Important SBI PO Reasoning Questions| Series 2


ixamBee is back with SBI PO Reasoning important questions series 2. SBI PO exam has cut-throat competition and therefore you need to well versed with all the new pattern questions that can be asked in the SBI PO 2019 exam. SBI is known to surprise students with new pattern questions in SBI PO exams every year and therefore you need to have a thorough knowledge of all new pattern questions in reasoning. Let us learn about new pattern coding-decoding questions which are important for SBI PO 2019 exam.

SBI PO 2019: New Pattern Coding-Decoding Questions

Let us first understand what does Coding Decoding mean:

Coding is a process in which you need to answer questions based on various rules. A word, series, number or combination of numbers, words, series are given in a particular code/pattern which you need to identify.

Decoding is you need to interpret given coded pattern and revert it to the original form from the given rules.

Let us look at a few new pattern Coding-Decoding questions important for SBI PO exam:

In a certain code language,

‘prescriptive supervision can stifle’ is written as ‘36%U,   9*L,  121*L,  144%U’

‘without bothering about threat’ is written as ‘36%F,  25*F,  81*S,  49*F’

‘many executives exploit system’’ is written as ‘36%M,  49*F,  100%G,  16%A ’

  1. What is the code for ‘possible’ in the given code language?

1) 64*U

2) 64%W

3) 64*V

4) 64%U

5) None of these

Ans: 4

For the word ‘possible’

The number in the code represents the square of the total number of letter in the respective word i.e. ‘possible’ → 8² = 64

The symbol is coded as ‘*’, if the total number of letters of the respective word is odd otherwise it is coded as ‘%’. i.e. ‘possible’ → ‘%’.

The letter is the immediate preceding of reverse letter of the last letter of the respective word, i.e. ‘possible’ → the last letter is ‘e’ → U.


  1. What is the code for ‘central banks’ in the given code language?

1) 49*N, 25*G

2) 49*M, 25*H

3) 49%N, 25*G

4) 49%N, 25%G

5) None of these

Ans: 1

For the word ‘central’

The number in the code represents the square of the total number of letter in the respective word i.e. ‘central’ → 7² = 49

The symbol is coded as ‘*’, if the total number of letters of the respective word is odd otherwise it is coded as ‘%’. i.e. ‘central’ → ‘*’.

The letter is the immediate preceding of reverse letter of the last letter of the respective word, i.e.’ central’ → the last letter is ‘l’ → N.


For the word ‘banks’

The number in the code represents the square of the total number of letter in the respective word i.e. ‘banks’ → 5² = 25

The symbol is coded as ‘*’, if the total number of letters of the respective word is odd otherwise it is coded as ‘%’. i.e. ‘banks’ → ‘*’.

The letter is the immediate preceding of reverse letter of the last letter of the respective word, i.e. ‘banks’ → the last letter is ‘s’ → G.


  1. What is the code for ‘unintentionally in the given code language?

1) 225*X

2) 225%B

3) 225%Z

4) 225*A

5) None of these

Ans: 4

For the word ‘unintentionally’

The number in the code represents the square of the total number of letter in the respective word i.e. ‘unintentionally’ → 15² = 225

The symbol is coded as ‘*’, if the total number of letters of the respective word is odd otherwise it is coded as ‘%’. i.e. ‘unintentionally’ → ‘*’.

The letter is the immediate preceding of reverse letter of the last letter of the respective word, i.e.’ unintentionally’ → the last letter is ‘y’ → A.


  1. What is the code for ‘riskier option in the given code language?

1) 49%I, 36*L

2) 49*J, 36%O

3) 49*H, 36%L

4) 49%K, 36%N

5) None of these

Ans: 3

For the word ‘riskier’

The number in the code represents the square of the total number of letter in the respective word i.e. ‘riskier’ → 7² = 49

The symbol is coded as ‘*’, if the total number of letters of the respective word is odd otherwise it is coded as ‘%’. i.e. ‘riskier’ → ‘*’.

The letter is the immediate preceding of reverse letter of the last letter of the respective word , i.e.’ riskier’ → the last letter is ‘r’ → H.


For the word ‘option’

The number in the code represents the square of the total number of letter in the respective word i.e. ‘option’ → 6² = 36

The symbol is coded as ‘*’, if the total number of letters of the respective word is odd otherwise it is coded as ‘%’. i.e. ‘option’ → ‘%’.

The letter is the immediate preceding of reverse letter of the last letter of the respective word , i.e.’ option’ → the last letter is ‘n’ → L.


  1. What is the code for ‘balance’ in the given code language?

1) 49%V

2) 49*U

3) 49#V

4) 49%U

5) None of these

Ans: 2

The number in the code represents the square of the total number of letter in the respective word i.e. ‘balance’ → 7² = 49

The symbol is coded as ‘*’, if the total number of letters of the respective word is odd otherwise it is coded as ‘%’. i.e. ‘balance’ → ‘*’.

The letter is the immediate preceding of reverse letter of the last letter of the respective word , i.e.’ balance’ → the last letter is ‘e’ → U.

Now you have seen new pattern coding-decoding questions, ixamBee experts have explained such new pattern questions of each topic in SBI PO 2019 online course. our experts have provided videos, PDF notes, chapter tests which are very important for SBI PO 2019 exam.

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