LIC Assistant Prelims Admit Card 2019 Out


LIC Assistant Prelims Admit Card 2019 Out

Life Insurance Corporation of India or LIC is an insurance and investment corporation established in 1956 with the aim to protect the deceased person family from any financial crisis in case any casualty happens with the insured person or he/she becomes disabled on account of an accident. Every year LIC releases the notification for the recruitment of various posts in its organization all over India. LIC had recently released the notification for LIC Assistant post for which the exam was scheduled in October. So finally the wait is over as LIC has released LIC Assistant prelims admit card on its official website. The process for recruitment of LIC Assistant will take place in two phases-Prelims and Mains. The LIC Assistant prelims is scheduled to take place on the 30th and 31st October followed by LIC Assistant Mains for which the dates are not declared yet.

LIC Assistant Prelims Exam Pattern 2019

LIC Assistant prelims exam comprise of three sections –English Language/Hindi Language, Numerical Ability and Reasoning Ability. The composite time limit for LIC Assistant prelims exam is 1 hour with 100 questions. Each section has a different number of questions with a time limit of 20 minutes each. Besides this the minimum qualifying marks for general and reserved category are different. A look into the LIC Assistant Prelims Exam pattern given below-

LIC Assistant Prelims Section

LIC Assistant Maximum Marks

LIC Assistant Number Of Questions

LIC Assistant Qualifying marks



LIC Assistant Time Duration

Reasoning Ability





20 minutes

English Language/Hindi Language





20 minutes

Numerical Ability





20 minutes

Total Marks





60 minutes



LIC Assistant prelims exam is Bilingual i.e. Hindi/English. Marks obtained in the English/Hindi Language section will be of qualifying nature.

LIC Assistant Prelims Admit Card 2019: What All Do You Need?

The admit card for LIC Assistant Prelims 2019 has been released by LIC and you download your LIC Assistant prelims admit card by visiting the official website of LIC. LIC Assistant prelims exam admit card is available on the official website from 16th of October to 31st October. One can go through the steps mentioned below-

  • Visit the official website of LIC.
  • Click on the LIC Assistant preliminary examination call letter link.
  • Enter your registration number or roll number and password or date of birth.
  • Registration number and password are provided while you have filled LIC Assistant online application form.
  • After filling all the details mentioned above click on the language in which you want to take out the print of the LIC Assistant prelims admit card.

LIC Assistant Prelims 2019 Exam: Points to Remember

  • Once you download your admit card for LIC Assistant prelims exam, it is advised that you go through the complete instructions mentioned in the admit card/call letter of LIC Assistant.
  • For further details, you can also download the information hand-out that is provided along the LIC Assistant prelims admit card.
  • You need to follow all the instructions mentioned in the LIC Assistant prelims admit card to avoid any trouble.
  • You should bring the LIC Assistant prelims admit card with recent passport size photo affixed along with the photocopy and an original copy of the id proof.
  • The photograph should match with the one uploaded in the LIC Assistant application form and also with the one that features in your identity proof.
  • If you fail to produce the original document/photograph, you will not be allowed to appear for the LIC Assistant prelims exam.

As the exam is very near all the aspirants are advised to gear up their preparation and give a final touch to their preparation. Do not learn anything new and have faith in your abilities. You can also go through some of the LIC Assistant Mock Test provided by ixamBee.

IxamBee wishes you all the best for LIC Assistant prelims exam.

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