LIC AAO 2019 Admit Card Out: Check & Download Now


LIC AAO 2019 Admit Card

LIC has just released the admit card for LIC AAO 2019 Examination. LIC had released the recruitment notification for Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) (Generalist/IT/Chartered Accountant/Actuarial/Rajbhasha) last month and most of the aspirants preparing for competitive exams apply for this one. LIC will conduct the online preliminary examination on 4th & 5th May 2019 and the Main Examination will be held on 28th June 2019. LIC has released the admit cards for LIC AAO Preliminary Examination. LIC has clarified that there will be no negative marking in the Prelims exam. Along with the admit cards LIC has also released a Prelims Exam Handout which will contain all the information about the examination and can be referred by the students if they need to know anything regarding the examination process. The LIC AAO admit card will consist of the date, time and venue of the examination. Candidates can download their admit cards from the official website of LIC by entering their Registration / Roll Number and password. 

Candidates are supposed to bring this admit card with their passport size photograph affixed along with a valid identity proof. The admit card also contains some instructions which the candidates need to follow before entering into the exam hall, else they will not be allowed to appear in the LIC AAO Prelims Examination.

LIC AAO 2019 Prelims

As the admit card for the LIC AAO Prelims Exam is out, all the candidates preparing for the same should start practicing mock tests on a faster pace now. It is time to check yourself and prepare for the final stage. LIC AAO 2019 Prelims will consist of three tests: English Language, Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning where English will be of qualifying nature. Qualifying Prelims is the first stage to achieve your desired goal. Thus, you should practice LIC AAO Free Mock Tests as much as you can and make yourself perfect in all the subjects. Attempting the exam is not an easy task but an art in itself. You should focus on the accuracy along with attempting enough questions to reach the cut-off score.

Download your LIC AAO Prelims Admit Card

Also Read:

LIC AAO 2019 Notification Complete Details

LIC AAO 2019: Complete Syllabus

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