List of Important International and National Days in May 2021 with Theme


India is a hierarchical society with incredible diversity in almost every facet of life. There are numerous diversities, including ethnic, linguistic, regional, economic, religious, class, and caste groups, among others. Important Days are an important part of any competitive examination preparation. In this article, I am discussing the list of important days in May, national and international days, events, and festivals. This will aid in the preparation of various government exams such as SSC, Bank PO, SBI PO, IBPS PO, IBPS SO, Bank Clerk like SBI Clerk, IBPS Clerk, and PSC, among others. This will also give you an idea of what events are taking place in the month of May.

Let us have a look at the events that we celebrated in the month of May 2021, their theme and the reason behind their celebration. 

The Month May

The month of May is the fifth month of the year. It is one of seven months with a 31-day calendar. The month is named after the Ancient Greek goddess Maia. May was the third month of the year in early incarnations of the ancient Roman calendar. When January and February were added to the calendar, it became the fifth month.

May commemorates a variety of work gatherings and imprint days, such as International Labor Day, Coal Miners Day, International Firefighters Day, International Nurses Day,  World Asthma Day, National Anti-Terrorism Day, and National Endangered Species Day are all observed during the month, which addresses various important issues.

Important Days in May

Important Days in May
DateName of Important DaysTheme 2021For Your Information
1 May International Labour Day or May DayMaintaining safety and security at the workplace (2020), No theme for 2021In India, Labour Day is referred to as Antarrashtriya Shramik Diwas or Kamgar Din.
1 May Maharashtra DayNo ThemeMaharashtra Diwas is another name for it in Marathi. It is a state holiday in Maharashtra. On May 1, 1960, the state of Maharashtra was formed by the division of the Bombay State.
1 May Gujarat DayNo ThemeIt is a state holiday in Gujarat. The state of Gujarat was formed on 1 May, 1960 after the division of Bombay State.
2 May World Tuna DayNo ThemeIt is observed on 2 May and is established by the United Nations (UN) to raise awareness about the importance of tuna fish. The day was first observed in 2017.
2 MayWorld Laughter Day (first Sunday of May)No ThemeIn 1998, the first celebration took place in Mumbai, India. It was arranged by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement.
3 MayPress Freedom DayInformation as a Public GoodObserved to evaluate press freedom around the world and to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the exercise of their profession. 
4 MayCoal Miners DayNo ThemeCoal Miners Day is observed to honour the coal miners.
4 MayInternational Firefighters DayNo ThemeThis day is observed to recognise and honour the sacrifices that firefighter’s make to ensure that their communities and environment are as safe as possible.
4 MayWorld Asthma Day (First Tuesday of May)Uncovering Asthma MisconceptionsThe event is organised by the Global Initiative for Asthma. Asthma is a chronic inflammation of bronchitis causing cough, breathlessness, chest tightness etc. 
7 MayWorld Athletics DayNo ThemeObserved to raise awareness about sports among youth, in schools and institutions to promote athletics as the primary sport. 
7 MayRabindranath Tagore JayantiNo ThemeOne of India’s top artists, novelist, author, Bengali poet, humanist, philosopher etc. In 1913, he was honoured with the Nobel Prize in Literature.
8 MayWorld Red Cross DayTogether we are unstoppableThe founder of the Red Cross was Henry Dunant as well as the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). He was born in Geneva in 1828. He became the first recipient of the 1st Nobel Peace prize.
8 MayWorld Thalassaemia DayAddressing Health Inequalities Across the Global Thalassaemia CommunityObserved in honour of all patients suffering from Thalassaemia and for their parents who have never lost hope for life, despite the burden of their disease.
9 MayMother’s Day (Second Sunday of May)No ThemeMother’s Day was founded by Anna Jarvis who had given the idea of celebrating Mother’s Day in honour of mothers and motherhood in 1907. Nationally this day was recognised in 1914.
11 MayNational Technology DayScience and Technology for a Sustainable FutureObserved to highlight the important role of Science in our daily lives and encourage students to opt science as an option for a career. On this day Shakti, the Pokhran nuclear test was held on 11 May, 1998.
12 MayInternational Nurses DayA Voice to Lead-A Vision for Future HealthcareCelebrated to commemorate the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birthday.
15 MayInternational Day of FamiliesFamilies and new technologiesThe day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the issues related to the families and to increase knowledge about the social, economic and demographic processes that affect them.
15 MayArmed Forces Day (Third Saturday of the May)Teamed for DefenseThe day is celebrated to pay tribute to the men and women who served the United States Armed Forces.
17 MayWorld Telecommunication DayAccelerating Digital Transformation in challenging timesIt is also known as World Telecommunication and International Society Day. Since 1969, it has been celebrated annually. 
17 MayWorld Hypertension DayMeasure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live LongerThe day promotes awareness about hypertension and to encourage people to prevent and control this silent killer epidemic.
18 MayWorld AIDS Vaccine DayGlobal solidarity, shared responsibilityThis day marks the efforts of thousands of researchers, scientists, and health professionals who have contributed to the process of finding safe and effective AIDS medicine. It also focuses on the need of the vaccine.
18 MayInternational Museum DayThe Future of Museums: Recover and ReimagineTo raise awareness about the museum and their role in society. The International Council of Museums (ICOM) created International Museum Day in 1977. 
21 MayNational Anti-Terrorism DayNo ThemeTo spread awareness about the violence caused by the terrorists and also in the memory of former Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on this day.
21 MayNational Endangered Species Day (Third Friday in May)Sustaining All Life on EarthTo raise awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation and restoration efforts for all imperilled species
22 MayInternational Day for Biological DiversityWe’re part of the solutionTo increase awareness and understanding of the issues of biodiversity. 
26 MayBuddha Jayanti or Buddha PurnimaNo ThemeGautama Buddha is also known as ‘Jyoti Punj of Asia’ or ‘Light of Asia’.
31 MayNational Memorial Day (last Monday of May)No ThemeIt is also known as Decoration Day which originated during the years of Civil War and in 1971 it became an official holiday. On this day, people used to decorate the graves of the soldiers. So, it became a tradition of decorating graves with flowers, wreaths and flags.
31 MayAnti-Tobacco Day/World No Tobacco DayQuit tobacco to be a WinnerTo make people aware and educate them about the harmful effects of tobacco on health which causes cardiovascular diseases, cancer, tooth decay, staining of teeth and more.


Most government exams, such as RRB, SSC, and many other competitive exams, include a portion called General Awareness or General Knowledge in which questions about important dates are asked. So, in order to make your preparations easier, I’ve provided a detailed list of important days in May.

Staying up to date with Daily Current Affairs is important for competitive exam preparation. But, we mostly lag behind in practicing this habit in daily life. If you are also like me then learn all the weekly and monthly updates at BeePedia. BeePedia is a weekly and monthly general awareness capsule. 

Also Read:

World No Tobacco Day 2021: Theme, History, and Significance

Anti-Terrorism Day 2021: Importance, Significance, and History of May 21

Importance of May 18: Worlds AIDS Vaccine Day; International Museum Day

Happy International Day of Families: 2021

Eid-ul-Fitr 2021: Celebration, Significance and Importance

May 12: International Nurses Day and Other Important Events

May 7: Historical Important Events of May 7

All You Need To Know About National Technology Day

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3 years ago

Very well written articles with detailed information.. useful for all exams?