to recognise signs of self-harm. |
March 03 | World Wildlife Day | World Wildlife Day is observed every year on March 03 to create awareness about the world’s animals and plants. This day is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goal 12 i.e. Life without water. It shines a light on marine species and highlights the problems faced by marine wildlife. It was first observed by the UN during the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1973. Theme for 2022- “Recovering key species for ecosystem restoration.” |
March 03 | World Hearing Day | This day is observed globally by WHO to raise awareness about how to prevent deafness and hearing loss. Moreover, it also seeks to promote ear and hearing care across the world. |
March 04 | National Safety Day | The National Safety Council of India celebrates the National Safety Day. Its aim is to create awareness about safety including various health and environmental movements. SHE (Safety, Health and Environment) activities are encouraged at the workplace. Theme for 2022- “Sadak Suraksha- Jeevan Raksha” |
March 08 | International Women’s Day | March 08 is celebrated globally to recognise the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Moreover, it aims to promote gender parity in all spheres. |
March 09 | No Smoking Day | The second Wednesday of March is observed as No Smoking Day every year. It is observed to raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco. Furthermore, it also aims to encourage people all over the world to quit smoking. This year, it was observed on March 09. |
March 10 | CISF Raising Day | March 10 is observed as CISF Raising Day every year to celebrate the setting up of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) on March 10, 1969. The CISF works under the Ministry of Home Affairs. Its headquarters is in New Delhi. |
March 12 | Mauritius Day | March 12 is celebrated annually as Mauritius Day. It marks two important events that took place in the history of the country- its independence from Britain in 1968 and became a Republic in 1992. |
March 14 | Pi Day | Pi Day is celebrated globally on March 14. Pi is a symbol that is used to represent a constant in Mathematics.It represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter which is approximately 3.14. |
March 14 | International Day of Action of Rivers | This day is observed to raise awareness about the importance of rivers and a demand for improving the policies for protecting rivers. Also Read: Top 10 Longest Rivers of the World |
March 15 | World Consumer Rights Day | This day is celebrated globally to raise awareness about consumer rights and needs.It was first observed in honour of the US president John F Kennedy when he gave a speech about consumer rights while speaking at the US Congress on March 15, 1962. Theme for 2022- “Fair Digital Finance” |
March 16 | National Vaccination Day | This day is also known as National Immunisation Day. It was first observed on March 16, 1995 to mark the first dose of Oral Polio Vaccine that was given. This day is observed to expand the access to immunisation in India and to celebrate India’s victory over Polio. |
March 18 | Ordnance Factories Day | March 18 is celebrated as Ordnance factories Day in India to celebrate the commencement of manufacturing at India’s first Ordnance Factory at Cossipore, Kolkata. |
March 20 | International Day of Happiness | In 2013, the UN celebrated the first International Day of Happiness on March 20 to recognise the importance of happiness in the lives of people all over the world. It closely aligns with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals which the UN released in 2015 to reduce poverty and reduce inequality and protect the planet. These are the three key facets that lead to well-being and happiness of people. |
March 20 | World Oral Health Day | World Oral Health Day is observed to raise awareness about oral health. Theme for 2022- “Be Proud of Your Mouth” |
March 20 | World Sparrow Day | This day is observed globally to raise awareness about conservation of sparrows. |
March 21 | World Forestry Day or International Day of Forests | World Forestry Day was first celebrated in 1971 at the 23rd General Assembly of the European Confederation of Agriculture. It aims at creating awareness about the importance and contribution of forests to balance the ecosystem on planet Earth. |
March 21 | World Down Syndrome Day | March 21 is observed as World Down Syndrome Day globally. On this day the global Down Syndrome Community raises awareness about the rights, inclusion and well-being of people with Down Syndrome. |
March 21 | World Poetry Day | The World Poetry Day was first adopted 1999, during UNESCO’s 30th session in Paris. This day is observed to celebrate the unique beauty of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind. |
March 22 | World Water Day | World Water Day is observed globally on March 22. The aim is to raise awareness about the significance of freshwater and the need to manage its supply sustainably. The first World Water Day was observed on March 22, 1993 on the recommendation of the UNCED in 1992. |
March 23 | World Meteorological Day | The World Meteorological Orgnaisation was established on March 23, 1950. Since then the World Meteorological Day has been observed to draw attention towards weather and climate for the safety of the society. |
March 23 | Martyr’s Day/Shaheed Day | March 23 is observed as Martyr’s Day to remember the three brave freedom fighters- Bhagat Singh, Shivram Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar, who were hanged by the British. This day is also observed in the memory of Mahatma Gandhi. |
March 24 | World Tuberculosis (TB) Day | World TB Day is observed to raise awareness about this deadly infection as it is a common cause of death all over the world. TB is caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, which was discovered by Dr. Robert Koch in 1882. |
March 25 | International Day of the Unborn Child | This day is observed as a day of opposition to abortion. |
March 26 | Purple Day of Epilepsy | Purple Epilepsy Day is observed on March 26 to create awareness about the impact of epilepsy on people’s lives. Moreover, it is also aimed at reminding people suffering from epilepsy that they are not alone. |
March 27 | World Theatre Day | Since 1962, the World Theatre Day has been observed globally to recognise the significance of the art form of theatre. |
BeePedia For General Awareness
It is clear from the above discussion that the month of March has many important National and International events. Therefore, we advise you to read the article a couple times as it is not possible to remember all this information in one reading.
Lastly, if you are also looking for more of such updates and interesting information, you can find all of it on ixamBee’s BeePedia page. ixamBee provides monthly/weekly current affairs updates which are relevant from exam point of view.
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