MAT 2019: Useful Last Minute Tips to Elevate Your MAT Scores


Management Aptitude Test (MAT) 2019 exam is scheduled to occur on February 17, 2019. Just a day left for the MAT exam, it is the day where you need to be calm and give your best. You know that MAT is one of the most popular entrance exams in India and therefore the competition would be very tough. You know your capabilities and giving your best on the D-day of the exam is in your hands.

MAT exam is conducted four times in a year in the months of January, May, September, and December. The exam consists of five sections namely Language Comprehension, Mathematical skills, Data Interpretation, Intelligence and critical reasoning and Indian and Global Environment with 40 questions each.

Let us look at section wise last minutes, which will help you perform better and score high in the MAT exam. Read on!!!

Language Comprehension:

This section has 40 questions to be answered in 30 minutes. Have a clear understanding of fundamentals, rules of Grammar etc and you can easily score high in this exam:

  • Grammar and spotting errors are important topics and you can expect majority questions from these topics.
  • Be careful while solving para jumble questions, they may be tricky sometimes and difficult to answer.
  • Try to answer all questions in Reading Comprehension as this can be a good scoring section.
  • Synonyms and antonyms should be on tip of your tongue.
  • If you find any new pattern questions, answer only if you are confident else skip it

Intelligence and Critical Reasoning:

This section can be termed as a time consuming one and questions would be very tricky in this section

  • Focus on passage conclusion, interference judgment, statement conclusion, arguments, syllogism
  • You also need to focus on questions based on analogy, directions, family tree etc.
  • While reading any question in this section keep in mind that you need to focus on the logic part.
  • As the questions will be tricky, you need to answers very carefully. Do not just guess, if you don’t feel confident just skip the question.

Data Analysis & Sufficiency:

  • Questions will be based mostly on data interpretation and can be very tricky
  • Focus on data comparison, graphs, tables etc
  • Try to solve the question quickly. Skip if you feel you are not able to solve the questions.
  • Do not spend too much time on a single question

Mathematical Skills:

  • Speed and accuracy matter the most in this section. It is one the scoring sections and if you are focused you will be able to score high in this section.
  • Revise all the formulae, short cut tricks, concepts
  • Average, Algebra, Geometry, Menstruation, Profit and loss, Permutation Combination, Ratio and proportion, Time and Distance are the topics you need to focus upon.
  • Blind guessing will not work as there is negative marking. Mark only if you the answer accurately.

India & Global Environment

  • You need to be updated with the current affairs and economic affairs to be able to answer in this section
  • This section would be a scoring one if you have knowledge about the entire ongoings.
  • Answer only the questions you are confident about, rest just skip.

Practice Free Mock Tests for MAT 2019 Exam

Now you know what things to focus and keep in mind while answering questions in each section. Let us look at some general last minute tips which will help you increase score in Mat 2019 exam.

General Tips for MAT 2019 exam:

  • Please read all the instructions carefully and take along Colored Admit Card, and Aadhar Card as ID proof.
  • Reach the examination hall at least an hour before the mentioned time to avoid any last minute stress.
  • Eat healthy breakfast on the day of the exam this will give you an added edge during exam time.
  • Last but not least take proper sleep night before the exam, to keep your mind fully active in the exam hall.

All the Best.

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