Important Days with themes in March 2020


In the continuity of the series of Important days with themes, today’s article is about the important days with themes for the month of March 2020. Questions from this topic are frequently asked in the exam. This topic is extremely important for upcoming banking examinations such as SEBI Grade A, NABARD Grade A, SBI PO, IBPS PO, etc.

Zero Discrimination Day- March 01

Zero Discrimination Day is celebrated every year on March 01.

It is celebrated for the right of everyone to live a full and productive life—and live it with dignity. Zero Discrimination Day highlights how people can become informed about and promote inclusion, compassion, peace and, above all, a movement for change.

On Zero Discrimination Day in 2020, UNAIDS is challenging the discrimination faced by women and girls in all their diversity in order to raise awareness and mobilize action to promote equality and empowerment for women and girls.

World Hearing Day- March 03

World Hearing Day is held on 3 March each year to raise awareness on how to prevent deafness and hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care across the world.

Each year, WHO decides the theme and develops a brochure on the topic based on the best available evidence as well as advocacy materials such as posters, banners, infographics and presentations, among others.

The 2020 World Hearing Day theme is “Hearing for Life.” World Wildlife Day: 3 March

World Wildlife Day- March 03

The World Wildlife Day 2020 was observed on March 3, 2020 with the theme ‘Sustaining all life on Earth’, which includes all animal and plant species as well as the livelihoods of people, those living closest to nature.

The World Wildlife Day 2020 theme is aimed at ensuring sustainable use of resources and conservation of land and groundwater to stop biodiversity loss.

The year 2020, also known as ‘biodiversity super year’, will witness several major global events aimed at conversing the biodiversity of the planet.

National Safety Day- March 04

The idea of commemorating the Foundation Day of the Council, 4th March; and the first National Safety Day (NSD) Campaign was launched in 1972 and has since been organized every year.

The Campaign now entering its 47th year, has grown into a major national campaign widely celebrated by industry, trade unions, govt. departments, regulatory agencies, NGOs and institutions with the active support of the Central and State Governments and media.

International Women’s Day- March 08

International Women’s Day was celebrated on 8th March. This day is celebrated every year to help forge a gender-equal world, celebrate women’s achievements and increasing visibility.

The theme this year is “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights”.

Women world over are still not paid equally to that of their male counterparts and are still not present in equal numbers in business or politics. However, a significant change has been witnessed and there is an attitudinal shift in both women’s and society’s thoughts about women’s equality and emancipation.

Jan Auashadhi Diwas- March 07

Jan aushadhi Diwas was celebrated on 7th March 2020. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi interacted with owners of selected Jan aushadhi Kendras and beneficiaries of the Pradhanmantri Bhartiya Jana Aushadhi Pariyojna-PMBJP through a video conferencing from New Delhi. In Every Jan aushadhi outlet the message of the prime minister will be telecasted.

The Jan aushadhi Divas aims to provide further impetus and create awareness about the use of generic medicines. The day will also highlight the initiative undertaken by the Government in the direction of making quality healthcare for all, like Ayushman Bharat, PMBJY, etc.

Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) – March 10

Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) celebrated the 51st raising day on 10 March.

However, CISF has postponed its anniversary parade and related celebrations scheduled across the country, in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

The main event in Ghaziabad was to be presided by Union Home Minister Amit Shah and senior officials of the security establishment.

World Kidney Day 2020: March 12

World Kidney Day is an annual event. Every second Thursday in the month of March is celebrated as the World Kidney Day

This year’s theme is ‘Kidney health for everyone everywhere – from prevention to detection and equitable access to care’.

2020 marks the 15th observance of the World Kidney Day. The first time World Kidney Day was celebrated in 2006. Now, the participant number has increased to 88.

World Consumer Rights Day: March 15

Every year March 15 is celebrated as World Consumer Rights Day to spread awareness about a consumer’s rights and needs.

It is an annual occasion, observed on a global level to protect the rights of consumers and to ensure that the consumer’ are not subjected to market abuse or social injustice that may undermine their rights.

