LIC ADO Admit Card Prelims 2019 Out: Check & Download Now


LIC ADO Exam 2019

Life Insurance Corporation of India or LIC had released the recruitment notification for the post of LIC ADO (Apprentice Development Officer) had recently been released by LIC and a large number of candidates must have applied for it. The registration/application process has also been completed. LIC will be conducting an online examination for LIC ADO 2019 which will be held in two phases(Prelims & Mains) and will be further followed by third and final stage of Interview. As LIC has always been popular among all government job aspirants, therefore the competition for the post of LIC ADO can be expected to be tough enough and will require a focused approach. The LIC ADO Phase I or Preliminary Exam will be conducted on 6th and 13th July 2019. LIC has now released the admit card for LIC ADO Prelims as had already been intimidated by LIC in its official notification. All those candidates who have applied for the LIC ADO Exam can now download their admit card.

LIC ADO Admit Card Prelims 2019: What All Do You Need?

The admit card for LIC ADO 2019 Prelims Phase have been released by LIC and therefore without wasting even a minute, all the applicants should immediately donwload your LIC ADO 2019 Prelims Admit Card. Candidates can download their admit card till 6th July 2019. To make it hassle free, you should keep few useful points in mind:

  • Your Registration / Roll Number
  • Your Password: You can also enter your date of birth (DOB) as the password which has to be entered in the prescribed format (dd-mm-yy). Also, the DOB should be the same as entered while registration.
  • Your Registration number and password are also sent via auto-generated email and you can therefore find them easily in your email.

Download Your LIC ADO Prelims Admit Card Here

LIC ADO Prelims 2019 Exam: Points To Remember

  • Once you download your admit card, it is advised that you should go through the complete instructions mentioned in the admit card/call letter of LIC ADO Prelims.
  • You need to follow all those instructions where you will be guided regarding what all you need to bring and what ‘not’ to bring in the exam hall. Please follow the instructions strictly.
  • A common sight at the exam venue is that candidates do not bring their photographs / ID proof as instructed in the call letter/admit card. You ‘need’ to paste a passport size photograph on the admit card/call letter which you wil have to sign later in the presence of the invigilator.
  • This photograph should match with the one uploaded in the application form and also with the one that features in your identity proof.
  • You need to bring a ‘xerox copy’ of one of your identity proof along with the original, which is valid and features your correct credentials.
  • If you fail to produce the original document/photograph, you will not be allowed to appear for the exam.

As you are not left with much time for the LIC ADO Prelims, you should focus on revision and practice as much as you can. You should keep practicing LIC ADO Prelims Mock Tests and sharpen your knowledge and strengthen your preparation.

All The Best!

Also Read:

LIC ADO Preparation Tips

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