LIC Assistant Exam Notification Out!


LIC 2019 Assistant Recruitment    

LIC (Life Insurance Corporation of India) is counted as one of the  prevalent organizations in the Insurance sector. It’s a dream of many to work with the organization to give a boost to their career. LIC has come up with a golden opportunity for the aspirants who want to work in the Insurance sector. LIC has recently released its notification for LIC Assistant 2019. Interested candidates can apply for the post from 17th September to 1st October. The online examination date for LIC Assistant is on 21st October 2019 and 22nd October 2019.

LIC Assistant Exam Vacancy details

As LIC released vacancy for LIC Assistant after a long gap, it has a good number of vacancies under its pocket. There are around 8000 vacancies approx. for different zones all across the country. Candidates are advised to go through the official website to know about the vacancy details zone wise.

LIC Assistant Exam Important Dates:

LIC has  released its notification for the post of LIC Assistant 2019 to fill 8000 approx. vacancies all over India. It is important for the candidates to be aware about the important dates related to the exam. Aspirants can apply online from 17th September 2019 to 1st October 2019. Aspirants can  visit the official website of LIC India in between these two dates. Online examination for LIC Assistant 2019 prelims is going to be held from 21st to 22nd of October 2019.

Starting of Online registration 17th September 2019
Closure of Online registration 1st October 2019
Download of call Letter for Prelims  15/10/2019 to 22/10/2019
Date of Online examination 21/10/2019 to 22/10/2019
Date of Online examination To be notified later


LIC Assistant Exam 2019: Eligibility Criteria: 

A candidate must hold a graduation degree in order to apply for the post of LIC Assistant 2019. The age criteria of LIC Assistant is that a candidate must be between 18 years to 30 years of age i.e. a candidate should be born not earlier than 02.09.1989 and not later than 01.09.2001.(both days inclusive).

LIC Assistant Exam 2019: Selection procedure:

There are two phases involved in the selection procedure of LIC Assistant 2019 exam followed by document verification. These are:

  1. LIC Assistant 2019 Prelims exam.
  2. LIC Assistant 2019 Mains exam.
  3. Document verification.

 LIC Assistant Exam 2019: Exam Pattern

As already mentioned above, there are two phases in LIC Assistant Exam. Details of which are shown below:

LIC Assistant 2019 Prelims Exam Pattern:

Serial no. Section Number of questions Maximum marks Duration
1. English/Hindi Language 30 30 20 min
2. Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 min
3. Logical Reasoning 35 35 20 min
Total 100 100 60 min( 1 Hour)

LIC Assistant 2019 Mains Exam Pattern:

Serial No. Section  No. of questions Maximum marks Duration
1. General awareness 40 40 30 min.
2. General English 40 40 30 min.
3. Quantitative aptitude 40 40 30 min.
4. Reasoning and Computer aptitude 40 40 30 min.
5. Hindi language 40 40 30 min.
Total 200 200 2 Hours 30 min.


LIC Assistant Exam: Application Process:

Candidates who want to apply for the post of LIC Assistant Exam 2019 are advised to apply it in between 17th September and 1st October 2019. To help candidates in filling out the application form, the relevant steps are shown below:

  • Visit the official website of LIC:
  • As the notification has been released zone wise, you will have to select the appropriate link.
  • Click on the registration link and enter the required details.
  • You will be directed towards the next stage after the basic login details.
  • Fill the required details in the application form correctly.
  • Final step would be making the payment.
  • You will have to choose from any one of the online options given.
  • Submit the form. You will get the confirmation through email/sms.

LIC Assistant 2019 exam: Application Fee:

To complete your application process, you need to fill the application fee without which application process is incomplete. The application fee details for LIC Assistant Exam is provided below.

Category  Application fee
SC/ST/PWD Rs 85+ GST +Transaction Charges
All others Rs. 510 + GST + Transaction Charges


LIC Assistant Exam 2019 Preparation Strategy:

As the official notification for LIC Assistant is already released it’s high time to make a preparation strategy for the exam and start preparing for the same. Before making preparation strategy for the exam it is advised to go through the exam pattern and syllabus to have an idea about the exam and then start planning according to syllabus and time that is left for the exam. Make short term and practical goals so that you can achieve them easily, this will boost your confidence and motivate you to be on track. Sometimes doing all by yourself can become a task therefore, ixamBee is here to help you with the preparation of LIC Assistant exam. ixamBee provides an LIC Assistant Online Course which covers all topics that are in the syllabus of LIC Assistant Exam. Along with this we provide live doubt clarification classes and  study material. Candidates who are willing to take the course can go to the online course section and take the online course which will help you in securing a good score in the examination.

ixamBee also provides Free mock tests  to help students in scoring better in exams. Candidates need to visit the official website and click on the Free Mock Tests (FMT) section. In that section candidates will find mock tests for various exams. Candidates just need to register himself/herself and start taking the mock tests.

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5 years ago

Lic assistant exam m negative marking h???