According to the Consumers International organisation the theme for World Consumer Rights Day 2020 will be ‘The Sustainable Consumer’.

National Vaccination Day- March 16

India observes National Vaccination Day also known as National Immunization Day (NID) on 16th March every year.
National Immunization Day was first observed on 16th March when the first dose of Oral Polio Vaccine was given in the year 1995.
The observance of National Vaccination Day is done in order to enhance the awareness of the eradication of polio from planet earth. Every year on this day, millions of children of India are immunized with the polio vaccine.

Global Recycling Day- March 18

Global Recycling Day was created in the year 2018 to help recognize, and celebrate, the importance recycling plays in preserving our precious primary resources and securing the future of our planet. It is a day for the world to come together and put the planet first.
The mission of Global Recycling Day, as set out by the Global Recycling Foundation, is twofold:
To tell world leaders that recycling is simply too important not to be a global issue, and that a common, joined up approach to recycling is urgently needed.
To ask people across the planet to think resource, not waste, when it comes to the goods around us – until this happens, we simply won’t award recycled goods the true value and repurpose they deserve.
The theme of Global Recycling Day 2020 as #RecyclingHeroes.

World Sparrow Day: March 20  

Every year March 20 is observed as World Sparrow Day to raise awareness about the bird.
The initiative was started by Nature Forever Society (NFS) of India, founded by Mohammed Dilawar, an Indian conservationist. He started his work helping the house sparrow in Nashik. He was also named one of the Heroes of the Environment for 2008 by Time magazine for his efforts.
 The first World Sparrow Day was celebrated in 2010 in different parts of the world.This year’s World Sparrow Day’s theme is “I Love Sparrows”.

International Day of Happiness: March 20

The International Day of Happiness is celebrated worldwide every year on 20 March.
It was originally conceptualized and founded in 2006 by Jayme Illien, CEO of the United Nations New World Order project, to advance happiness as a fundamental human right for all human beings, and happytalism, as new economic system, theory, and philosophy, which achieves the United Nations global goals, and the happiness, well-being, and freedom of all life on earth.
The 2020 International Day of Happiness campaign theme is ‘Happiness for All, Together’”. 

World Poetry Day- March 21 

World Poetry Day is celebrated every year on March 21.
Practiced throughout history – in every culture and on every continent – poetry speaks to our common humanity and our shared values, transforming the simplest of poems into a powerful catalyst for dialogue and peace.
UNESCO first adopted 21 March as World Poetry Day during its 30th General Conference in Paris in 1999, with the aim of supporting linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increasing the opportunity for endangered languages to be heard.

World Down Syndrome Day- March 21  

World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated every year on March 21.
 Down syndrome occurs when an individual has an extra partial (or whole) copy of chromosome 21. It is not yet know why this syndrome occurs, but Down syndrome has always been a part of the human condition. In December 2011, the General Assembly declared 21 March as World Down Syndrome Day (A/RES/66/149). The General Assembly decided, with effect from 2012, to observe World Down Syndrome Day on 21 March each year.
For World Down Syndrome Day 2020, the theme is “We Decide”.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination- March 21

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on 21 March. On the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid “pass laws” in 1960.
In 1979, the General Assembly adopted a program of activities to be undertaken during the second half of the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. On that occasion, the General Assembly decided that a week of solidarity with the peoples struggling against racism and racial discrimination, beginning on 21 March, would be organized annually in all States. 
This year, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is focused on the midterm review of the International Decade for People of African Descent undertaken by the Human Rights Council in Geneva as part of its 43rd session.

International Day of Forests- March  21

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests in 2012.
The organizers are the United Nations Forum on Forests and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with Governments, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests and other relevant organizations in the field.
The Day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of all types of forests. On each International Day of Forests, countries are encouraged to undertake local, national and international efforts to organize activities involving forests and trees, such as tree-planting campaigns. The theme for each International Day of Forests is chosen by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests.
The theme for International Day of Forests 2020 is ‘Forests and Biodiversity’.

