LIC AAO Mains 2019: Section wise Preparation Strategy For Last 5 Days


LIC AAO Mains 2019: 5 Days To Go!!!!

LIC AAO Mains 2019 exam is scheduled on June 28, 2019. You have only 5 days left for the exam and these 5 days will be days of stress and panic. These last 5 days are very crucial because your months of preparation should not be overpowered by last-minute stress and panic. Many of you may be spending time in revision and practice and that’s the right thing to do now. If are you still thinking how to utilize these 5 days left before LIC AAO Mains 2019 exam to your utmost benefit?? Well, don’t!!!

In this blog, we will discuss the section wise preparation strategy to follow in the last 5 days left for LIC AAO Mains exam:

Lets first look at LIC AAO Mains 2019 exam pattern:

LIC AAO 2019 (Generalist) Main Exam Pattern:

Name of Tests No. of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of Exam Minimum Qualifying Marks Duration
SC/ST Others
Reasoning Ability 30 90 English & Hindi 40 45 40 minutes
General Knowledge & Current Affairs 30 60 English & Hindi 27 30 20 minutes
Data Analysis & Interpretation 30 90 English & Hindi 40 45 40 minutes
Insurance & Financial Market Awareness 30 60 English & Hindi 27 30 20 minutes
Total 120 300 2 Hours
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay) 2 25 English 9 10 30 Minutes

Section wise preparation strategy for LIC AAO Mains 2019:

Preparation Strategy for LIC AAO Mains Reasoning Ability

You need to answer 30 questions in 40 minutes. Therefore, revise all important topics and practice puzzles, syllogism questions as much as possible. While practicing keep a track on which questions are taking more time, this will help you on the actual day of the exam to utilize 40 minutes perfectly.

Preparation Strategy for LIC AAO Mains General Knowledge and Current affairs

To perform the best in this section, you need to be updated with all the current affairs. This section can be a very scoring one as you know the answer or you don’t, there is no guessing. You can also

Preparation Strategy for LIC AAO Mains Data Analysis and Interpretation

Revise all short cut tricks, formulae related to as many topics as you can. Practice questions on different topics and see which questions are taking more time and why. Because a few topics you may be solving in a longer method and therefore might be taking more time. Practice as much as you can.

Preparation Strategy for Insurance and Financial Markets

The one thing which will help in scoring high in this section is revising notes. This section like GA and Current affairs section is one of the most scoring ones as you are sure of the answer or not. Try to memorize as many questions as you can.

Preparation Strategy for English Language (Letter Writing and essay)

Keep in mind that this section if just qualifying in nature and you need to write one essay and one letter in 30 minutes. Therefore the last 5 days try to write letters and essays and try to limit the time to 30 minutes only.  Write essays on current affairs topics, this would be easy as you are already reading these topics under General Awareness and current affairs section. This way, you will be preparing for two topics.

Last but not the least, practice as many LIC AAO Mains 2019 mock tests as possible. Practicing mock tests will increase your confidence level and will also give you real-time simulation which will prepare you efficiently to take up LIC AAO Mains 2019 exam.

Click here to practice LIC AAO Mains 2019 free mock tests

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