Monthly Salary, Perks & Benefits of PSI and PC in Karnataka 


Every year, the Karnataka Police Recruitment announces vacancies for various posts like Police Constable (PC), Police Sub Inspector (PSI), Head Constable, Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI), etc. PC and PSI are one of the most common and preferred posts among aspirants to apply for in order to establish their career in the Karnataka Police Department. 

PSI and PC salary image

This year the department announced its notification of 402 vacancies for the Police Constable(PC) position in March 2023. The application process was closed on May 5 2023 and the Exam date for Karnataka Police SI is yet to be announced. Also, the vacancies for the Police Sub-inspector (PSI) are likely to be released in the upcoming months. 

The major thing that everyone gets curious about, is the salary, perks, and benefits entertained by the Police Constable and Police Sub Inspector of Karnataka Police. In this blog, we are going to talk about the Salay, perks, and benefits of PSI and PC in the Karnataka Police Department. 

If you are interested in building your career in the KSRP, what else would make you feel more motivated other than knowing about their monthly salaries, Perks & Benefits? 

First of all, let us know the Growth and Promotion is the Karnataka Police Department to better understand the job roles and responsibilities. 

Hierarchy of the Karnataka State Reserve Police (KSRP) Department

The below Hierarchy chart is in ascending order:

Career growth and promotion of Police constable in karnataka, hierarchy of Police constable of KSRP image

Getting familiar with the job roles of both profiles is necessary in order to have a clear understanding of the differences in their perks and benefits.

Job Roles of PC and PSI in Karnataka 

Job Role of a Police Constable (PC)Job Role of a Police Sub Inspector (PSI)
Maintaining Law and Order 
Patrolling in the assisted area 
Take immediate action in any emergency situation 
Issue warrants 
Entitled to arrest rule violators and report the same.
Maintaining Law and Orders of areas under Jurisdiction. 
Maintain & supervise the Subordinates about their responsibilities.
Scheduling the beats and supervision of patrols.
Make schemes for the maintenance and cooperation of public welfare. 
Deliver warrants 
Arrest Lawbreakers 
Keep an eye on the activities in the Jurisdiction surrounding and report them to their seniors. 

As of now, you are aware of the Job Roles and responsibilities of the PC and PSI of the KSRP. It’s time to have a look at the perks and benefits of both posts. 

Monthly Salary, Perks, and Benefits of PC and PSI of KSRP

Monthly Salary of a Police Constable (PC) in Karnataka 

The 7th Pay Commission is followed in the salary distribution for the post of Police Constable of KSRP. Depending on the allowances and job location, the beginning salary range of a PC lies between ₹34,000/- to ₹35,000/-.

The Approximate Net (In hand) Salary of a Police Constable in Karnataka is: 

Total Salary: INR 34,000 to 35,000

Approximate Deduction: INR 2,800

Thus, the Net Salary would be INR 31,300 to 32,200. 

Perks and Benefits of a Police Constable (PC) of Karnataka State Reserve Police (KSRP)

  • House Rent Allowance (HRA)
  • Transport Allowance (TA)
  • Dearness Allowance (DA)
  • Retirement Pension
  • Leaves (like Paternity and maternity, sick leave)
  • Employee’s Provident Fund

Monthly Salary of a Police Sub Inspector (PSI) in Karnataka 

The Karnataka State Police Sub-Inspector receives a monthly salary of ₹37,900 as per the 7th CPC (central pay commission). In addition to this base salary, they are eligible for various allowances, including Dearness allowances, Travel allowance, House rent allowance, and more. The actual salary of a Karnataka State Police Sub-Inspector is determined based on their posting and job responsibilities.

Pay scale of the Karnataka PSI Salary 

The initial Salary is of INR 37,900 for the next two years and INR 950/- as an increment in both years. 

Next 6 years: INR 39,800 and annual increment of INR 1.100 in those years. 

Next 6 years: INR 46,400 and annual increment of INR 1,250 in those years. 

Next 8 years: INR 53,900 and annual increment of INR 1,450 in those years.

Next 3 years: INR 65,600 and annual increment of INR 1,650 in those years.

Perks and Benefits of a Police Sub Inspector (PSI) of Karnataka State Reserve Police (KSRP)

  • Employees working in big cities are given City Compensatory Allowance. 
  • Travel Allowance (TA)
  • Medical Allowance 
  • Dearness Allowance (DA)
  • Leave Encashment Allowance
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA)
  • Retirement Pension
  • Leaves (like Paternity and maternity, sick leave)
  • Employee’s Provident Fund

Moreover, knowing about the salary,  perks, and benefits of a certain post gives the utmost level of motivation in order to start preparing for that specific exam. Now you are well aware of the monthly salary, perks, and benefits of P and PSI salaries in Karnataka. It’s time to start preparing by making a study plan, giving free mock tests, and other strategies.


The Karnataka Police Department offers career opportunities for individuals aspiring to join as Police Constables (PC) and Police Sub Inspectors (PSI). The job roles of PC and PSI involve maintaining law and order, patrolling, taking action in emergencies, issuing warrants, and ensuring public safety within their respective jurisdictions. 

It is important for aspiring candidates to understand the job responsibilities, growth opportunities, and perks associated with these positions to make an informed career choice in the Karnataka Police Department.

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