In- Hand Salary of an RBI Grade B Officer


Reserve Bank of India

The Reserve Bank of India or RBI is the highest banking organization in India, being the Central Bank of India. It regulates all the banking activities that take place in all banks all-over India and manages the flow of money in the economy. Working in an organization like RBI surely looks attractive and lucrative. Two major options for entering this esteemed organization are through the recruitment examinations held for two major posts:

  1. RBI Grade B  
  2. RBI Assistant.

RBI Grade B is considered as one of the best jobs in the banking sector. One of the major reasons of RBI Grade B being an attractive job among the job aspirants is the appealing salary that you receive as an RBI Grade B Officer. He/ She enjoys lot many facilities along with respect and dignity that you earn in the society.

RBI Grade B Salary, Job and Benefits

A candidate who clears all the phases of the RBI Grade B Examination, is appointed for the job in one of the RBI Offices, where he/she has to go through a probation period of two years that can be extended to four years which depends on the individual performance of the candidate. Once the probation period gets over, a candidate may be posted to any branch location. An RBI Grade B Officer receives enough opportunities of getting promoted and reach higher levels in the hierarchy quite fast. An RBI Grade B Officer gets this opportunity of moving forward in the career through appearing in various promotional examinations and fast track promotion schemes. Some of the main roles of an RBI Grade B Officer are:

  • Managing government accounts.
  • To ensure smooth flow of currency in the financial system.
  • Designing guidelines for various Public Sector Banks
  • Stay updated about the country’s economy and all other activities related to it.

RBI Grade B Salary 2019

An RBI Grade B Officer receives an approximate salary of Rs 76000/- per month.

Basic Pay Pay Scale
Rs. 35,150 /- per month Rs.35,150 – 1750 (9)- 50900-EB-1750 (2)-54400-2000 (4)- 62400.

RBI Grade B Perks & Benefits

An RBI Grade B Officer is entitled to receive the following allowances:

  • Dearness Allowance
  • Local Allowance
  • House Rent Allowance
  • Family Allowance
  • Grade Allowance

RBI Grade B Officer: Other Facilities

  1. Bank’s accommodation
  2. Reimbursement of expenses related to vehicle maintenance for official purpose.
  3. Newspaper, telephone charges, book grant, allowance for furnishing of residence, etc.
  4. Free dispensary facility besides reimbursement of medical expenses
  5. Interest free festival advance
  6. Leave Fare Concession (once in two years for self, spouse and eligible dependents).
  7. Loans and Advances at concessional rates of interest for Housing, Vehicle, Education, Consumer Articles, Personal Computer, etc.
  8. The defined contribution New Pension Scheme (NPS)’, in addition to the benefit of Gratuity.

Therefore, we can conclude that the job of an RBI Grade B Officer rewards you quite fairly. Working in RBI itself is an altogether different experience and helps you in building a secure and bright career for yourself.

Also Read:

What It is Like to Be an RBI Grade B Officer?

How to Increase Your Chances of Success in RBI Grade B?

Full Form of RBI With All Details

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Abhishek Kumar
Abhishek Kumar
5 years ago

Is 76000 per month salary is included with all perks and allowance and after deduction ..??