NABARD Grade A/B Exam 2019
National Bank for Agricultural & Rural Development or NABARD had recently released its recruitment notification for NABARD Grade A & Grade B Officer. The number of vacancies announced by NABARD for the post of Grade A Officers were 79 and 08 vacancies were announced for the post of NABARD Grade B Officers. NABARD Recruitment Notification is always much awaited among all the job aspirants. NABARD conducts an online examination in two phases for both Grade A & B Officers. The first phase i.e. Preliminary Exam of NABARD Grade A Recruitment 2019 was conducted on 15th June 2019 and Grade B Exam was conducted on 16th June 2019. The results for the NABARD Grade A & B Phase I were released few days back.

NABARD Grade A/B Phase 2 Admit Card
NABARD has now released the admit card for both NABARD Grade A & B Officer Phase 2 (Mains). The NABARD Grade A (Phase 2) Main Examination has been scheduled to be held on 27th July 2019 and NABARD Grade B (Phase 2) Main Examination is set to be conducted on 28th July 2019. Candidates can download their admit card from the official website of NABARD by following some basic instructions.
NABARD Grade A/B Phase 2 Admit Card: How to Download?
Candidates can download the admit card for NABARD Grade A & B by following some simple instructions:
- Once you click on the above links, you will be directed to the login page where you can download the call letters by entering the information required.
- Once you reach the login page, you need to enter the Registration No / Roll No and Password / DOB(dd-mm-yy) at the required places to download the NABARD Grade A call letter and NABARD Grade B Call Letter.
- Registration number and Password are generated at the time of registration and are emailed to your personal email ID (given at the time of registration).
- You need to ensure that the date of birth is the same as the one entered at the time of registration.
- The date of birth should be entered in DD-MM-YY format.
Download NABARD Grade A Phase 2 Admit Card here.
Download NABARD Grade B Phase 2 Admit Card here.
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