LIC AAO Prelims 2019: Last Minute Effective Tips To Achieve Success


LIC AAO prelims exam is scheduled on May 4-5, 2019. Cracking LIC AAO exam being your goal, you have burned the midnight oil to prepare well and excel in the exam. To be better than your competition, you have to make use of each minute available to you as ultimately your performance on the day of the exam determines your road to LIC AAO Mains. To help you be ahead of the competition, we have come up with last minute tips for LIC AAO prelims exams which will help you crack the exam with high score.

Last Minute Tips for LIC AAO Prelims 2019:


Knowledge of the Syllabus is power

Knowing the LIC AAO prelims syllabus thoroughly before the exam day is a key to crack the exam. Being thoroughly aware of the syllabus and exam pattern will help you strategize the 60 minutes in a proper way.

                                                                                                                                       The first step to success is planning

Have a proper plan in your mind before you enter the exam hall which is also crucial to avoid any surprises on the exam day. You very well know your strong and weak areas and therefore plan in such a way that you utilize the 60 minutes to the utmost level. There is no negative marking, however, do not waste much of the time on questions you are not sure about.

Time is your most valuable ally

60 minutes are very crucial for you. Your performance in these 60 minutes is the stepping stone for you to enter LIC AAO mains exam. Try to answer questions you are confident about. Skip any questions you feel are taking more time, you can come to them in the end if you have time.

Hit the bullseye fast

Accuracy and speed are the key to crack LIC AAO Prelims exam. Though there is no negative marking, do not waste time on questions which you are not confident. Answer only those questions you are sure about and know the answers accurately.

Short notes can go a long way

Try to prepare short notes which you can revise during the last hour. Make short notes of shortcut tips, formulae, concepts, GK updates etc. Highlighting important points as well will be very useful in the eleventh hour.

Proper nutrition keeps the mind sharp

Have a nutritious and healthy breakfast before the exam to boost up your energy levels. Do not skip breakfast and go to the exam hall empty stomach.

A rested mind is an alert mind

Take at least 8-9 hours proper sleep a night before the exam as your brain requires proper rest to perform well on the day of the exam. Avoid last-minute stress, if you feel stressed try to take a few deep breaths by closing your eyes. Try to exercise before entering the exam, this will help in reducing the stress levels and clearing the mind as well.

Keep a checklist

Keep a checklist of all the important documents to be carried to the exam hall. You need to be at the exam centre for at least 3 hours before the reporting time. Below are the important documents you need to carry to exam hall:

  • Valid Call Letter
  • Passport Photographs
  • Photo ID proof
  • Aadhar Card

Remember, success comes to those who plan well ahead and keep the variables to a minimum. Make sure you follow all the points mentioned above, and you are sure to come out with flying colors.

Click here to practice free mock tests for LIC AAO Mains Exam

All the best!!

Always deliver more than expected – Larry Page, Co-Founder of Google.

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