International Nowruz Day- March  21

International Nowruz Day was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution A/RES/64/253 of 2010, at the initiative of several countries that share this holiday.
Nowruz marks the first day of spring and is celebrated on the day of the astronomical vernal equinox, which usually occurs on 21 March. It is celebrated as the beginning of the new year by people all around the world and has been celebrated for over 3,000 years in the Balkans, the Black Sea Basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East and other regions. The word Nowruz (Novruz, Navruz, Nooruz, Nevruz, Nauryz), means new day.
Nowruz is an ancestral festivity marking the first day of spring and the renewal of nature.

World Water Day- March 22

World Water Day is an annual UN observance day (22 March) that highlights the importance of freshwater. The day is used to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
The theme for 2020 is “Water and Climate Change” and explores how the two issues are inextricably linked. 
In light of the growing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 campaign also promoted messages around handwashing and hygiene and gave guidance on staying safe while supporting the campaign.

Martyrs’ Day- March 23

Every year on March 23, Shaheed Diwas is celebrated. On this day, those who laid out their lives for us, and our Independence, are remembered.
The day, in particular, pays tribute to Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar, and Shivaram Rajguru who died on March 23 in 1931. They were hanged to death for assassinating John Saunders, a British police officer in 1928.
Every year various leaders remember the slain freedom fighters and express their regard and gratitude for them. They remember their courage, and their determination to vindicate Lala Lajpat Rai’s death.

World Meteorological Day- March 23

The theme for World Meteorological Day 2020 is ‘Climate and Water’.
World Meteorological Day is celebrated every year to commemorate the entry into force in 1950 of the convention that created the World Meteorological Organization.
The day also highlights the contribution that National Meteorological and Hydrological Services make to the safety and well-being of society. The United Nations’ (UN) World Meteorological Day is annually held on or around March 23 to remember the World Meteorological Organization’s establishment on that date in 1950.

World TB Day-March 24  

World Tuberculosis Day is observed on 24th March every year to raise public awareness about the devastating health, social and economic consequences of tuberculosis, TB, and to step up efforts to end the global epidemic.
The day is observed to commemorate the anniversary of Dr. Robert Koch’s discovery of the TB bacteria in 1882.
The theme of World TB Day 2020 – ‘It’s time’.
India is committed to eliminate prevalence of TB by 2025. To ensure this, India has launched “TB Harega Desh Jeetega Campaign”.

International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members- March 25

International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members is celebrated annually on 25 March.
The International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members is marked each year on the anniversary of the abduction of Alec Collett, a former journalist who was working for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) when he was abducted by armed gunman in 1985.  His body was finally found in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley in 2009.
This is a day to mobilize action, demand justice and strengthen our resolve to protect UN staff and peacekeepers, as well as our colleagues in the non-governmental community and the press.

International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade- March 25

International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade is a United Nations international observance designated in 2007 to be marked on 25 March every year.
The day honours and remembers those who suffered and died as a consequence of the transatlantic slave trade, which has been called “the worst violation of human rights in history”, in which over 400 years more than 15 million men, women and children were the victims.
2020 theme for International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade is: “Confronting Slavery’s Legacy of Racism Together”

World Theatre Day- March 27

World Theatre Day is celebrated annually on 27 March by ITI Centres and the international theatre community.
World Theatre Day was initiated in 1962 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI).
Various national and international theatre events are organized to mark this occasion. One of the most important of these is the circulation of the World Theatre Day International Message through which at the invitation of ITI, a figure of world stature shares his or her reflections on the theme of Theatre and a Culture of Peace. 

World Earth Hour Day- March 28

Earth Hour is celebrated every year on the Last Saturday of March. It is a worldwide movement organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). It encourages individuals, communities, and businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights, for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., as a symbol of commitment to the planet.

It was started as a lights-off event in Sydney, Australia, in 2007. Since then, it has grown to engage millions of people across 187 countries and territories to raise awareness for energy consumption and effects on the environment. This year Earth Hour was scheduled on March 28, 2020 (Last Saturday of March)

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